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Società di Danza - Grand Ball Risorgimentale

Società di Danza
Grand Ball Risorgimentale

by Società di Danza
directed by F. Mòllica
10 September 2011

logo.gif Provincia di Torino in collaboration with Società di Danza
invites you to

Grand Ball Risorgimentale in Torino

To celebrate the 150° years of the Unit of Italy.
with the participation of groups of the Società di Danza.

Caserma Cernaia, Via Cernaia 23, Torino

10 September 2011, h. 16, Entrance - h. 17, Ball

Grand Ball Risorgimentale
Società di Danza

In the Caserma Cernaia to experience the atmosphere of the Italian Risorgimento, Saturday 10 September 2011, we present the "Grand Ball Risorgimentale"
directed by maestro Fabio Mòllica of the cultural association "Società di Danza", that promotes the research, diffusion and historical dance knowledge.
The Grand Ball Risorgimentale is proposed by the Provincia di Torino, in collaboration with the Arma dei Carabinieri and with the artistic direction of the
association Società di Danza directed by Fabio Mòllica.

The Grand Ball Risorgimentale is a tribute to the history and to the founding values of the Italian society,
whose roots are in the democratic and liberal culture of the Risorgimento.
Citizens celebrated the victories of the Risorgimento movement and the ideals of freedom, justice and progress with a series of Grand Balls
inside theaters and private palaces.
Social dances include quadrilles, waltz, polka, mazurka, march and contredance, and they will be coordinated by dancing master Fabio Mòllica.

In the historical caserma Cernaia, gently offered by the Arma dei Carabinieri, the Grand Ball celebrates the 'dancing Unification of Italy',
with the participation of about 300 dancers in 19th century dresses, coming from all over Italy. logo.gif

The Grand Ball Risorgimentale starts at 17, public entrance from 16 in Via Cernaia 23.

The historical Caserma Cernaia is the headquarter of the Scuola Allievi (Training School) dell'Arma dei Carabinieri, it is named after
a victorious battle of the Crimean War, and was built on the grounds of the Citadel of Turin, an ancient fortress dismantled to make way
for urban expansion. Furter information (in Italian)
The cultural association Società di Danza, funded in Bologna in 1991 by Fabio Mòllica, is a Federation of Circoli and groups,
it is acive in 28 Italian cities and 12 European cities.
For the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, since 2008 the cultural association "Società di Danza" has developed
a national project and organized Grand Balls of the Risorgimento in the major Italian cities.
Torino concludes the celebrations of this tribute.

Grand Ball Risorgimentale is attended by the Circoli and groups of the Società di Danza coming from all over Italy.

The Grand Ball has been realized by groups of the Società di Danza from cities of all Italy, that share a common project 'Gran Ballo Risorgimentale' which Società di Danza has been carrying on since 2008 and that in the entire year 2011 led to the realization of several significant national events, starting from the New Year Grand Ball in Bologna, Salone del Podestà on 1.1.2011, in Milano in March, in Palazzo Reale, and in very many italian cities.
The project Gran Ballo Risorgimentale has been now realized in Torino, for its special meaning in the Italian history, and for the celebration of the 150 years of unification of Italy, in collaboration with Provincia di Torino.

The Grand Ball has been realized by about 370 dancers of the Società di Danza coming from groups, branches (Circoli) and cities of
Torino and: Asti, Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brugherio, Cuneo, Castelfranco Emilia, Cesano Maderno, Ferrara, Faenza, Firenze, Forlì, Imola, Lecco, Livorno, Lucca, Lugo, Mantova, Massa-Carrara, Milano, Mirandola, Modena, Monza, Napoli, Padova, Pescara, Pisa, Roma, Salerno, Siena, Stezzano, Trento, Viareggio.
Moreover some historical groups of the Provincia di Torino attended the 'Grand Ball':
'Conti Orsini', 'Historia Subalpina', 'Nobità Sabauda' e 'Ventaglio d'Argento'.
The 'Grand Ball Risrogimentale has been coordinated and directed by Fabio Mòllica, funder and director of the cultural association Società di Danza.
How to participate
Free admission by invitation
The Grand Ball Risorgimentale is open to citizens, to receive invitations (nominal) contact at the headquarters of Provincia di Torino,
Palazzo Cisterna, Segreteria di Presidenza, via Maria Vittoria 12
from Monday 5 to Friday 9 September from 10 to 18.30.

Provincia di Torino - 10.9.2011 (In Italian)
Provincia di Torino - 30.8.2011 (In Italian)

For further information:
info@societadidanza.it or call +39 339 8316008
Società di Danza

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