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Teachers' Seminar - Teachers' Register 2024
Società di Danza

Home > Formation and Teachers' Training School > Teachers' Register 2024

Società di Danza activated the Formation and Teachers' Training School of 19th century dance of Società di Danza, funded by Fabio Mòllica in 1993. See the details of Formation and Teachers' Training School.
The status of the Teachers of the National Federation Società di Danza is recorded by a specific Teachers' register of Società di Danza,
drafted and updated annually by a special Counselor, as indicated in the Regulations.

National Federation Società di Danza directed by Fabio Mòllica

Teachers' Register
April 2024

1. ALBANESI Simone
2. BALSAMO M. Simonetta
3. BARTOLI Giancarlo
4. BASSI Mariuccia
5. BERGAMINI Stefano
6. BERNARDI M. Rosaria
7. BERNINI Michela
8. BRAVO Marzia
10. CASSELLA Paola
11. CATTANEO Beatrice
12. COLLINA Carla
13. COLNAGO Irene
14. COLOMBO Eliana
16. DE LUCA Graziella
17. DI CECCA Angelo
18. DI TONDO Ornella
19. FAVA Maria Luisa
21. FUGANTE Emanuela
22. GALBIATI Cinzia
23. GIACOBBE Mayra
24. GOTTARDI Sonia
25. GUERINI Lorenza
26. LEMBO Raffaella
27. LOCATELLI Chiara
28. MARTINO Lucio
29. MATERA Rosa
31. MOCCHIUTTI Roberto
32. MÒLLICA Fabio
33. MORINI Eleonora
34. NATALICCHIO Antonella
35. PIPINO Giancarla
36. RABITTI Laura
37. RAVIZZA Andrea
38. ROSO Massimo
39. SACCHI Alessia
40. SERGES Carmela
41. STORCHI Gianluca
42. TOSONI Sara
43. VANDELLI Linda
44. ZANASI Marco
45. ZANIBONI Enrico

See also Formation and Teachers' Training School of National Federation of Società di Danza

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