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Recent and latest events of the Società di Danza
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Last update: April, 5, 2024
Some recent events of the Società di Danza
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Training course for Teachers
della Società di Danza

Year 2023-2024
national school, cycle of
stages from September 2023 to March 204
Stage: 1 - 17/9, 2 - 15/10, 3 - 5/11/2023, 4 - 14/1/2024 - 5 - 4/2/2024, 6 - 3/3/2024
Messina: stages from October 2023 to March 2024

Teacher's Seminar and training for new teachers and Study group of advanced level dancers with the commitment to grow together in the improvement of the technique, in the knowledge of the repertoire and in the maturation of the ideas of ourManifesto
Info: info@societadidanza.it
22 July - 2 September 2023



7-10/4/2023 - Castel S. Pietro (Bo)

Training course for Teachers
della Società di Danza

Year 2022-2023
national school, cycle of
stages from September 2023 to March 2023
Messina: stages from October 2022 to March 2023

Teacher's Seminar and training for new teachers and Study group of advanced level dancers with the commitment to grow together in the improvement of the technique, in the knowledge of the repertoire and in the maturation of the ideas of ourManifesto
Info: info@societadidanza.it


August 2022

News 2022

Fabio Mòllica

Johann Strauss

Il valzer, Vienna e la danza (The Waltz, Wien and the dance)

Alle origini della musica da ballo (The origin od the ball music)

Dino Audino Editore, 2022
pp. 110
Isbn: 9788875275297

i Books bySocietà di Danza


15-18 April 2022
Castel San Pietro Terme (Bo)

Training course for Teachers
of Società di Danza

Year 2021-2022
2021: Bologna 19/9-10/10, Firenze 31/10,
Rome 20/11, Stezzano (Bg) 21/11,
2022: Bologna 9/1 - 6/2, Rome 5/3, Verona 6/3
Messina 2021: 4/7, 26/9, 17/10, 14/11
2022: 16/1, 20/2, 13/3
Teachers' Seminar and training for new teachers and Study group of advanced level dancers with the commitment to grow together in the improvement of the technique, in the knowledge of the repertoire and in the maturation of the ideas of our Manifesto
Info: info@societadidanza.it

*** Courses are active! ***
Courses of 19th century dance and Scottish dance of Società di Danza
for all the levels - year 2021-2022
www.societadidanza.it - info@societadidanza.it

Training course for Teachers
of Società di Danza

the course is active - year 2021-2022

News 2021

Fabio Mòllica

Alle origini della danza di società

Il ballo in Occidente dalla Rivoluzione francese
al Congresso di Vienna

(The origin of the social dance
Dance from French Revolution to the Wien Congress)

Isbn: 9788875273361

Dino Audino Editore, 2021
Books of Società di Danza

Holyday and dance 2020

Summer 2020
Villa Massimo di Landro
, Gioiosa Marea (Me)


Holyday and dance 2021

Summer 2021
Villa Massimo di Landro
, Gioiosa Marea (Me)


Courses of 19th Century dance and Scottish Country Ddance
of Società di Danza in all the cities
www.societadidanza.it - info@societadidanza.it
Training course for Teachers
of Società di Danza

Year 2020-2021
Year 2020: 20/9, Bologna, 3/10 Roma, 4/10 Verona, 27/9, 11/10 Messina
Year 2019-2020
Calendar 2019-2020
22/9 - 6/10 - 3/111, 23/112 - 24/11/20193
12/1 - 25/14 - 26/13 - 12/2 - 9/2 - 20/9/2020
1 Firenze, in 7th National Meeting
2Milano, 3Roma, 4 Verona
Info: info@societadidanza.it

7th National Meeting
of Società di Danza

Palazzina Ex Fabbri
Scuderie Granducali

2-3 November 2019

Theoretical-practical seminar
Dance Stage History of 19th Century dance

Further information

Info: info@societadidanza.it

Holiday and Dance 2019

Summer 2019
Villa Massimo di Landro

Gioiosa Marea, Golfo di Patti (Me)



19 - 22 aprile 2019
Castel San Pietro Terme (Bo)

