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''Società di Danza''

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2. What is
the Società di Danza

3. Why I have chosen
the Società di Danza

4. The Grand Ball
by Società di Danza

Società di Danza is a Federation of cultural associations, and previously a cultural associaiton
directed and funded by Fabio Mòllica in Bologna in 1991.
From October 2007 la Società di Danza is a Federation of Circoli, groups and individuals that agree with the Manifesto, the System and the Educational Material.
Federation Società di Danza was founded formally on 23/9/2012 and registered in Modena on 27/9/2012.

It performs historical research on Nineteenth Century and Historical dances.
The society aims at reconstructing a dance system belonging to the European tradition. The dances are: quadrilles, country dances, waltzes, polkas and mazurkas.
We aim at reasearching the artistic technique that in the Nineteenth Century made these dances especially important for the dancing masters and not only mass enjoyment.
The Società di Danza is an affiliated group of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society . logo.gif
The Federation Società di Danza aims to coordinate the activities of national and international Associations Società di Danza.

Since 1991 Società di Danza achieved the following:

Since 2007 Società di Danza continued, developed and expanded these actvities of
study, research, training, practice and dissemination
of 19th century social dance of European tradition, and moreover:

See also realized events and recent events. See Curriculum of the Società di Danza
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email : info@societadidanza.it