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Società di Danza - New Year Grand Ball 2016

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Società di Danza invites to

New Year Grand Ball 2016

Salone del Podestà di Palazzo Re Enzo, Bologna

Società di Danza
by Società di Danza directed by F. Mòllica

1 January 2016


Società di Danza invites you to

New Year Grand Ball 2016 in Bologna

Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà

To celebrate New Year's Day, Bologna invites you to the New Year Grand Ball.
In the largest historical hall in Italy Società di Danza presents a New year Grand Ball to celebrate the New Year
The event is proposed and organized in collaboration with two Onlus,
AGEOP (Assistence to the children in the Pediatric Oncology) and
AIL (Italian Association against leukemia)
Patronage of Comune di Bologna and Regione Emilia Romagna

The dancers are members of various groups and cities of the "Società di Danza", founded in Bologna in 1991 by Fabio Mòllica
with the aim of studying and promoting historical dance


h. 16.00 - 17.15    First Ball
h. 17.15 - 17.45    Break
h. 17.45 - 19.00    Second Ball

The cultural association "Società di Danza", founded in Bologna in 1991 by Fabio Mòllica, is a Federation of Circoli and groups,
is now located in 34 Italian cities and several European cities
Further information:
info@societadidanza.it o chiamare +39 339 8316008
Società di Danza

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