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Some pictures from the balls, performances , schools and seminars organized by Società di Danza

Some photos of:

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19th Century Balls - Some international Balls

See the complete list of balls andevents
19th Century Dance - Some Balli National
Some Grand Balls Risorgimentali National - 2011

See the complete list of balls risorgimentali of Società di Danza

  • Grand Ball dell'Unità d'Italia
    Palazzo Reale, Milano
    in collaboration with
    Museo di Palazzo Reale
    for the visit of the Presidente of Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano.
    National Società di Danza
    groups from all over Italy
    for the 150th years of Unification of Italy

National Grand Balls - 1995-2019
  • New Year Grand Ball
    Salone del Podestà, Palazzo Re Enzo Bologna
    Patronage of Comune di Bologna, Regione Emilia-Romagna
    in 'Dancig'Bo', Comune di Bologna
    National Società di Danza
  • New Year Grand Ball and Concert
    Salone del Podestà, Palazzo Re Enzo Bologna
    Patronage of Comune di Bologna, Regione Emilia-Romagna
    collaboration Aido, Aia, Ageop, Ail, Airc, Fanep, Uildm
    National Società di Danza
  • New Year Grand Ball and Concert
    Salone del Podestà, Palazzo Re Enzo Bologna
    Patronage of Comune di Bologna, Regione Emilia-Romagna
    collaboration Onlus Ageop, Ail, Aido
    National Società di Danza

photo: Roberto Del Bo
  • New Year Grand Ball
    Salone del Podestà, Palazzo Re Enzo Bologna
    Patronage of Comune di Bologna, Regione Emilia-Romagna
    collaboration Onlus Ageop e Ail
    National Società di Danza
  • New Year Grand Ball
    Salone del Podestà, Palazzo Re Enzo Bologna
    in collaboration with Comune di Bologna
    National Società di Danza
    photo: Il Resto del Carlino,La Repubblica,...

Grand Balls dell'Unione Europea - 1995-1999
  • Grand Ball dell'Unione Europea
    Bologna, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Pisa
    edit. 1998: P.za Maggiore (Bo), P.za Grande (Mo), P.za Prampolini (RE), Cortile of Sapienza (Pi)
    in collaboration with Comuni di Bo, Mo, RE, Pi
    Società di Danza
    photo: P.Biagetti
Some national e international Scottish balls, parties, and events
Società di Danza is an affiliated group of Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Note: for a complete list refer to the pages of the various groups.

Pictures form some balls, events and activities in the various cities organized per year.
Note: for a complete list refer to the pages of the various groups.
Year 2022 Year 2021
Year 2020 Year 2019 Year 2018 Year 2017 Year 2016 Year 2015 Year 2014 Year 2013 Year 2012 Year 2011
Year 2010 Year 2009 Year 2008 Year 2007 Year 2006 Year 2005 Year 2004 Year 2003 Year 2002 Year 2001
Year 2000 Year 1999 Year 1998 Year 1997 Year 1996 Year 1995 Year 1994 Year 1993 Year 1992 Year 1991

Some schools

Some seminars

  • Nordica 2007-2008
    Bergamo (Stezzano), Milano, Trento
    19th century dance - theory and practice

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Last update: July 2022 - email: info@societadidanza.it