Società di Danza




The Società di Danza has been active in Livorno from 1997.
The Circolo Livornese della Società di Danza is a cultural association affiliated to the Società di Danza, that promotes the research, practice and diffusion of historical dances, and especially of 19th Century social dances (Valzer, Quadrille, Countredance, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances. The association organizes tea dances, balls and seminars.
It promotes the collaboration with other musical, cultural and sing associations.

Current activities - Contact the Circolo Livornese -
Activities of year 2008-2009

The activities of the Circolo Livornese included classes, balls, events, seminars and tea dances.

Regular courses of XIX Century dance and Scottish Country dance,
organized in three levels, have been given in Livorno every Thursday evening
from October to June at the Palestra Scuole Benci, V. Bernardina 45.
Teacher: S. Balsamo


Livorno, Saturday 9 May 2009, h. 18

Gran Ballo Risorgimentale

Piazza della Repubblica
in the celebration and commemoration of the
Moti Risorgimentali Livornesi of 10-11 May 1849

in collaboration with
Comitato Livornese per la promozione dei valori risorgimentali
and Provincia di Livorno

With the participation of several Italian circoli and groups of
Società di Danza
and of the Circolo Praghese of the Società di Danza
Some photos

Balls and Tea dances

Seminars and Events
  • "Waiting for St. Andrew's" - Special class of Scottish dance, Thursday 27 November 2008

Some realized activities

Festa di Presentazione

Open dancing evening
XIX century dance and Scottish country dance

2 October 2008, h. 21
Scuole Benci, Scali Olandesi, Livorno

Festa degli auguri

Open dancing evening

Thursday 18 December 2008, h. 20
Scuole Benci, Scali Olandesi, Livorno

Spring Time Scottish Party

28 March 2009, h. 19
Livorno, Nuovo Teatro delle Commedie
Via Terreni 1, zona Cisternone

Dancing evening: Scottish music, dance, and other...

Some photos

Special class of Scottish Dance
"Waiting for St. Andrew's Night"
27 November 2008
Palestra Scuole Benci, Scali Olandesi Livorno

Festa di Inizio Estate
Open air social dances and country dances

Saturday 13 June 2009, h. 18

La Carraia, S.Pietro a Grado

Scottish Dances
demonstration and animation of Scottish Country Dances
Wednesday 12 August 2009, h. 20

Cecina (Li), Campeggio Bocca di Cecina

Past activities:
2007-2008 - 2006-2007 - 2005-2006 - 1997-2004

Società di Danza - Contact the Circolo Livornese - Classes - Balls - Photos of the Circolo Livornese - Circolo Pisano - Performance