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Repertorio delle danze della Società di Danza Il Libro delle danze (The Dance Book) Quadriglie, Valzer, Polke e Mazurke. Repertorio della Società di Danza Quadrille, Waltz, Polka, Mazurka. Repertory of the Società di Danza Scottish Country Dances. Dai manuali RSCDS Società di Danza |
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Raccolta del repertorio completo in uso nella Società di Danza,
prodotto dal 1991 al 2022, aggiornato annualmente
Danze Ottocentesche (363)
19th century dances
Danze Scozzesi (787)
Scottish country dances
Alessandrina, Q-64 alla Moda, Q-81 Allegra, Q-47 Amazzoni, Q-4 Annika, Q-42 Araldi, Q-66 Arlecchino, Q-57 Barbablù, Q-48 Bella Elena, La, Q-7 Bivouac (Al Campo Militare), Q-39 Boccaccio, Q-78 Bonvivant, Q-80 Bortolotti, La, Q-52 Cagliostro, Q-67 Caledonians, Q-6 Capriccio, Q-60 Carmen, Q-14 Carnevale Viennese, Q-56 Charivari, Q-76 Colosseo, Q-69 Corsari, I, Q-49 Coulon, Q-9 Csikos, Q-19 Degli Artisti, Q-41 Delle Dame, Q-17 Del Teatro, Q-55 Demoni, I, Q-20 Dioscuri, I, Q-21 Duellanti, I, Q-37 Duca D'Aosta, Q-73 Echi D'Estate, Q-35 Elvira Q-59 Eoliana, Q-10 Etruria, l', Q-58 Faust, Q-61 Figlia di Madame Angot, La, Q-25 Flick e Flock, Q-38 Flora, La, Q-74 Francese, Q-1 Geneviève, Q-28 Gitana, Q-44 Grand Tour, Q-31 Improvviso, al, Q-62 Indra, Q-36 inglese, Q-63 Lancieri, I, Q-2 Le Beeau Monde, Q-68 Lieder, Q-65 Lowe's, Q-29 Maestro Dun, del, Q-27 Marien, Q-32 Meyen, Q-50 Militare, Q-79 Mongibello, Q-40 Muse, delle, Q-43 Notte a Venezia, Q-3 Notturno, Q-24 Orfeo, Q-13 Parade, Q-33 Parigina, Q-70 Périn, Q-34 Polo, Le, Q-22 Praga, Q-46 Principe di Napoli, Q-23 Principe Imperiale, Q-5 Pulcinella, Q-45 Romantica, Q-51 Saltimbanchi, I, Q-12 San Pietroburgo, Q-72 Schutzen, Q-18 Sixdrilles, Q-8 Shafer, Q-53 Sofia, Q-75 Spitzentuch, Q-26 Stelle Cadenti, Q-30 Strofe Viennesi, Q-77 Tempesta, Q-71 Triangle, Le, Q-54 Varietes Parisiennes, Les, Q-11 Venere, Q-15 Volksgarten, Q-82 Zingaro Barone, Lo, Q-16 |
Acquarelli, V-16 Affreschi Viennesi, V-9 Anse Moldave, V-13 Blue Roses, V-5 Boston, V-21 Brahms, Valse V-24 Canti di Gioventù, V-22 Capriccio, V-11 Carlton, V-14 Carosello di Dame, V-3 Cavaliere Sconosciuto, Il, V-3 Cenerentola, di, V-26 Coletta, V-22 Colosseo, V-19 Danse macabre, La, V-26 Danzatori, I, V-25 D'Autunno, V-9 Degli Auguri, V-3 Dei Fiori, V-16 Della Associazione, V-11 Dell'Imperatore, V-11 Della Gioventù, V-18 Della Pace, V-15 del Vespro, V-27 Deutsche Grüsse,V-16 Divertimento Carnevalesco, V-20 Don Carlo, V-25 Don Sebastiano, V-26 Duello, Il, V-17 Dynamiden, V-4 Elena Waltz, V-15 Fantasia, V-4 Favorita, La, V-23 Faust, V-27 Felicità, La, V-17 Fiabe d'Oriente, V-25 Flammen, V-2 Fuochi Fatui, I, V-8 Füssen Bon Bons, V-14 Ganglovienne, V-14 Gaudente, V-10 Gazza Ladra, La, V-19 Gioioso, V-23 Giovani Viennesi, I, V-5 Gunstwerber, V-5 Heimats Kinder, V-2 Il primo e l'ultimo, V-23 Imperiale, V-1 Küss Valzer, V-6 L'amore è ..., V-8 La Figlia del Reggimento, V-22 La Militaire, V-14 La Spada e la Lira, V-12 La Vague, V-8 Libertà, della, V-19 Lombardi, I, V-19 Luigi XV, V-21 Magnetico, V-20 Marien, V-4 Maschere Segrete, V-9 Melodie Care, V-17 Mirto Incantato, Il, V-20 M.o Luigini, del, V-21 Note di vita quotidiana, V-8 Notte Blu, V-12 Onde, le, V-15 Onde del Danubio, le, V-24 Orologio della Torre, Dell', V-13 Paganini, Á la, V-13 Parisienne, V-21 Petitionen, V-9 Pride of