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New Year Grand Ball
Società di Danza

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New Year Grand Ball: Edition 2012 - Edition 2016 - Edition 2017 - Edition 2018 - Edition 2019

Società di Danza developed and promotes the project New Year Grand Ball.

The project by Società di Danza started in Bologna in 2011 to celebrate the First day of the New Year. It is realized under the direction of Fabio Mòllica,
in collaboration with Comune di Bologna and the participation e con la partecipazione of Groups and cities from all over Italy.
It has developed over the years in the form of Grand Ball and Concert also with the collaboration of Orchestras and with
public and private associations and institutions, in particular with various non-profit organizations, for charitable purposes.
The New Year Grand Ball is a project of National Federation Società di Danza and is developed with
the organizative support of Società di Danza Bolognese.

To celebrate the first day of the New Year, Bologna vi invites to
New Year Grand Ball

For one afternoon only the notes by Paganini, Verdi, Rossini, Donizzetti, Mendelsohn and Strauss
and the elegant costumes of the dancers of the Società di Danza recreate
at Palazzo Re Enzo the atmosphere of the 19th century, when the Grand Ball was the core of the social life and dancing a means of cultural exchange common to all the West.

The dancers are members of various groups and cities of the Società di Danza, founded in Bologna in 1991 by Fabio Mòllica, with the aim of studying and promoting historical dance.

Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà, Bologna

New Year Grand Ball 2011 of Società di Danza
Bologna, 1 January 2011

Gran Ballo Risorgimentale by Società di Danza
directed by Fabio Mòllica;
1 January 2011

For the opening of the celebrations for the 150th unification of Italy.
With the participation of the Circoli and groups of the Società di Danza.

Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà

in collaboration with Comune di Bologna

h. 15.30, Entrance - h. 16, Start of the ball

The Grand Ball of the Risorgimento ideally represents a ball organized by the patriots to celebrate the successful Unification of Italy.
As in the rest of the country, Bologna citizens celebrated the victories of the Risorgimento movement and the ideals of freedom, justice and progress
with a series of Grand Balls inside theaters and private palaces.
The Grand Ball is realized as a ball made by Italian citizens who want to celebrate the founding values of United Italy.

Some photos
La Repubblica - Photo gallery - 2.1.2011
Corriere of Sera - Corriere di Bologna - Photo gallery
The Cultural Association Società di Danza, founded in Bologna in 1991 in Bologna by Fabio Mòllica, is a Federation of Circles and Groups,
it is active in many Italian cities and various European cities. Since 2008 it has further developed a national Gran Ballo Risorgimentale national project to raise awareness of the themes of the Risorgimento and of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy.
The project Gran Balli Risorgimentali è realized in the main Italian cities and Bologna was chosen to inaugurate the 150th anniversary celebrations.

New Year Grand Ball 2012 of Società di Danza
Bologna, 1 January 2012

by Società di Danza, directed by Fabio Mòllica
1 January 2012

With the participation of Circoli and groups of Società di Danza .

Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà

in collaboration with Comune di Bologna

h. 15.30, First ball - h. 16, Second ball

To celebrate the first day of the New Year, Bologna invites you to a Grand Ball.
Partecipano i danzatori provenienti dai circoli e città of Società di Danza, fondata a Bologna nel 1991 dal Mo. Fabio Mòllica allo scopo di studiare e diffondere la danza storica. For an afternoon the notes of Paganini, Verdi, Mendelsohn and Strauss and the elegant costumes of the dancers of Società di Danza recreate a nineteenth-century atmosphere at Palazzo Re Enzo, when the Gran Ball was the central moment of social life in the city and dance was an element of cultural exchange common to the whole West.
Participatin of dancers from Circoli and cities of Società di Danza, founded in Bologna in 1991 by the Mo. Fabio Mòllica in order to study and promote historical dance.
Some photos
La Repubblica - Photo gallery - 2.1.2012
Il Resto del Carlino - Photo gallery - 2.1.2012
Service RAI TG3 - Emilia Romagna - 2.1.2012
Service DgTv online - 2.1.2012

New Year Grand Ball 2016 of Società di Danza
Bologna, 1 January 2016

by Società di Danza, directed by Fabio Mòllica
1 January 2012

With the participation of Circoli and groups of Società di Danza.

Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà

in collaboration with Comune di Bologna

h. 16.00 - 17.15: I parte del Ballo - h. 17.45 - 19.00: II parte del Ballo

To celebrate the first day of the New Year, Bologna invites to the New Year Grand Ball.
In the largest historical hall in Italy, Società di Danza presents a 19th-century Grand Ball to celebrate the New Year. The event is organized in collaboration with two non-profit organizations,
  • l'AGEOP (Assistenza ai bambini dell'Oncologia Pediatrica)
  • l'AIL (Associazione Italiana contro le Leucemie)
to which the funds raised by signing the invitations went.
Patronage of Comune di Bologna and Regione Emilia Romagna

Partecipation of dancers from many Circoli and cities of Società di Danza, founded in Bologna in 1991 by the Mo. Fabio M & ograve; llica in order to study and disseminate historical dance.

New Year Grand Ball and Concert 2017 of Società di Danza
Bologna, 1 January 2017

by Società di Danza, directed by Fabio Mòllica
1 January 2017

With the participation of Circoli and groups of Società di Danza.

Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà

in collaboration with Comune di Bologna

h. 16.00 - 17.15 First ball - h. 17.45 - 19.00 Second ball

To celebrate the first day of the New Year, Bologna invites you to a Grand Ball.
In the largest historical hall in Italy Società di Danza presents a 19th-Century Grand Ball to celebrate the New Year

Live musicby Orchestra Carish of 24 elements.

The event is organized in collaboration with three non-profit organizations
  • l'AGEOP (Assistenza ai bambini dell'Oncologia Pediatrica)
  • l'AIL (Associazione Italiana contro le Leucemie)
  • AIDO (Associazione Italiani per la Donazione d'Organi)
to which the funds raised by signing the invitations went. Entrance by invitation

Patronage of Comune di Bologna and Regione Emilia Romagna

Partecipations of dancers coming from many Circoli and cities of Società di Danza, founded in Bologna in 1991 by the Mo. Fabio M & ograve; llica in order to study and disseminate historical dance.

New Year Grand Ball and Concert 2018 of Società di Danza
Bologna, 1 January 2018

by Società di Danza, directed by Fabio Mòllica
1 January 2018

With the participation of Circoli and groups of Società di Danza.

Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà

Patronage of Comune di Bologna and Regione Emilia Romagna

h. 14 arrival - h. 16.00 - 18.00 Grand Ball

To celebrate the first day of the New Year, Bologna invites you to the New Year Grand Ball and Concert.
In the largest historica hall in Italy Società di Danza presents the now classic 19th-Century Grand Ball to celebrate the New Year.

Live music by Orchestra Arké, of 20 elements,
directed by Mo. Enrico Guerzoni.

The event is organized in collaboration with the Bologna ONLUS, to which the funds raised with the signing of the invitations went:
Entrance by invitation

Participation of dancers coming from several Circoli and cities of Società di Danza, founded in Bologna in 1991 by the Mo. Fabio Mòllica in order to study and promote historical dance.

New Year Grand Ball 2019 of Società di Danza
Bologna, 1 January 2019

by Società di Danza, directed by Fabio Mòllica
1 January 2019

With the participation of Circoli and groups of Società di Danza.

Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà

h. 16.00 Grand Ball

in the event 'Dancing'Bo' organized by Comune di Bologna

Patronage of Regione Emilia Romagna

To celebrate the first day of the New Year, Bologna invites you to the New Year Grand Ball and Concert.
In the largest historica hall in Italy Società di Danza presents the now classic 19th-Century Grand Ball to celebrate the New Year.

Participation of dancers coming from several Circoli and cities of Società di Danza, founded in Bologna in 1991 by the Mo. Fabio Mòllica in order to study and promote historical dance.

Several Circles and groups of have participated in the various editions Società di Danza from the cities:
Alessandria, Ancona, Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Caserta, Cesena, Chieti, Como, Cuneo, Erba, Faenza, Ferrara, Firenze, Forlì, Imola,
Lecce, Lecco, Livorno, Lucca, Mantova, Milano, Modena, Monza, Napoli, Novara, Padova, Parma, Pavia, Pisa, Ravenna,
Roma, Salerno, Siena, Trento, Torino, Trieste, Varese, Verona, Viareggio and from Switzerland (Ginevra) and Russia (Mosca, Novosibirsk)

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