Training course for Teachers
of Società di Danza

Year 2018-2019
Calendar 2018-2019
23/9 - 7/10 - 4/11*, 25/11/2018
13/1 - 10/2 - 3/3 - 7/4/2019
* Firenze, in 6th National Meeting
Info: info@societadidanza.it

New Year Grand Ball 2019
Società di Danza
National Federation

Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà
Bologna - 1/1/2019

in the event 'Dancin'Bo' organized by Comune di Bolonga

Patronage Regione Emilia Romagna

6th National Meeting
Società di Danza

Palazzina Ex Fabbri
Scuderie Granducali

3-4 November 2018

19th Century dance and historical dance
Theoretical-practical seminar
Dance Stage

Further information

Info: info@societadidanza.it

Grand Bal d'Europe


Grand Ball
Grand Bal d'Europe

Friday 27 july 2018
Cercle Royale Gaulois, Salle des Caryatides
Entrance by invitation and reservation
Contact info@societadidanza.it

Summer Scottish Party
Tuesday 24 July 2018, h. 19-22
Info info@societadidanza.it

Dancing Evening
Thursday 26 July 2018, h. 19-22
Grand Ball dance rehearsals


Holyday and Dance 2018

Summer 2018
Villa Massimo, Landro di Gioiosa Marea (Me)

Week Stage - Activities
30/6-7/7/2018 Holyday and Dance
7-14/7/2018 23th SUMMER SCHOOL
Course of 19th Century Dance
with Società di Danza Russa -
Dance school in collaboration with Siberian Società di Danza Siberiana by A. Abramova. Quadrille, Scottish country dance, waltz, polka and mazurka. Five days school.
14/7-4/8/2018 Holyday and Dance
4-11/8/2018 23th SUMMER SCHOOL
Course of 19th Century Dance and Scottish Country Dance

Dance school for beginners and intermediate levels.
Quadrille, Scottish country dance, waltz, polka and mazurka. Five days school.
5-18/8/2018 Holyday and Dance
18-25/8/2018 23th SUMMER SCHOOL
Teachers' and Advanced School

Study of the repertoire and advanced technique. Five-day school.
25/8-8/9/2018 Holyday and Dance

Grand Ball in the Baroque Land
27 April - 1 May 2018
28 April 2018
- Grand Ball
Palazzo Arezzo di Trifiletti, Ragusa Ibla


30 March - 2 April 2018
Tabiano (Pr)


Training Course for Teachers
of Società di Danza

Year 2017-2018

Cycle of stages - Calendar
24 September 2017 Bologna
15 October 2017 Bologna
19 November 2017 Stezzano (Bg)
26 November 2017 Firenze
10 December 2017 Bologna
7 January 2018 Bologna
4 February 2018 Bologna
4 March 2018 Bologna
22 April 2018 Bologna

Info: info@societadidanza.it

Fabio Mòllica
Storia della Danza di Società
Dalla quadriglia al valzer alla polka
alla mazurka fino al ragtime

(History of Social Dance)

Dino Audino Editore, 2018 - pp. 157
Isbn: 9788875273941
Books of Società di Danza

New Year Grand Ball and Concert 2018
Società di Danza
Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà - Bologna - 1/1/2018

New Year Grand Ball Concert poster
Information: info@societadidanza.it

V National Meeting
of Società di Danza

28-29 October 2017
Seminar on
19th Century dance and historical dance

Istituto Salesiani, Via del Ghirlandaio 40, Firenze
National event of
Federation Società di Danza edition 2017
Theoretical practical seminar
Quadrille, couple dances, ancient reel and jig, cotillon
Further information
Information: 339. 8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Summer 2017
Villa Massimo
Landro di Gioiosa Marea (Me)


Grand Ball in the Prussian Castles
Dance in Berlin e Brandeburg

22 - 29 July 2017

A journey to the Prussian castles,
to Berlin and Brandeburg,
in one of the best European capitals
and an opportunity to meet new dancing friends

Grand Ball
Friday 28 July 2017

Scottish Dance Evening
Wednesday 26 July 2017

Information: info@societadidanza.it

News 2017

Fabio Mòllica
Manuale di danza dell'800
Passi e figure delle danze di società
(Manual of 19th Century dance)
Diagrams by Simonetta Balsamo