Erin, V-7 Principe Rodolfo, del, V-12 Pulsazioni, V-12 Regina di Saba, La, V-27 Repubblica Ligure, della, V-20 Ricordo di Nizza, V-18 Ricordi, V-24 Rinka, V-1 Roberto e il diavolo, V-27 Rose d'Autunno, V-6 Rose del Sud, V-18 Rose di Petrin, V-13 Scampanii, V-6 Schönbrunner, V-7 Serio e Allegro, V-14 Simpatia, V-10 Sogni di Studente, V-10 Sogno d'Amore, V-22 Sonnambula, La, V-17 Spagnolo, V-1 St. Bernard Waltz, V-2 Stella del Mattino, V-18 Tanzlust, V-15 Tempesta di Neve, V-25 Tempo Andato, Del, V-4 Titania, V-27 Tramonto, Del, V-2 Traviata, Della, V-5 Trovatore, Il, V-26 Ugonotti, V-19 Valzer n.2, V-24 Veleta, V-1 Vento d'Idice, V-3 Vespri Siciliani, Dei, V-7 Vino Donne e Canto, V-23 Vita allegra, La, V-15 Vita d'Amore, V-11 Vita d'Artista, V-19 Voci Viennesi, V-19 Waltz Country Dance, V-10 Wiegenlieder, V-16 Wiener Couplet, V-22 Wings of the Dove, The, V-6 |
Al Ballo dell'Opera, M-18 Alpenrose, M-16 Amanda, M-12 Amazzoni, M-1 Amore e Vino, M-6 Andalusa, L', M-6 Annina, M-12 Arte e Natura, M-19 Bagatelle, Une, M-9 Baiadera, La, M-18 Bauern, M-10 Cavaliere Pasman, Il, M-18 Chevaleresque, La, M-5 Colombina, M-13 Coraggio, M-13 Cuore a Cuore, M-16 Cuore di Donna, M-1 Da lontano, M-3 Del Volga, M-14 Dell'Amata, M-10 Dell'Opera, M-17 Dolci Baci, Dei, M-6 Don Chisciotte, M-19 Dulcamara, M-12 Edelweiss, M-14 Emancipata, L', M-5 Fata Morgana, M-1 Fiore Meraviglioso, Il, M-4 Fiore Rosso, M-2 Fiori di Ghiaccio, M-19 Fiori di Maggio, M-2 Frou-Frou, M-5 Gambrinussina, M-8 Idillio, L', M-8 Idillio II, L', M-10 In Patria, M-8 Italienne, L', M-8 La Flora, M-15 La Tessitrice, M-14 Leontina, M-13 L'Orientale, M-15 Magiara, M-17 Maschera, La, M-11 Meyerbeer, di, M-11 Mille fiori, M-8 Minerva, M-10 Mousmé, M-4 Musa Danzante, La, M-2 Nostalgia, M-8 Pauline, M-11 Polka Mazurka, M-17 Promenade, M-9 Rose selvatiche, M-9 Rosenborg, M-11 Russa, M-14 Saluti dall'Austria, M-3 Sberleffo, Lo, M-1 Simpatia, M-3 Sirena, Della, M-8 Sognante , M-9 Sylphides, Les, M-16 Thalìa, M-4 Tramonto sul Nilo, M-15 Una vita per lo Zar, M-18 Une Pensée..., M-6 Ungherese, M-17 Valse Mazurka, M-1 Varsovienne, M-13 Vespri Siciliani, M-2 Waldine, M-3 |
Allegria Parigina, Polka, P-13 Amazzoni, Polka, P-3 Arabella, Polka, P-3 Baby Polka, P-5 Berline, La, P-5 Buona Fortuna, Polka, P-11 Ceka, Polka, P-4 del Cacciatore, Polka, P-19 Diana, P-7 Extempore, Polka, P-3 Fashion Polka, P-2 Franco-Russe, La, P-5 Galop Guglielmo Tell, P16 Galop Matrosen, P-3 Galop Tarantella, P-16 Irene, Polka, P-8 La bella Ida, Polka, P-19 La vita parigina, Polka, P-19 Marianka, Polka, P-8 Mignon, Polka, P-9 Pas de Trois, P-5 Pipistrello, Polka Il, P-2 Roma, Polka, P-14 Satanella, Polka, P-2 Season, Polka, P-12 Sperl, Polka, P-15 Tedesca Herrjegerle, Polka, P-13 Traversata, Polka, P-2 Troika, Polka, P-4 Marce - Marches Anglaise, Marcia, P-6 Arciduca Carlo, Marcia del, P-6 Arciduca Guglielmo, dell', Marcia, P-15 Arlecchino, Marcia, P-10 Arlesienne, Marcia, P-16 Avantgarde, Marcia, P-10 Boston Two Step, P-1 Camelie, Marcia delle, P-9 Caroussell, Marcia, P-7 Castello di Laxenburger, Marcia, P-8 Danza Ungherese, Marcia, P-17 dei Piccoli Mori, Marcia, P-16 del Giubileo, Marcia, P-12 del Postiglione, Marcia, P-13 del Principe Liliput, Marcia, P-14 del Re di Sassonia, Marcia, P-18 della Vedova Allegra, Marcia, P-12 dello Zar, Marcia P-17 dell'Unione, Marcia, P-11 di Bacco, Marcia, P-12 Fatinitza, Marcia, P-13 Fenice, Marcia della, P-8 