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Società di Danza

Home > International I Meeting

I National Meeting of Società di Danza

Salsomaggiore Terme (Pr)
1 - 3 November 2013

19th century dance stage

Theoretical seminar

Special stage of 19th century and Scottish country dance

Fashion show of 19th century dress

Film show "Un'idea di Danza"

and Backstage Film

National Party Società di Danza


time Activity Where

1 November

19th century dance stage: Scottish country dances and French contredanses
Palestre Berellini and Sant'Anna
21.00 Theoretical seminar: history, present and future of Società di Danza
At Hotel Terme Baistrocchi

2 November

9.00-12.30 Special stage: Scottish country dances and European couple dances
Palestre Berellini and Sant'Anna
21.30 19th century dance stage Italian and American quadrilles and European couple dances
Palestre Berellini and Sant'Anna
21.30 Fashion show of 19th century dress Seven costume designer from all over Itlay, who already produced 19th century dress for the Società di Danza Terme di Salsomaggiore "Berzieri",
via G.Matteotti (corner Viale Cavour)

3 November

9.30 Show of the film produced by Società di Danza , "Un'idea di Danza" (An idea of Dance)
and Backstage Film, realized by Ambra Zambernardi
Cinema Oden, via G. Valentini, 11


National Party of the Società di Danza

Spanish Waltz, Parisienne,
Quadrille Allegra (I-III part), The Olympians,
Waltz Repubblica Ligure, Les Plaisirs,
Waltz Flammen, Quadrille Inglese (I-III part),
Marsch Arciduca Carlo, Jig to the music,
Valzer degli Auguri, Mazurka del Volga,
Gloria's Wee Jig, Marine two step, The Silver grey,
Waltz á la Paganini, Quadrille Alessandrina (I-III parte),
The Loch Ness monster, Galop

Palazzetto di Salsomaggiore,
Via A.Pertini


The 19th century stages of Friday afternoon and Saturday will be special.
They will focus on theory and practice of social dance of 19th century. We will study dance and dance manuals reasoning and understanding dances from the sources
and meantime understanding how the dance system we use is structured.
We will be organized in two levels, Betulle and Salici.

The theoretical seminar on Friday focuses on the history of the Società di Danza, and to reason about its present and its future, with the contribution of all the paricipants.
The Fashion show, the first of this kind for us, is to make people understand, what should be the models and the style that we adopt.
Costume designers will participate, coming from all over Italy, who have already produced ball dresses for the Società di Danza.

On Sunday afternoon there will be our first National Party. It will be held at the Palace of Salsomaggiore, more than 800 square meters of elastic parquet. We invite each group, each circle
to participate to this unique opportunity to meet and dance together in the national party.
It will become the tradition of our great National Day (do not dress in '800 style).

It is not mandatory participate in the entire Meeting.
You may decide to participate in individual events.

For specific information about this issue, please send a mail request to Società di Danza.

Seminars: at Palestra Berellini (Betulle) - and Sant'Anna (Salici) -
Theoretical seminari: at Hotel Terme Baistrocchi .
Fashion Show: Terme di Salsomaggiore "Berzieri" .
National Party Società di Danza: Palazzetto di Salsomaggiore, Via A.Pertini - .

Associative contribution
We will stay at the Centro Termale Il Baistrocchi, via G. Matteotti 31, Salsomaggiore.
Two days full board (arrival and departure after lunch on November 1 after lunch on 3 November) and all dance activities:
double room 190 E per person; triple room 175 E per person, single room 240 E.
Please book quickly to stop the rooms at the Baistrocchi.
To confirm please send an mail to the Società di Danza and then paid a deposit of 100 E at your local Group.
Local organization and places
Please arrive in time and complete the registration at the secretary desk at the Reception of Hotel Baistrocchi -
The two groups are: Betulle (Birch) and Salici (Willow)
Betulle dance at Palestra Berellini, Viale Cavour, 2 -
I Salici dance at Palestra Sant'Anna, Via G.Valentini 15 -
The two Gyms are close one to the other (50 m) and about 500 m from Hotel (walking distance).
Film and backstage wiil be projected at Cinema Odeon, via G. Valentini, 1 -
The National Party of Società di Danza is at Palazzetto di Salsomaggiore .

For information: info@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Società di Danza International