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Società di Danza in Saint Petersburg

Home > International > Società di Danza in Saint Petersburg 2012

Dance in Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg
25 April - 1 May 2012

A journey in space and time to discover some aspects of the 19th century culture
in one of the best world capitals and to meet
new dancing friends.

25 April: departure, arrival at St. Petersburg and transfer from the airport to the Hotel.
From 26th April to 1st May every morning and first part of the afternoon will be devoted to tourism, tours and visits.
A Scottish ball and a dancing evening to prepare the Grand Ball. The other evenings are free.

Grand Ball in 19th century dress on April 30.
Scottish Ball on April 28.

Departure on 1st May.

Wednesday 25 April Arrival to Saint Petersburg. Free evening.
Thursday 26 April Tour to Pavlosk Palace - Free evening.
Friday 27 April Visit to Saint Petersburg.
Dancing evening together with Russian dancers.
Bolshoy prospekt Vasilievskogo ostrova, 65
Saturday 28 April

Free - visit to Saint Petersburg
Eveing: Scottish Ball with "The White Heather" Band, in collaboration with the "Humpty-Dumpty Dance School" of Saint Petersburg.
Bolshoy prospekt Vasilievskogo ostrova, 65
Further information.

Dance program: New Caledonia Jig, The De'il Amang the Taylors, The Campbell's are coming , The Flakirk Lass (for advanced), Abbotsford Lassies, Shiftin' Bobbins, Dashing White Sergeant, Link with St Petersburg (for advanced), La Tempete, J. B. Milne (for advanced), Well Done Jack!, Tulloch Gorm (for advanced), Scottish Reform, Festival Interceltique - extra: Dancing in the Street (for advanced), It's all rigth
Sunday 29 April Tour to Peterhof
Monday 30 April

Free - visit to Saint Petersburg
Evening: 19th Century Grand Ball .
Bolshoy Morskaja Ulitza, 18, Universiet Technologija i Dizajna

The dance program also includes: Spanish Waltz Spagnolo, Black Dance, Quadrille Principe Imperiale, Waltz Rinka, New Caledonia, Waltz of the Flowers, Marsch Parade, The Delight, Waltz Ganglovienne, Varsovienne, Waltz Flammen, Pas de Trois, Quadrille Mongibello, Waltz à la Paganini, Abbotsford Lassie, Dynamiden Waltz, Polka Trojka, Marsch Roma, Galop
Tuesday 1 May Departure.

For Italian people we orgainze a trip all inclusive.
Foreing people that would like to participate, please contact Società di Danza, info@societadidanza.it".
We will stay at the Hotel Dostoevskij.

For further information: info@societadidanza.it.
Società di Danza - Società di Danza International