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Società di Danza in Saint Petersburg

Home > International > Società di Danza in Saint Petersburg 2016

Imperial Grand Ball
Dance in Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg
21 -25 April 2016

A journey in space and time to discover some aspects of the 19th century culture
in one of the best world capitals and to meet
new dancing friends.
We join the pleasure of the visit to the city
with the with the pleasure of dancing with dance groups from many nineteenth-century
coming from several Russian cities
We realize an imperial Grand Ball in a large historical hall

Thursday April, 21: arrival and free tour in the city
Friday April, 22: free morning, in afternoon ball rehearsals with the Russian groups
Saturday April, 23: free morning, int the afternoon and evening Grand Ball
Sunday, April 24: free tour in the city
Monday, April, 25: departure

For further information: info@societadidanza.it.
Grand Ball
Imperial Grand Ball - Imperial Hall, Taleon Imperial Hotel
Dance program
Spanish Waltz, March Caroussel, French Quadrille, Waltz Flammen, Contradance Candles in the dark, Mazurka Annina,
Pas de trois, Quadrille Le Polo, Waltz Ganglovienne, Contradance Cambridge waltz, Mazurka Frou-Frou, Waltz Heimats Kinder,
Polka troika, La Rinka, March Risorgimentale, Waltz 'le onde', Hungarian March,
Nice to see you, Waltz La Vague, Waltz Country Dance, Galop
Waltz and cotillon

Stage of 19th century dance by F. Mòllica for Società di Danza St. Petersburg, 22-24.4.2016.
Some touristic information

Metro map (click to enlarge)

Società di Danza - Società di Danza International