Figaro, Marcia, P-17 Giga della Regina, P-4 Gothic Dance, P-10 Hinterbrul, Marcia, P-14 Kossuth, Marcia, P-15 La Gazza ladra, Marcia, P-16 Marine Two Step, P-1 Militare di Schubert, Marcia, P-8 Military Two Step, Marcia, P-1 Parade, Marcia, P-9 Parisienne, Marcia, P-11 Piccolo, Marcia, P-4 Principe Carlo, Marcia, P-18 Principe Rodolfo, del, P-10 Risorgimentale, Marcia, P-9 Roma, Marcia, P-1 Russa, Marcia, P-15 Saracena, Marcia, P-17 Schutzen, Marcia, P-7 Schwarzenberg, Marcia, P-6 Sguardo sul Danubio, Marcia, P-18 Sorriso, Marcia del,P-1 Ungherese, Marcia, P-7 Varsavia, Marcia, P-9 Vienna, Marcia, P-14 Viennese, Marcia, P-11 Vittoria, Marcia della, P-10 Washington Post, Marcia, P-6 Contraddanze Assedio di Calais, L' - F. Donizzetti, C-1 Beau Monde, Le - J. Strauss jr., C-3 Bonvivant - J. Strauss jr., C-4 del Lago - G. Rossini, C-4 Del Teatro - J. Strauss jr., C-4 Don Sebastiano - G. Donizetti, C-4 Favorita, La - G. Donizetti, C-2 Galop Cinese, Contraddanza - J. Strauss sr., C-2 Gioiosa - J. Strauss sr., C-3 Guglielmo Tell - G. Rossini, C-2 Martiri, I - G. Donizetti, C-3 Militare - J. Strauss sr., C-3 Mosè - G. Rossini, C-2 Questa o Quella, Contraddanza - G. Verdi, C-1 Rivoluzioni del '48 - J. Strauss jr., C-3 Rosamunde - F. Schubert, C-1 Romantica, Contraddanza - J. Strauss jr., C-1 Vespri Siciliani, I - G. Verdi, C-1 |
51th Travellers, The, CA-38 Abbotsford Lassies, The, CP-22 Abernethy Lasses, CI-31 All for Mary, CI-32 Allt an Duin,CI-37 Anniversary Reel, The, CA-39 Ambassadors' Reel, The, CI-37 As the Crow Flies, CA-14 Auld Alliance, CA-9 Australian Ladies, The, CA-39 Back to Bach, CA-3 Back to the Fireside, CI-30 Banff Hornpipe, CA-16 Barmkin, The, CP-34 Bea's delight, CI-13 Beeswing, CI-31 Birks of Abergeldie, The, CI-15 Black Black Oil, CA-40 Blackmountain Reel, The, CA-37 Blackwater Reel, CA-16 Blooms of Bon Accord, CA-37 Bratach Bana, CA-53 Bob of Fettercairn, CP-4 Bohemian Reflections, CI-36 Bonnie Geordie's Wig, CP-19 Bonnie Kitty, CP-25 Bonnie Links, The, CI-32 British Granadiers, The, CP-24 Browned off, CI-8 Brownie of Blednoch, The, CP-18 Burn's Hornpipe, CP-27 Cadger of Canongate, CA-18 Campbells are coming, CP-5 Canonbie Ceilidh, A, CP-34 Captain MacBean's Reel, CI-11 Captain McBride's Hornpipe, CP-27 Captain Macdonald's Fancy, CP-8 Castel in the Air, The, CA-37 Catch as Catch Can, CP-35 Catch the Wind - Hornpipe, CI-12 Catterin' Brigs, CI-16 Cenerentola, CP-11 Chapman, CI-2 Circassian Circle, CP-11 Clansman, CA-15 Clatterin' Brig, CP-19 Clydeside Lassie, CP-26 Changing of the Guard, The, CI-29 College Hornpipe, CA-16 Come Ashore Jolly Tar, CP-4 Come under my plaidie, CP-19 Corn Rigs, CP-16 Countess of Lauderdale's Reel, The, CI-39 Craigleith, CP-28 Crom allt (The Crooked Burn), CI-28 Cuckoo Clock, The, CA-61 Cumbrae Reel, CA-10 Dalesman, The, CI-38 Dancers' Wedding, The, CA-61 Dancing in the Street, CA-27 Dancing Man, The, CA-41 Dashing White Sergeant, CP-13 David Russell Hall, CA-27 Davy Nick Nack, CI-21 Davy's Locker, CP-1 De'il Among the Tailors, CI-9 Dina Rogers, CP-21 Domino Five, CI-21 Doonhamer Delight, The, CI-31 Double Trouble Triangle, CA-62 Downside Up, CA-18 Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, The, CI-26 Duke he was a Bonnie Beau, CP-6 Duke of Perth, CI-9 Duke of Wellington, CA-24 Dumbarton Drums, CI-13 Duran Ranger, CI-15 Earl of Mansfield, CA-46 Easiest Dance, CP-23 Easter Reel, CA-36 Easy