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Società di Danza - Grand Ball in Budapest


    Grand Ball Risorgimentale - Budapest, Hungary

1 - 8 August 2011

Grand Ball Risorgimentale in Budapest


h. 17
2.8        Grand Ball Unit of Italy
Hungarian National Museum
h. 18
5.8      Scottish Grand Ball    
Società di Danza and
Budapest Scottish Country Dance Club

Academy of Science
h. 18
6.8     Grand Ball Unit of Italy
Hungarian National Museum


For information :
info@societadidanza.it tel. +39 339 8316008

Some pictures
Link to some photos







Hungarian National Museum

Academy of Science - Congress room

We shall dance in the marvellous Halls of the Hungarian National Museum and the Academy of Science.


   Grand Ball Risorgimentale

Società di Danza
Hungarian National Museum

Tuesday 2 August, h. 17
   Grand Ball Risorgimentale

Società di Danza
Hungarian National Museum

Saturday 6 August, h. 18
Spanish Waltz Spanish Waltz
French Quadrille
Quadrille Una Notte a Venezia
Nice to see you
Highland Fair
Waltz Acquerelli
Waltz Rinka
Quadrille Maestro Dun
Mazurka Vespri Siciliani
Marsch Risorgimentale
Quadrille Maestro Dun
Waltz à la Paganini
Waltz Simpatia
Mazurka Fata Morgana
Pas de trois
Quadrille delle Muse
Waltz del Tramonto
March Roma
Quadrille Muse
Waltz Flammen
March Caroussel
   Scottish Grand Ball
Società di Danza and
Budapest Scottish Country Dance Club
Academy of Science

Friday 5 August, h. 18
1. Haste to the Wedding (J8x32) 2C (4C set) - RSCDS Bk 35
2. The Reel of the Royal Scots (R8x32) 3C (4C set) - RSCDS Bk Leflets
3. Fair Donald (S8x32) 3C (4C set) - RSCDS Bk 29
4. The Whiteadder Jig (J8x32) 3C (4C set) - M. Johnstone
5. The Scotch Circle (R5x32) RR 2C - RSCDS Bk 24
6. The Wishing Well (S8x32) 2C (4C set) - RSCDS Bk 44
7. Mrs Stewart Sinton's Reel (J8x32) 3C (4C set) - RSCDS Bk Graded
8. The Chapman (R8x32) 3C (4C set) - RSCDS Bk 25
9. The Bees of Maggieknockater (J4x32) 4C (4C set) - J. Drewry, Canadian Bk
10. Nice to See You (R32) 3 facing 3 - RSCDS Bk 40
11. Sugar Candie (S8x32) 3C (4C set) - RSCDS Bk 26
12. Lady Catherine Bruce' Reel (SJ8x32) 2C (4C set) - RSCDS Bk Graded
13. The Hungarian Bride (R5x48) 5C
14. Adieu Mon Ami (S8x32) 3C (4C set) - RSCDS Bk 24
15.The Merry Dancers (Jx32) 3C (4C set) - RSCDS Bk 4
16. Gibson's Gallop (R2) RR 1C - J. Drewry, Greenburn Bk 2
- Mairi's Weddding (R8x40)
- Happy Meeting (J8x32)

3C (4C set) - Cosh
2C (4C set) - RSCDS Bk 29

Grand Balls and Holiday in Budapest
1-8 August 2011


Monday 1 August Afternoon: arrival to Hotel Hilton,
Hess Andr´s tèr 1-3.
Free evening
Tuesday 2 August Free day h. 17: Grand Ball Risorgimentale
Hungarian National Museum
Wednesday 3 August Tour by pullman of Società di Danza to Lake Balaton:
to be reserved
Thursday 4 August Tour by pullman of Società di Danza to Visegrad-Szentendre-Esztergom:
to be reserved
Friday 5 August Free day h. 18: Scottish Grand Ball
Academy of Science
Saturday 6 August Free day h. 18: Grand Ball Risorgimentale
Hungarian National Museum
Sunday 7 August Tour by pullman of Società di Danza to Royal Palace Godollo:
to be reserved
Monday 8 August Departure

Grand Ball of Unità d'Italia, Museo Nazionale ungherese, Múzeum körút 14-16, Budapest
Scottish Grand Ball, Academy of Science - Congress Room, MTA Társadalomkutató Központ Országház utca 28-30, Budapest
Further information on the Scottish Grand Ball.
A map of places.

See Budapest in a larger map

Some information about Budapest
Some links:
Budapest - wikipedia, Budapest town site, Hungarian Turist Office.
Information on bus in Budapest: www.bkv.hu.

Tour in Budapest
For the daily tours we use the bus of the Società di Danza.
It is necessary to reserve in advance the place on bus for each tour.
The tour destination and organization details could be modified for reasons of force majeure.
To make reservation and further information (time, cost, ect.) contact Società di Danza.

For further information and reservation:
info@societadidanza.it tel. +39 339 8316008
Società di Danza - Società di Danza International