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Gran Ballo Russo - Società di Danza

Gran Ballo Russo
Saint Petersburg
25 April / 4 May 2008

Some photos: Russian Gran Ball, outside, XIX century dance, Scottish dance evening

A journey in space and time to discover some aspects of the XIX century culture
in one of the best world capitals and to meet new dancing friends.
We will join the pleasure of the knowledge of the beautiful city of St. Petersburg with the pleasure of dancing with XIX century dance groups
coming from several Russian cities, participating to the
Festival Anno Domini of ancient dance organized by Nastasja Belaja.
We will realize the Gran Ballo Russo in the XVIII century Palace
of the St. Petersburg University

25 April: departure, arrival at a St. Petersburg and transfer from the airport to the Hotel.
From 26th April to 4th May every morning and first part of the afternoon will be devoted to tourism, tours and visits.
In the afternoon and evenings there will be dance classes, informal dancing evenings with Scottish dance and XIX century dance,
together with the groups of St Petersburg and other Russian cities.
Gran Ball in XIX century dress on May 3th evening
Departure on 4th May.
Some details:
April, 26: Scottish dancing evening wit the associations of St Petersburg
April, 27: XIX century dance evening wit the associations of St Petersburg
April, 28: Russian Feast
April, 30: Presentation evening of the Festival Anno Domini
May 1st: Class of XIX century dance with Russian groups.
May, 2: Class of XIX century dance with Russian groups.
May, 3: Russian Gran Ball in the hall of the St Petersburg University Palace

For Italian people we orgainza a trip all inclusive.
Foreing people that would like to participate, please contact Società di Danza, info@societadidanza.it".
We will stay at the Hotel Dostoevskij.

For further information: info@societadidanza.it.

Società di Danza - Società di Danza International