Peasy, CP-20 Edinburgh Castle, The, CP-22 Eight Men of Moidart, The, CP-29 Eileen Watt's Reel, CA-36 Fairbridge Reel, CA-25 Fairy Dance, CP-12 Festival Fling, CA-33 Festival Interceltique, CP-18 Fidget, CI-18 Fife Hunt, The, CI-18 Fife Ness, CA-20 Figure it out, CI-29 Fireworks, The, CA-52 First of September, The, CA-63 Fisherman's Reel, CI-13 Flight to Melbourne, CI-32 Flowers of Edinburgh, CP-13 Forth Bridge - Reel, The, CI-38 Frimley Green Reel, The, CI-39 Gadie Reel - Reel, CI-38 Galloway House, CP-1 Gannochy Reel, CA-10 Gathering, The, CI-26 General Stuart's Reel, CA-8 Gibson's Gallop, CP-9 Glasgow Regatta, CP-28 Glastonbury Tor, CA-50 Glens of Angus, CA-8 Grassmarket Reel, The, CI-19 Golden Bracken, CI-20 Ha! Ha! The Wooin' O' It, CP-28 Haggis Thrash, CI-8 Hasting Welcome, A CA-34 Happy Returns, CA-16 Harvest Moon, CA-18 Hawkesbury Rant, The, CA-35 Hedwig's Reel, CI-24 Highland Reel, CP-17 High Road to Wigton, CP-23 Homecoming Dance, CI-19 Honeycomb, The, CA-64 Honeymoon, CP-4 High Society, CA-41 Highland Rambles, The, CI-26 Highland Welcome, A, CP-23 Highlandman kissed his Mother, The, CI-18 Hungarian Bride, CA-40 Inimitable Derek, The, CA-65 Inverness Country Dance, CP-15 Inverneill House , CA-50 Inverness Reel, The, CP-25 Irish Rover, CA-28 Isle of Skye, The, CP-28 It's fun to dance, CP-35 J.B. Milne, CA-36 Jenny dang the Weaver, CP-28 Jessie's Hornpipe, CP-16 Jimmy's Shore Fancy, CA-67 John of Bon Accord, CA-39 Johnny Groat's House, CP-6 Kelpie of Lock Cornisk, CA-12 Kelso Races, CP-24 Kenora Reel, CA-19 Kingussie Flower, CI-25 Kiss quick, my mother's coming, CI-15 Kissing Bridge, The, CI-25 Knit The Pocky, CP-3 Ladies of Dunse, The, CA-45 La Tempête, CP-13 Lady C. Bruce's Reel, CP-25 Lady Dumfries, CI-18 Lady Mary Cochrane's Reel, CI-32 Lady Mary Menzie's Reel, CP-4 Lady Susan Stewart's Reel, CI-14 Laird of Dumbiedykes' Favourite, The, CP-17 Lanes of Au, The, CA-30 Lass o' Livingston, The, CP-16 Lass of Richmond Hill, The, CI-20 Lassie wi' the Yellow Coatie, CI-14 Let's Have a Ceilidh, CA-28 Loch Leven Castle - Reel, CI-38 Loch Ness Monster Reel, The, CP-21 London Reel, CA-37 Long Chase, CI-3 LongLive the Queen, CP-23 Longfield Reel, CI-24 Loon Mountain Reel, The, CP-24 Lord Eglinton's Reel, CP-7 Lord Kilmory's Delight, CP-29 Lord Maclay's Reel, CA-63 Maids of Currie, The, CI-39 Mairi's Wedding, CA-6 Mairrit Man's Favourite, CI-5 Mason's Apron, The, CI-26 Mathematicians, Hornpipe, CA-21 Maxwell's Rant, CA-31 Meg Merrilees, CP-11 Merry Lads of Ayr, CI-20 Mid Lothian, CI-14 Miss Betty Boyle, CP-14 Miss Brown's Reel, CP-3 Miss Burn's Reel, CP-22 Miss Dumbreck, CA-1 Miss Falconer's Fancy, CP-6 Miss Flora's Favourite, CI-2 Miss Jessie Dalrymple's, CP-26 Miss Johnstone of Ardossan, CA-46 Missing Turn, The, CA-42 Montgomery's Rant, CA-6 More bees a-dancing, CI-17 Mouswald, CP-22 Mr. Jain Stuart Robertson, CI-12 Mr Michael Bear's Reel, CP-20 Mr. Watson's Favourite, CP-1 Mrs. Cholmondeley's Reel, CP-2 Mrs. Macleod of Raasay, CI-14 Music Makars, CI-13 Music will tell you, CA-14 My Mother's coming in, CA-5 My Spouse Nancy, CI-31 Netherby Hall, CI-29 Never Look Back, CA-17 New Waterloo Reel, CI-7 Nice to See You, CI-6 None so Pretty, CA-51 Passing Fancy, A, CP-32 Piper and the Penguin, The, CP-33 Pluto's Head, CP-31 'Oban' Reel, The, CP-34 Old Grey Cat, The, CA-53 Old Man of Storr, CP-14 One Fine Day, CA-13 Orpington Caledonians, CA-55 Peat Fire