Dino Audino Editore, 2017 - pp. 148
Isbn: 9788875273361
Books of Società di Danza


14-17 April 2017
Tabiano (Pr)


Training school for teachers of the Società di Danza
VII edition

Three years course with monthly stages open to dancers of advanced level
New teachers have completed the 7th edition of the Training School
for teachers of the Società di Danza.
25/9 and 9/10/2016 Modena, 29-30/10/2016 Firenze (National Meeting),
13/11/2016 Stezzano (Bg), 4/12/2016 Firenze, 8/1/2017 Modena,
5/2/2017 Modena, 5/3/2017 Bologna, 2/4/2017 Modena
Next course will start in September.
Information: info@societadidanza.it





Società di Danza

presents in
Patronage of

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New Year Gran Ball 2017

Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà
1 January 2017

In the largest existing historic salon in Italy,
We realize the classic 19th Century Grand Ball
to celebrate the New Year
Live music performed by Orchestra Carisch
in collaboration with three Onlus AGEOP, AIL and AIDO

For information: info@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza National Meeting
Firenze, Limonaia di Villa Strozzi
29-30 October 2016

Theoretical-practical seminars and stage
'Group dances and couple dances in Europe,
United States and Russia in 19th century'
'Ball dress for lady and gentleman in 19th century'
'Ball etiquette in 19th century'
Festa 25th Anniversary
Organized together with Quartiere 4, Comune di Firenze
Further information - Info: info@societadidanza.it


Summer 2016
Villa Massimo, Landro di Gioiosa Marea (Me)


Imperial Grand Ball
Dance in Saint Petersburg

21 -25 April 2016

A journey in space and time
to discover some aspects of the 19th century culture
in one of the best world capitals
and to meet new dancing friends

Grand Ball Saturday 23 April 2016
Information: info@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza

Imperial Grand Ball
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Imperial Hall Taleon

Società di Danza realized in Bologna
New Year Grand Ball 2016
Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà
1 January 2016

in collaboration with
AGEOP (Assistence to the children of Pediatric Oncology) and
AIL (Italian Association against leukemia)
Patronage Comune di Bologna, Regione Emilia Romagna
Information: info@societadidanza.it


25-28 March 2016
Tabiano (Pr)


   Società di Danza
Dancing Mozart - Danzare Mozart
Sunday 28 February 2016 and 25 October 2015, h. 10.00-13.30
Palazzo Grassi, via Marsala 12, Bologna
Two seminars on the sociel dance of XVIII century
Stage of social dance at the time of Mozart
Contradance, Allemande, Minuet

Limited number of participants. Reservation is needed.

Information: info@societadidanza.it

Training course for teachers
of Società di Danza

20 September 2015 Modena
11 October 2015 Modena
31 October 1 November 2015 Firenze - national meeting
15 November 2015 Roma
6 December 2015 Firenze
10 January 2016 Modena
14 February 2016 Stezzano (Bg)
6 March 2016 Bologna
17 April 2016 Modena

Information: info@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza
III Società di Danza
National Meeting

31 October - 1 November 2015
Villa del Poggio Imperiale, Firenze
The national event of
Società di Danza edition 2015
will be in Florence inthe historical Villa di Poggio Imperiale
Theoretical-practical seminars
'Social dance in Italy in 19th century'
The 19th century ball dress for ladies and gentlemen
Hairstyle dance in 19th century
logo.gif Grand Ball Risorgimentale
for 'Firenze Capitale'

Patronage Comune di Firenze
in the program of Firenze Capitale 1865-2015

Società di Danza


  • Basic dance course
  • Grand Ball at Palazzo Biscari (Catania)
  • Dancing Mozart - Social dance of '700
  • Stage on waltz history and technique
  • Tribute to John Drewry - Scottish Country Dance
  • Grand Ball at Palazzo Ajutamicristo (Palermo)
  • Teacher and Advanced School
  • Viet Tai Chi
Calendar and details

