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Società di Danza International Meeting

Società di Danza International Meeting
22 - 30 August 2009

XIX Century dance and Costume Ball


Saturday 22.8 Arrival
Sunday 23.8 Dancing evening with Russian groups
Monday 24.8 Free
Tuesday 25.8 18.00-21.00 - Scottish Country Dance evening con la RSCDS Moscow Branch
Wednesday 26.8 15.00 - Tour to Zaritzina
Thursday 27.8 19.00-21.00 - Dancing evening with Russian groups
Friday 28.8 19.00-21.00 - Dancing evening with Russian groups
Saturday 29.8 Imperial Gran Ball
Sunday 30.8 Departure

Organized by Società di Danza in collaboration with the Dance School Trianon Studio of Moscow

Video - Photo
Servizio televisivo
Servizio tv -long - part I - Servizio tv - long - part II
Some photos: Gallery 1 (by Tatyana Francis Efremova), Gallery 2 (by Jana Suhanova), Gallery 3 (by Garrick Maguire), Gallery 4 (by Vitaly)

For further information and registration:
info@societadidanza.it or call +39 339 8316008


Società di Danza - Società di Danza International