Flame, The, CA-51 Peggy Dewar, CA-64 Pentagon, CA-9 Periwig, CI-4 Perth meets Perth, CP-26 Perth 800, CI-31 Petronella, CP-12 Pink Panda, CI-5 Plaisirs, Les, CI-21 Portnacraig, CA-39 Preston Mill, CA-26 Pretender, The, CA-49 Prince Edward, CI-17 Princess Royal, CP-12 Provost Wynd, The, CI-23 Punch Bowl, The, CP-16 Push about the Jorum, CI-8 Quadrille Country Dance, CI-17 Queen Victoria, CI-16 Rabbie's Reel, CP-8 RAMC Rant (Royal Army Medical Corps), The, CP-20 Reel of the Gordon Highlanders, CA-48 Reel of the 51th Division, CI-15 Reel for Jeannie, CP-8 Recumbent Stone, The, CA-30 Red House, CI-20 Red Nose Jig, CP-23 Reen On, CI-29 Regent's Favourite, CI-1 Reivers, CI-6 Reverend J. MacFarland, CA-13 Ring of Friendships, A, CP-23 Rob Roy, CA-32 Round Reel of Eigth, CI-4 Roxburgh Castle, CP-7 Royal Albert, CI-17 Royal Deeside Railway, CI-6 Royal Patron, The, CA-54 Rudha Dubh, CI-5 Rutland Reel, The, CI-28 Rye Twist, CA-55 Sailor - Hornpipe, CI-10 Saint Andrew's Day, CA-12 Saint John's Rant, The, CP-32 Saltire Society Reel, CA-13 Sandal, The, CI-23 Scotch Circle, CP-3 Scots Bonnet, The, CP-17 Scott Meikle, CA-41 Silver Square, The, CA-48 Silver Thistle, The, CA-32 Simon's Dance, CP-9 Simonetta's Reel, CP-20 Sleepy Maggie, CA-1 Slip Knot, CA-29 Soldier's Joy, CP-15 Somerset Children's Reel, The, CP-32 St Andrew's Platinum Reel, The, CA-66 Starlight, CA-38 Sueno's Stone, CI-19 Summer Assembly, CI-10 Summer Meeting, A, CP-32 Summer Wooing, CA-38 Sutters of Selkirk, CI-16 Swiss Lassie, CA-1 Tap the Barrel, CI-27 That Sinking Feeling, CA-42 There and back, CI-24 Thornycroft, CP-33 Tiptoe and sway, CA-63 Time to meet, CP-24 Tittle Tattle, CA-19 Torryburn Lassies, CP-15 Trip to Applecross, A CI-30 Trip to Bavaria, CA-31 Trip to Timber Ridge, A, CA-65 Triumph, CI-11 Two-Four-Six-Eigth, CA-19 Ullapool Ferry, The, CA-67 Virginia Reel, CP-10 Water Kelpie, Hornpipe, CA-2 Ways in the New Hall, CI-12 Wedderburn's Reel, CI-1 Wee croft, The, CA-62 Welcome Spring, CA-42 Westminster Reel, CA-25 West Highland Line, The, CA-35 Westgate Reel, The, CP-34 West's Hornpipe, CA-5 What a beau my Granny was, CP-28 Whistling Wind, The, CA-50 White Cockade, CP-15 Wigmaleers, CA-11 Wright Reel, The, CP-35 Ye're Welcome, Charly Stuart, CI-4 XX Years Small reel, CA-42 |
90th Birthday, The, CP-35 A Capital Jig, CI-19 A Jig for Mrs Dunn, CP-14 A Wee Nothin', CP-35 Aileen's Reel, CI-33 Aird of Colgach, CA-69 Airdrie Lassies, CI-9 Airyhall Delight, CP-9 Alan J. Smith, CA-25 Alder Burn, The, CA-41 Alice's Request, CP-30 And for the Young Ones, CP-31 Andrew and Gordon's Jig, CI-23 Another Woodland Wander, CP-20 Antartica Bound, CP-27 Argyll's Fancy, CI-1 Argyll Square, The, CA-60 Auld Grey Cat, The, CP-30 Aviator, The, CA-64 Ayr Promenade, The, CP-30 Baldowan Jig, CA-63 Barley Bree, CP-17 Barton Barbeque, CP-30 Bees of Maggieknockater, CA-24 Berwick Johnnie, CI-1 Best set in the Hall, CA-40 Bethankit, CI-28 Bill Clement MBE, CI-25 Bit of Both, CP-35 Blackadder Jig, The, CA-35 Blue Bonnets, CP-11 Blue Loch, The, CP-31 Border Meeting, CP-30 Bramble Bush, CI-3 Brudenell Jig, The, CP-20 Bullers of Buchan, CA-22 Busy Ann, CP-35 Buttercup, The, CI-34 Caldercruix, CA-4 Campbell's Frolic, CP-26 Cape Breton Island, CA-58 Capelthwaite, CI-40 Captain's House, The, CA-49 Carleton Jig, The, CA-68 Cat and the Fiddle, CA-14 C'est I'Amour, CA-5 Celtic Crossing, CA-60 Chairman's Chain, The, CA-64 Charlestown