Società di Danza

Grand Ball in Prague
30 April - 3 May 2015

Two informal dancing evening on April 30th and May 1st
Nineteenth Century Grand Ball on May 2nd

in collaboration with Prague Group
of Società di Danza


3-6 April 2015
Tabiano (Pr)


Società di Danza

Verdi Grand Ball

25 Janury 2015, h. 15.30
Villa Pallavicino, Busseto (Pr)
Società di Danza
in collaboration with
Museo Nazionale Giuseppe Verdi

Società di Danza

II National Meeting of Società di Danza
1-2 November 2014
Villa del Poggio Imperiale, Firenze
The national event of Società di Danza edition 2014
in Florence in the marvellous historical Villa di Poggio Imperiale
Theoretical-practical seminars.
Special Stage of 19th century dance and Scottish dance
19th century Grand Ball
Fashion show of 19th century dress

Further information
Information: 339. 8316008 - info@societadidanza.it


Grand Ball

Balls, tea dance and events

Several grand balls, tea dances
and events are organized
by Circoli and groups of the
Società di Danza: see the local pages

Dance Summer 2014

Russian Società di Danza School
and Dance and Holiday

July-August 2014
Villa Massimo
Gulf of Tindari, Patti (Me), Sicily
Detailed information
Video Villa Massimo

19th Summer School
Stage Intermediate Level
, 26/7-2/8
Teacher's Stage , 23-30/8

Stage Russian Società di Danza, 19-26/7

Dance and Holiday:
28/6-5/7 (Opening), 5-12/7, 12-19/7, 2-9/8,
16-23/8, 30/8-6/9, 6-13/9
Mare        Fiori

Holiday and Dance
in Salento - 19-26 July 2014
Castello De Viti de Marco
Casamassella - Otranto (Lecce)
23.7 Scottish Party
24.7 Dinner and 19th century dance
25.7 19th century dance Grand Ball

Training school for teachers of the Società di Danza - VI edition
Three years course with monthly stages open to dancers of advanced level
New teachers have completed the 6th edition of the Training School
for teachers of the Società di Danza. Next course will start in September.
Information: info@societadidanza.it

XXII Easter School

18 - 21 April 2014

Terme di Tabiano (Pr)

Three days of dance in the Parmesan hills. Dance of 19th century and Scottish country dance.

Società di Danza

19th Century Ball Dress
of Società di Danza

2.11.2013 - Salsomaggiore Terme
presented at Ist National Meeting
of Società di Danza
or on the picture to see the video

Video channel of Società di Danza:
To see the video full screen click on the video or on its title - Each video has subtitles in English, French, Russian and Chinese.
2. What is
the Società di Danza
3. Why I have chosen
the Società di Danza
4. The Grand Ball

Società di Danza


Film produced by the Società di Danza to tell, with images, ideas and the work of the study and dissemination of its system of nineteenth-century dance: the lessons, the dancing, the system, the ideas, motivations, the Grand Ball Ottocentesco. Directed and screenplay by Fabio Mòllica.
Information: info@societadidanza.it

Stage for advanced dancers and teachers
Special seminars for advanced dancers and for teacher training
Salsomaggiore 2/11/2013 - Stezzano 24/11/2013 - Roma 1/12/2013, 19/1/2014,
Stezzano 26/1/2014, Modena 2/2/2014, Firenze 16/2/2014

I Meeting - Società di Danza
Salsomaggiore Terme, 1-3 November 2013
1 November:

2 November:

3 November:

h. 15-19: Stage
h. 21 Theoretical seminar
h. 9-12.30 - 15-18.30 Stage
h. 21.30 Fashion show of 19th century dress
h. 9.30 Film show "Un'Idea di Danza" and Backstage Film
h. 15.00 National Party Società di Danza

Further information

Holiday and Dance
in Salento, Apulia
24-31 August 2013
Torre Vado, Morciano di Leuca (Le)
A week of sea and holiday
and events of
19th century dance and Scottish dance

27.8 Scottish Party
30.8 19th century Grand Ball

Società di Danza

The film
Società di Danza
Rome, 3-10 August 2013

Stage and 19th century Grand Ball
19th century Grand Ball
Palazzo Brancaccio, Roma

info: info@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza
18th Summer School
4 - 7 July 2013
Maiori - Amalfi coast (Sa)
Director: Fabio Mòllica

Stage of Social dance of European tradition
Three days of dance and holiday on the Amalfi coast.
Lessons in the late afternoon, dancing evening and a Grand Ball in Maiori.

