Realized events - cinema
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Realized events dalla Società di Danza

Home > Past events > Cinema

The Società di Danza Proposes the realization of historical dance choreography, with special attention to XIX Century historical dance, to be inserted in film productions.

See also realized events - Video.

Fabio Mòllica realized the choreoghraphy of the 19th Century ball
in the movie

"La Vita che Vorrei"

directed by Giuseppe Piccioni,
with Luigi Lo Cascio and Sandra Ceccarelli

produced by Lionello Cerri, 2004

The dancers of the Società di Danza participated to the ball scenes.
Foto Foto

The Società di Danza realized the choreoghraphy of the 19th Century ball
in the movie "Pisa, donne e Leopardi", directed by Roberto Merlino, produced by Corte Tripoli Cinematografica, 2010

The dancers of the Società di Danza participated to the ball scenes.
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Last update: October 2011 - email :