Chaser, CP-20 Charmer, The, CP-29 Chequered Court, CA-26 Circle of Cheer, CP-35 City Lights, CA-62 Coanwood Stuarts, The, CP-34 Coats land, CA-59 Cocket Hat, CA-28 Code Breaker, The, CA-58 Cold and Raw, CP-16 Collichur - Jig, CI-38 Collie Law, CP-33 Come What May, CP-31 Compleat gardener, CA-49 Connie's Jig, CA-24 Countness of Dunmore's Reel, The, CA-57 Cranberry Tart, The, CA-48 Craven Jig, The, CA-34 Crown Court, CA-65 Cumberland Reel, CP-10 Cutty Sark, CI-32 Da Rain Dancin', CA-68 Dancing Bees, The, CI-34 Dancing Master, CA-2 Dhoon, CP-5 Diamond Jubilee, CA-17 Dieci CA-49 Double Postie's Jig, CA-70 Double Triumph, CI-40 Duff's House, CP-2 Duke of Atholl's Reel, CP-7 Dunnet Head, CP-19 Dunnideer, CA-23 Dusty Miller, The, CI-18 EH3 7AF, CI-40 Emmett's Chase, The, CA-54 Eric's Jubilee, CI-33 Espie McNabb, CP-4 Easter Egg, The, CA-42 Edinburgh Toy Shop, The, CI-36 Exciseman, The, CA-67 Faraway Isle, The, CA-48 Fair Enough, CI-37 Farewell to Balfour Road, CA-65 Ferry Boat, The, CP-35 Ferry Louper, The, CP-33 Festival Man, The, CA-56 Fifty years on, CA-45 Findlay's Jig, The, CI-33 First Rain of Spring, The, CA-54 Fligth of the Falcon, The, CA-33 Flying Scotsman, The, CP-33 Flora's Fancy, CI-30 Flying Spur, The, CA-51 Follow me Home, CA-5 Forth Bridge Jig, CI-6 Frisky, CP-9 Fruit-Cake, CA-13 Fugal Fergus, CA-34 Gaelforce Wind, CI-27 Georgie's Jig, CA-9 Get Weaving, CA-21 Gib's Special, CP-5 Gilly Flower, The, CI-20 Glayva, CA-53 Glenrothes, The, CA-45 Gloria's Wee Jig, CI-23 Goat Fell Gallop, The, CP-18 Golden Pheasant, CA-8 Good Hearted Glasgow, CI-40 Gothenburg's Welcome, CA-33 Granville Market, CI-21 Hall Change, CA-26 Hamilton House, CP-25 Hand in hand, CA-59 Happy Meeting, CP-11 Haste to the Wedding, CI-2 Haymakers, CP-10 Hazel Tree, The, CA-56 Hey! Johnny, Come down to Jock, CP-16 Highland Fair, CP-1 Hollin Buss, CP-5 Holyrood House, CA-47 Honey Moon, The, CP-25 Hooper's Jig, CI-25 Horseless Carriage, CA-2 Hospitality Circle, The, CP-35 Hunter's Moon, CA-20 Ian Powrie's Farewell to Auchterarder, CA-30 I'll mak ye fain to follow me CI-14 Immigrant Lass, CA-1 Inchmickery, CI-37 Island Chain, CA-23 Isle, CI-10 It's all right, CP-19 It's nae bother, CP-19 It should be fun, CP-21 James Gray, CA-27 Jane's Jig, CA-41 Jig to the music, CP-21 Jenny Come down to Jock, CP-27 Jimmy's Mrs MacPherson of Inveran, CA-70 Joe MacDiarmid's Jig, CP-18 Joie de vivre, CA-4 John Cass, CA-55 Jonny McGill, CI-3 Joy to the World, CA-68 Jubilee Jig, The, CI-30 Kelloholm Jig, CI-5 Kendall's Hornpipe, CP-3 Kingston Jig, The, CP-35 Kinmont Willie, The, CA-52 Kitty Campbell's, CI-2 Knotwork, CA-36 La Flora, CI-25 Ladies' Fancy, CP-13 Lady Catherine Brodie's Reel, CI-40 Lady Home's Jig, CI-17 Lady in Red, The, CA-56 Lady Wind, The, CI-18 Laird of Milton's Daughter, The, CI-21 Lamb Skinnet, CP-17 Largo Frolic, CP-31 Legacy, The, CP-32 Leith Country Dance, CI-16 Le Papillon, CP-14 Leap Year, CP-10 Les Remparts de Séville, CA-61 Light and Airy, CI-11 Link with St Petersburg, CA-39 Linton Ploughman, CP-15 Little Ross Light, CI-29 Lost in Edinburgh, CA-32 Machine Without Horses, CI-9 MacLeod's Fancy, CA-10 Major lan Stewart, CA-11 Mary Erskine, CI-21 Merry Dancers, CI-9 Merry Oldfellows, The, CP-18 Merry Reapers, CP-1 Middling Thank you, CP-27 Midnight oil, CA-3 Midsummer Madness, The, CA-67 Milltimber Jig, CI-8 Miss Allie Anderson, CI-7 Miss Bennet's Jig, CP-25 Miss Hadden's Reel, CP-7 