Società di Danza

The streets of the Prince of Salina
The Grand Balls of 'Il Gattopardo'

25 April - 1 May 2013
The discovery of the Nineteenth Century Palermo
and places that animated the culture of the novel 'Il Gattopardo' ('The Leopard') by Tomasi di Lampedusa
Two 19th century Grans Balls of Società di Danza in the historical halls of Palermo

21th Easter School
29 March - 1 April 2013, Terme di Tabiano (Pr)

Direction: Fabio Mòllica

Three days of dance study and community life
in the nature of the Parmesan hills. Dance classes, seminars and dancing evenings.
Classes organized in three levels.
19th century social dance: quadrille, waltz, mazurka, polka and Scottish country dance.
The teacher staff includes the guest teacher Helen Russell of the Royal Scottish Country Dance.
Classes and seminars in the morning and afternoon, evenings devoted to parties.
See the page for the news
Social dance of 19th century tradition
waltz, quadrille, polka, mazurka and Scottish country dance

Società di Danza

Grand Ball
at Palazzo Brancaccio

Società di Danza

19 November 2012

Società di Danza

Grand Ball
Palazzo Reale di Napoli

2 November 2012, h. 15-18
Sala Diplomatica
Palazzo Reale di Napoli

Holiday and Dance
Grand Balls in Salento
25/8 - 1/9/2012, S. Cesarea Terme (Le)
27.8: Scottish Party
Grand Ball: 29.8: Villa Tamborino, Maglie
Castello di Corigliano d'Otranto

Società di Danza

Holiday and Dance - Loira Castles
Grand Balls
4 - 11 August 2012
A week of Holiday and Balls in the Loira Valley.
Visit to the most beutiful French castles
and dance in the courtyards and historic squares.
19th century Grand Balls and dancing evening

5/8 Grand Ball at Valencay Castle

8/9 Social Dancing evening in Tours

9/8 Grand Ball at Amboise Castle

Società di Danza

17th Summer School
of the Società di Danza

12 - 15 July 2012
Terme di Tabiano (Pr)

Stage of 19th century European social dance
Quadrille, Watz, Polka,
Mazurka and Scottish country dance.

Società di Danza

Grand Ball in Palazzo Farnese
di Caprarola

10 June 2012
under the patronage of
Soprintendenza ai Beni Artistici di Roma

Società di Danza

National 19th Century Grand Ball
Saturday 19 May 2012
Ferrara, Piazza del Municipio
h. 18.30

Società di Danza

Dance in Saint Petersburg

25/4 - 1/5/2012
A journey in space and time
to discover some aspects of the 19th century culture
in one of the best world capitals
and to meet new dancing friends.

30.4 19th century Grand Ball
28.4 Scottish Ball

Società di Danza

20th Easter School
6 - 9 April 2012

Sestola (Modena)
Three days of dance in the natural park
of the Emilian Apennines with dance, seminars amd dancing evenings.
Social dances of 19th Century tradition: waltz, quadrilles, polka, mazurka and Scottish country dance

Società di Danza
New Year Grand Ball 2012
by Società di Danza
directed by F. Mòllica

Sunday, 1st January 2012
Salone del Podestà, Palazzo Re Enzo

h. 15.30: First Ball, h. 17.30: Second Ball - Information: info@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza

Grand Ball in Villa Reale di Monza

Sunday 20 November 2011
Reggia di Monza

h. 15.30-20

Anniversary Party
of Società di Danza

Sunday 13 November 2011, h. 15-19
Savoia Hotel Regency
via del Pilastro 2, Bologna

for the twenty years of
Società di Danza

1991 - 2011

Società di Danza

Grand Ball Risorgimentale
for the 150 years of United Italy

by Società di Danza directed by F. Mòllica

Saturday, 10 September 2011, h. 17 logo.gif
Caserma Cernaia, Via Cernaia 23

Free entrance by invitation. Further information

Società di Danza

Holiday and Dance
Grand Balls in Salento
20-27 August 2011, Borgo Cardigliano (Le)
22.8: S. Cesarea Terme, 24.8: Palazzo Risolo, Specchia
Grand Ball Risorgimentale, Lecce

