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Società di Danza - New Year Grand Ball and Concert 2018

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Società di Danza
National Federation

Società di Danza invites to

New Year Grand Ball and Concert 2018

Salone del Podestà di Palazzo Re Enzo, Bologna

1 January 2018
Patronage of

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In collaboration with

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h. 14 arrival
h. 16.00 - 18.00 Grand Ball

See below how to get the invitation

Poster (pdf)

Società di Danza invites you to

New Year Grand Ball and Concert 2018 a Bologna

Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà

To celebrate New Year's Day, Bologna invites you to the New Year Grand Ball.
In the largest historical hall in Italy Società di Danza presents the now classic New Year Grand Ball to celebrate the New Year

Live music by the 20 elements Orchestra Arké directed by Mo. Enrico Guerzoni.

The dancers are members of various groups and cities of the "Società di Danza", founded in Bologna in 1991 by Fabio Mòllica
with the aim of studying and promoting historical dance.
The event is organized in collaboration with the ONLUS (charity) of Bologna, to which funds will be collected by signing up invitations:

Public entrance by invitation - See below for information.

Patronage of Comune di Bologna and Regione Emilia Romagna

Dancers of Società di Danza, founded in Bologna in 1991 by Mo. Fabio Mòllica
that aims to studying and promote the knowledge of historical dance.


h. 14.00    Arrival
h. 16.00 - 18.00    Grand Ball

Public enterance from h. 14.00

Dance program for the dancers of Società di Danza
First Part: Entrance, Spanish waltz, March 'Arciduca Guglielmo', Flora Quadrille (I-III), Waltz à la Paganini, Pas des trois, Cindarella, Artists' Quadrille (I-III), Flowers' Waltz,
Schubert March, Contraddanza Questa o Quella, Mazurka Fata Morgana, Venus Quadrille (I-III), Waltz Ricordi, Contraddanza Galop Cinese

The cultural association "Società di Danza", founded in Bologna in 1991 by Fabio Mòllica, is a Federation of Circoli and groups,
is now located in many Italian cities and several European cities

Further information:
info@societadidanza.it o chiamare +39 339 8316008

For the public, information about the invitation for the Grand Ball at: contact: info@societadidanza.it

  • AIAS, tel. 366.7530758 - ccampagnoli@aiaisbo.it
  • AIDO, tel. 051.358470 - bologna.provincia@aido.it
  • AIL, tel. 051.397483 - info@ailbologna.it
  • AIRC, tel. 344.1582944 - com.emilia.romagna@air
  • AGEOP, tel. 051.399621 - valeriat.ageop@aosp.bo.itc.it
  • FANEP, tel. 051.346744 - info@fanep.org
  • UILDM, tel. 329.9395384 - info@uildmbo.org
  • Società di Danza, tel. 347.1814048 - bologna@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza

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