Miss Margaret Hill, CP-26 Miss Nancy Frowns, CI-8 Miss Welsh's Reel, CP-2 Misses Cramb of Linlithgow, CP-14 Misses Marshall of Milford, CA-44 Monica's Way, CA-52 Moray Reel, CI-1 Moudiewort, CI-3 Mountain Stream, The, CP-30 Mrs. Stewart Sinton's Reel, CP-2 Mrs Stewart's Jig, CI-27 Muirland Willie, CA-22 Napier's Index, CI-12 Newburgh Jig, CI-28 New Caledonia Jig, CP-18 New Year Jig, CP-31 Noah's Ark, CA-29 Not I, CI-34 Nurseryman, CA-15 Nut, The, CP-11 Off she goes in the North, CA-31 Off to the Speyside, CP-33 Lassies of Dunse, The, CI-16 Oh, Whistle and I'll come Tae ye, my lad, CA-23 Old Nick's lumber room, CI-26 Old man of Hoy, CP-30 Olympians, CA-6 Open the Door to Three, CI-37 Over the Water to Charlie, CI-27 Pele Tower, The, CI-36 Pelorous Jack, CA-11 Peterhead Lassies, The, CA-44 Phantom Piper, The, CA-38 Pint o'Ale is Fain, CI-39 Pipe Opener, The, CI-35 Post Chaise, CI-33 Postie's Jig, CA-6 Pudsey Bear, CP-32 Quarrie's Jig, CA-4 Quincentenary Jig, The, CA-60 Quincenetenary Reel, The, CA-68 Reel for Alice, A, CA-60 River Cree, The, CP-26 Riverside Jig, CI-24 Rock and the wee Pickle Tow, The, CP-27 Rodney's Rant, The, CA-56 Rory O'More, CP-15 Roselath Cross, CA-15 Rosnor Abbey, CP-18 Rothesay Reel, The, CP-25 Roundabout, CA-35 Royal Visit, The, CP-32 Ruby Rant, The, CA-57 Saint Patrick's Day, CP-15 Sausage Machine, The, CP-35 Saw Ye my Weething, CP-3 Scotch Tangle, The, CP-30 Scotia Sea, CA-59 Scotland, CP-5 Scottish Jaunt, A, CP-31 Scottish Jig, A, CP-25 Scottish Reform, CP-13 Seagull, The, CI-24 Seton's Ceilidh Band, CA-61 Slains Castle, CA-22 Shadow, CA-58 Shethland Shepherdess, The, CI-28 Shiftin' Bobbins, CI-35 Short and Sweet, CP-29 Shoulder to Shoulder, CI-33 Side by Side, CI-36 Skeely Skipper, The, CA-66 Sodger Laddie, CA-31 Speed the Plough, CI-35 Spring Fling Reel, The, CA-57 Society Piper, CI-34 St Andrew's Fair, CP-35 St Andrew's Gardens, CA-66 St Andrew's of Brampton, CA-69 Starry-Eyed Lassie, CI-4 Stepping it out, CP-21 Strip the Willow, CP-10 Summer Dreams, CA-70 Summer on the Beach, CI-35 Summer's End, CA-41 Sunshine and Sweetie's, CI-27 Tae Fife and back, CI-34 Tarry a while, CI-2 Teddy Bear's Pic Nic, CA-70 The Tantalus Jig, CA-8 There be dragons!, CA-15 Three Sheepskins, The CP-29 Tickle my Fancy, CA-51 Tiptoe Jig, CA-58 Todlen Hame, CA-14 Tomalena, CA-59 Touch me not, CA-69 Tribute to the Borders, CA-11 Trip around the world, CA-29 Trip to Aberdeen, A, CI-35 Trip to Glasgow, CP-12 Trip to Drakensberg, CA-53 Two and Two, CP-8 Two to one, CI-35 Uncle Bill's Jig, CI-21 Vintage Simon, CA-47 Walking thru' the Bracken, CP-35 Wandering Wallaby, The, CA-55 Wandering piper, The, CP-22 Waratah Weaver, The, CP-20 Water of Fleet, The, CI-39 Watson's Reel, CP-1 Weathercock, The, CA-44 Wee Cooper O'Fife, The, CA-54 Welcome Reel, CP-35 Welcome to Ayr, CA-50 Well Done Jack!, CP-12 What you please, CP-6 Whiteadder Jig, CA-40 White Heather Jig, The, CA-44 Wild Geese, CI-10 Y2K, CA-12 Zoologist, The, CA-42 |