Società di Danza

Grand Ball Risorgimentale in Budapest

1-8 August 2010

Grand Ball Risorgimentale
5.8: Scottish Grand Ball
6.8: Grand Ball Risorgimentale

Società di Danza

XVI Summer School
14 - 17 July 2011
Bagni di Lucca (Lu)
School of Nineteenth Century social dance of European tradition

Società di Danza

XIX Easter School
April, 22 - 25, 2011

Sestola (Modena)
Three days of dance in the natural park
of the Emilian Apennines with dance and social events.
Social dances of XIX Century tradition: waltz, quadrilles, polka, mazurka and Scottish country dance

Società di Danza

Gran Ballo dell'Unità d'Italia

by Società di Danza
directed by F. Mòllica

Milano, Palazzo Reale

20 March 2011

in occasion of the visit of the President of Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano

New Year
Grand Ball

Grand Ball Risorgimentale
by Società di Danza
directed by F. Mòllica
Società di Danza

1 January 2011
Salone del Podestà, Palazzo Re Enzo

Società di Danza

Gran Ballo Risorgimentale in Prague

29 October - 1 November 2010

Sunday 31 October: Gran Ballo Risorgimentale

Hlahol, close to the National Theater

Friday 29 and Saturday 30 October: dancing evenings,
Tyrsuv Dum

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Gran Ballo Risorgimentale
at Villa Torlonia


Sunday, 19 September 2010
h. 11-18
Villa Torlonia

Società di Danza

Dance and Holiday

Grand Balls in the capitals of the
Apulian Baroque
21-28 August 2010

Società di Danza

XV Summer School
Cesana Torinese

24 - 31 July 2010
School of social dance of European

Grand Ball - Castle of Agliè
30 July 2010

Società di Danza

Victorian Grand Ball

1 - 4 July 2010

Friday 2.7 Scottish Summer Dance - Chiswick Town Hall
Saturday 3.7 Victorian Grand Ball - Fulham Town Hall

photo: Garrick Maguire
Società di Danza

XVIII Seminario Pasquale
2 - 5 April 2010

Busana (Reggio Emila)
Three days of dance in the natural park of the Emilian Apennines with dance and social events.
Social dances of XIX Century tradition: Waltz, quadrilles, polka, mazurka and Scottish country dance

photo: Garrick Maguire

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Gran Ballo Risorgimentale
Palazzo Ducale - Accademia Militare
Salone d'Onore

Modena, 5 February 2010

Società di Danza

Gran Ballo alla Reggia di Caserta
La Reggia delle Meraviglie

28-29 November 2009
Grand Ball at the Reggia

Società di Danza

Società di Danza International Meeting
August, 22-30, 2009
23.8 XIX Century Gran Ball in Villa Ivanoskoe

25.8 Scottish Country Dance evening

26.8 Tour to Zaritzina

27-28.8 Two dancing evenings with the Russian groups

29.8 Imperial Gran Ball

Information: info@societadidanza.it

XIV Summer School 2009
Gran Ballo Romantico - II edition
Ludwig's Castles, Füssen, Bavaria

July, 25 - August, 2, 2009
Social dance of European tradition
Waltz, quadrilles, polka, mazurka and Scottish country dance
Romantic Gran Ball
Information: info@societadidanza.it

photo: Benny Benevento - Comune di Modena

Società di Danza

Modena, June 27, 2009

Gran Ballo Estense

Piazza Grande, h. 21
with Orchestra Città di Modena

in the event 'Serate Estensi', Comune di Modena

photo: Benny Benevento - Comune di Modena

[ Società di Danza Home Page | News | The "Società di Danza" | Contact | Classes | Schools | Books | Congress | Performance |Picture Gallery |Video | Dance links ]

email : info@societadidanza.it