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Formation and Teachers' Training School
Società di Danza

Home > Formation and Teachers' Training School

Società di Danza has created and develops several training activities that include:

National Federation - Teachers' Training School
Description - Participation - Rules - Next year Calendar - List of teachers - Teachers' Register

Teachers' Training School
of 19th Century Dance of Società di Danza
National Federation

The Teachers' Training School of Società di Danza, founded in 1993, tends to the training of new teachers and the constant updating of those who are already teachers.
We study the system of Società di Danza in its theoretical and practical aspects, with particular attention to the teaching of the whole existing repertoire and to the musical elements.
The topics include: Technique (19th Century and Scottish dance), repertoire, History of dance, History and historical dance, Teaching, Dance and Music.

The aim of the school is to train new teachers who want to take responsibility to develop the activity of Società di Danza in new cities.

All the teachers of the Società di Danza participate in the seminar as the School is the place and time of the improvement and collective growth of teachers and aspiring teachers.
The Teachers' School must guarantee that teachers are the nucleus, both ideological and organizational, of the System and of the life of the Società di Danza.

The Teacher Seminar is organized into annual series of intensive stage cycles on a monthly basis, with specific admission and participation rules, and Regulations.

Admission and participation rules of the Teachers' Training School of Società di Danza

Who can participate:
  1. All those who attended the Teachers' Training School in the previous year.
  2. The teachers, who although they have not attended the School in the previous years, have already obtained the Diploma.
  3. New members, subject to approval by the Direction.
    As a prerequisite a full knowledge of technique and repertoire (advanced level) is required.
How to register
       All those wishing to participate will deliver the signed application form in September, at the first meeting.
       The frequency is mandatory.

Regulation of the Teachers' Training School Società di Danza
Approved by Federation at the time of its foundation and subsequent additions.
Last update: 30.4.2019

Teachers' Training School
  1. The activity of the Teachers' School tends to the formation of new teachers and the constant updating of those who are already teachers.
  2. The Teachers' School is open to all the members who dance in a Circolo of the Società di Danza, who have gained advanced skills in technique and repertoire and want to improve and become teachers.
  3. Admission to the Teachers' School takes place after a trial internship, due to the unquestionable judgment of the Direction.
  4. The status of the Teachers of the Federation is recorded by a special Register of Teachers of the Società di Danza, drafted and updated annually by a special Counselor.
  5. The School is attended by all the teachers of the Società di Danza as the Seminary is the place and time of the improvement and collective growth of teachers and aspiring teachers. This must ensure that teachers are the core, both ideological and organizational, of the System and of the life of the Società di Danza.
  6. For those wishing to become teachers, the course lasts three years, at the end of which they will hold a specific examination.
  7. The teacher student must be able to obtain at least 6 credits to be able to consider valid the teaching year. Special cases will be discussed individually with the Directors of the School.
  8. Teachers already in possession of the title to be able to consider valid the didactic year must have attained at least 4 credits.
  9. The obligation to participate is referred to the whole day.
  10. Participants in the School, both Teachers and Students, will sign the Federation Regulations every year.

Dress code
Women: comfortable skirt, t-shirt or shirt possibly of the Società di Danza, dance shoes without heel or very low heel.
Men: trousers, shirt or short-sleeved or long-sleeved shirt, dance shoes with soft sole with very low heel.
The use of tank tops, shorts, short skirts, unsuitable heel shoes is prohibited.

Compliance with punctuality is required in the beginning time. Participation in the middle of the day is not allowed, except for serious reasons.

Chewing gum is not allowed during the lesson. It is absolutely forbidden to use the mobile phone during the lesson.

Teachers Register
The Teachers of the Società di Danza are registered in a special register. They can hold official courses of the Società di Danza only teachers enrolled in the specific register or registered students and participants in the Teachers' School. Special exceptions, for extraordinary reasons, can be granted annually by the President of the Federation. The register is kept and updated by a special Counselor. They can be registered in the Register (Albo):
  1. Teachers who after passing the course have passed the exam and obtained the title.
  2. The aforementioned teachers who have acquired at least 4 credits from the teacher seminar during the year. Except for exceptions for serious personal or health reasons. Derogations recognized as valid by the President.
  3. A teacher may temporarily not be registered, for personal reasons, and resume status in subsequent years, subject to compliance with the rules.

Calendar 2023-2024

Dates, Place
Place: Bologna, Paladanze, Via Povaglia 9/B - Time: 10.30 - 17.30
Participant: Teachers and training teachers
Frequency: mandatory

Dates: 17/9, 15/10/2023 - 14/1, 4/2/2024
and: 5/11/2023, 3/3/2024
two special seminars specific on technique, teaching, music, history, associations.
Compulsory attendance for student teachers, optional (highly recommended) for teachers.
List of teachers - history

List of the members who have completed the three year teacher training cycle of the Società di Danza from 1993 to today, the list is here.
It includes both teachers still active and who have developed their own Circolo or group of Società di Danza and adhere to the National Federation
and some others who have followed the training offered by Società di Danza .

The status of the Teachers of the National Federation Società di Danza is recorded by a specific Teachers' register of Società di Danza,
drafted and updated annually by a special Counselor, as indicated in the Regulations.
Teachers' Register 2023 of Società di Danza updated to September 2023.
Teachers' Register 2024 of Società di Danza updated to April 2024.
See also the Regulations of the National Federation of the Società di Danza
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