Adieau Mon Ami, S-9 Aging Gracefully, S-20 Alison Rose, S-25 Alltshellack, S-4 Autumn in Appin, S-24 Anna Holden's Strathspey, S-11 Asilomar Romantic, S-29 Axum Reel, S-25 Ballemuir Strathspey, S-7 Balmoral Strathspey, S-11 Balquidder Strathspey, S-11 Banks of Clyde, The, S-26 Barbara's Strathspey, S-17 Beauty of the North, The, S-30 Bedrule, SA-34 Belle of Bon Accord, S-12 Bill Little's Strathspey, S-30 Bob Campbell, S-31 Bonnie Tree, The, S-11 Boyndie Knot, S-4 Braes of Mellinish, S-3 Bridge of Nairn, S-2 Butterscotch and Honey, S-13 Byron Strathspey, The, S-15 Caerlaverock Castle, S-31 Ca' the Ewes tae th Knowes, SA-34 Cape Town Wedding, S-7 Clydebank Strathspey, S-32 Cherrybanks Garden, S-13 Dainty Davie, S-2 Deacon of the Weawers, S-1 Double Eighty, S-15 Dowry Bride, The, S-33 Dream Catcher, The S-27 Duchess of York, S-18 Dunfermline to Sarasota, S-32 Edinburgh Volunteers, S-4 Fair Donald, S-5 Farlkirk bairn, The, S-15 Falkirk Lass, The, S-22 Fête, S-3 Flower of Glasgow, The, S-16 Flower o' the Quern, The, SA-34 Friendships, S-21 Gang the same gate, S-14 Gardeners' Fantasia, The, S-17 Garry Strathspey, The, S-14 Gentleman, S-5 Glasgow Flourish, S-1 Glasgow Lasses, S-27 Gramachie, S-13 Grants' New Rant, The, S-28 Green Grow the Rashes, S-24 Greenmantle, The, S-25 Haar on Skye, TheSA-34 Hope Little Strathspey, S-12 Inch of Perth, S-1 Invercauld's Reel, S-1 It wisnae me, S-21 James Senior of St Andrews, S-11 Jean Martin of Aberdeen, S-19 Jenny's Bawbee, S-21 Jimmy's Fancy, S-22 Paisley Weavers, The, S-22 John McAlpin, S-18 Hallo-Goodbye, S-31 Holyrood Strathspey, S-31 Karin's Strathspey, S-22 Lady Charlotte Bruce, S-27 Lady Lucy Ramsay, S-24 Lady Peak's Strathspey, S-13 Largo Law, S-27 Linnea's Strathspey, S-20 Loch Ness Monster, S-29 Lord Elgin's Reel, S-32 Lover's Knot, S-2 Macdonald of the Isles, S-14 Margaret Parker's Strathspey, S-26 Marklands, The, SA-34 Marquis of Lorne, The, S-11 Mathilde is a Delight, S-28 May Yarker's Strathspey, S-11 Memories, S-32 Memories of Mary Ann, S-21 Midsummer Common, S-28 Minister on the Loch, The, S-12 Miss Eleanor, S-26 Miss Florence Adams, S-23 Miss Gibson's Strathspey, S-6 Miss Isabella McLeod, S-2 Miss Milligan' Strathspey, S-9 Miss Ogilvie's Fancy, S-21 Misty Isle in Summer, The, S-18 Moment of Truth, S-30 Monymusk, S-1 Mormond Hill, The, S-19 Mrs Hamilton of Wishaw, S-8 Muse Cottage, S-33 Neidpath Castle, S-6 New Abbey, S-32 New Park, S-7 Nothing in Common, S-12 Odd Thougths, S-8 Out of Thin Air, S-33 Paisley Weavers, The, S-22 Peggy's Love, S-4 Prince of Wales, S-8 Prince Rupert's Strathspey, S-33 Quaich, The, S-29 Quiet and Snug, S-3 Rakes of Glasgow, S-3 Rings around the moon, S-10 Road to Mallaig, S-6 Rob Roy MacGregor, S-10 Rougemont Castle, S-23 Round and Roundabout, S-26 Sally's Fancy, S-20 Saltire Strathspey, S-11 Sands of Morar, S-16 Sandy O'er the Lea, S-18 Seann Triubhas Willichan, S-5 Silver Grey, The, S-15 Silver Strathspey, The, S-30 Silver Tassie, S-6 S-Locomotion, S-10 Snow on the roof, S-19 Saint Martin's Strathspey, S-32 Star, The, S-33 Strathmore, S-23 Sugar Candie, S-5 Summer Meeting, A, S-23 Tartan Rainbow, The, S-17 Tartan Plaidie, S-22 There's Something About Thirty, S-28 Trip to Tabiano, A, S-19 Three Bonnie Maidens, S-2 Three Sisters, The, S-15 Triple Happiness, S-33 Triplicity, S-9 Trysting Place, The, S-29 Up in the air, S-3 Valentine, The, S-20 Village Reel , S-8 Water of Leith, The, S-25 Wind on the Loch Fine, The, S-14 Wishing Well, The, S-16 Wisp of Thistle, S-22 1314 (Thirteen-Fourteen), CA-65 Betty's Wedding, CA-46 Bon Viveur, The, CA-63 Cauld Kail, CA-7 Dancing the Baby, CA-66 Frae A' the Airts, CA-7 Glaikit Stirk and the Parrot, CI-11 Glasgow Country Dance, CA-7 Lady Maxwell's Reel, CI-7 Longways Eightsome Reel, CA-31 Middleton Medley, CA-7 Queen city salute, The, CA-47 Reel of Five, CI-7 |