Società di Danza




The Società di Danza has been active in Livorno from 1997.
The Circolo Livornese della Società di Danza is a cultural association affiliated to the Società di Danza, that promotes the research, practice and diffusion of historical dances, and especially of XIX Century social dances (Valzer, Quadrille, Countredance, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances. The association organizes tea dances, balls and seminars.
It promotes the collaboration with other musical, cultural and sing associations.

Current activities - Contact the Circolo Livornese -
Past activities: from 1997 to 2004

Activities of year 2004-2005

The activities of the Circolo Livornese included classes, tea dances, seminars and events.

Party and Tea Dances

Festa di Inizio Corso
Thursday, October 7th, 2004, h. 21, Palestra Scuole Benci, V. Bernardina 45

Tombola Ottocentesca
January, 6th, 2005, h. 19.30, at the Circolo del Bridge, Stanze Civiche, Scali D'Azeglio 10
During the evening the best 'Befana' was selected and rewarded

Spring Time Scottish Party
March, 12th, 2005, h. 18
"La Bottega del Caffè", Piazza del Luogo Pio - Quartiere Venezia

Dancing evening: scottish dances, music, dishes... and not only that

Festa di Inizio Estate
June, 18th 2005, h. 18.30, Centro Sociale Forte S. Pietro, Quartiere Venezia, Livorno
Dancing Evening
Social dance of XIX Century tradition and scottish country dances

Events - Seminars

Social dance of XVIII Century
Introductive seminars to XVIII Century social dance: menuet, contredance, allemande

XIX Century Dances
May, 22, 2005, in the "Festa di Primavera", Villa Regina, Livorno

Scottish Dances and XIX Century Dances
July, 2, 2005, in the evening "Gran Galà di Danza", FIDS, Livorno

Danzando tra le righe 9 Luglio 2005
in collaboration with Circolo Pisano, in the En Plein Air, Stazione Leopolda, Pisa
A little journey connecting ball and literature, social dance and novels and poems.

Activities of year 2003-2004

The activities of the Circolo Livornese included classes, tea dances, seminars and events.
Classes of XIX Century dances and Scottish country dances were at the Gymnasium of the Scuole Benci, Via Bernardina 35, Livorno, in the following courses: October-December 2003, January-March 2004, April-June 2004.

Tea dances

Festa di Presentazione
September, 25, 2003, h.21, Sala Conferenze Circoscrizione 2, Scali Finocchietti, 4

Tombola Ottocentesca, January, 6, 2004, h.18, Via Campania 58, Photos

Festa di Primavera
March, 21, 2004, h. 18, "La Bottega del Caffè", Piazza del Luogo Pio - Quartiere Venezia, Poster
Dancing evening: scottish dances, music, dishes... and not only that
Some photos

Festa di Inizio Estate
June, 25, 2004, Dancing evening, h. 19, Collinaia, Livorno


Scottish Country Dances
May, 23, 2004, in the "Festa di Primavera", Villa Regina, Livorno

Danze Scozzesi

June, 11, 2004, h. 21.30
Piazza Grande, Livorno
Dances and Country Dances from Scotland
Danze dell'Ottocento

July, 2, 2004, h. 21.30
Piazza Grande, Livorno
XIX Century social dances

Activities 2002-2003

The activities of the Circolo Livornese in the year 2002-2003 included:
  • Classes of XIX Century dances and Scottish Country Dances on Thursday evening from October 2002 to June 2003, at the gymnasium of the Scuole Benci, Via Bernardina 35, Livorno.
  • seminars of historical dances
  • tea dances and balls
  • special events.
The realized events included

XIX Century Dances

in Luci di Valse

closing performance at Effetto Venezia 2003
Comune di Livorno

Livorno, Piazza della Repubblica, August, 3, 2003
in collaboration with the Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo

Tea dances:

Festa di Settembre
September, 14, 2002, Parrocchia S. Pio X, Quartiere Sorgenti, Via delle Sorgenti, h. 19.30

Festa di Primavera
March, 22, 2003, h. 18.30, Dancing evening: scottish dances, music, dishes... and not only that
"La Bottega del Caffè", Piazza del Luogo Pio - Quartiere Venezia Poster, adv

Festa di Inizio Estate
June, 27, 2003, Centro Sociale Forte San Pietro, Quartiere Venezia, h. 19, Dancing evening

Other realized events:

Scottish Country Dances

July, 12, 2003,Castenuovo della Misericordia (Li)

Baccanali Veneziani

February, 23, 2003, Villa Alessandra, Lucca
together with Circolo Pisano and in collaboration with Corale Polifonica 'Guido Monaco' of Livorno ,
L'Ensemble 'Les Nations' and Teatro della Rosa

Scottish Country Dances
May, 25, 2003, Livorno
in the "Festa di Primavera", Villa Regina, in collaboration with Circoscrizione n.3, Comune di Livorno

Scottish Country Dances
March, 3, 2003, Pontedera, Pisa
Festa di Fine Carnevale
together with the Circolo Pisano
and in collaboration with the "Centro Territoriale Permanente per l'Educazione degli Adulti" of Pontedera, Via Dante 42.

Activities 2001-2002

The activities of the Circolo Livornese included classes of XIX Century Dances and Scottish Country Dances,
seminars on historical dances, tea dances and balls.
Classes begun on October 4th, 2001, Palestra del Palazzetto dello Sport, Via Allende, Livorno and have moved to the Palestra Scuola El. A. Benci, Via Bernardina 35, from March 2002.
Classes were organized in two levels: Beginners, h. 21.00-22.15 and Advanced, h. 22.15-23.00,

During the year 2001-2002 the Circolo Livornese has realized the following events:

XIX Century Dances at the event: "Ville in mostra - Luci e suoni"
in collaboration with the association 'Corale Guido Monaco' of Livorno
Villa Schubart, Montenero Alto, Livorno
December, 14, 2001, h. 21

Danze dell'Ottocento
in collaboration with the association 'Golem' of Livorno
in the evening of the movie 'Il Gattopardo' by L. Visconti
February, 16, 2002

Scottish Country Dances
in the evening "Festa Celtica"
with music by Malice, Whisrlin Robers Irish Folk band
"The Tube", V. Cestoni 61, Livorno
March, 15, 2002

in collaboration with Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "L. Cherubini"
I concerti del Lunedì - Anno Accademico 2001-2002
Pianist: Daniela Freschi
E. Milazzo, pianoforte, A. Zorzi Giustiniani, tenore
Costumes: Assunta Fanuli
Music and dances of early XIX Century with the music by Franz Schubert.
April, 22, 2002

Scottish Country Dances
in the "Festa di Primavera"
Villa Regina, Livorno
in collaboration with the Circoscrizione n.3, Comune di Livorno
and Cecupo
May, 18, 2002

Festa di inizio estate
June, 22, 2002, Centro Sociale Forte San Pietro, Quartiere Venezia

Baccanali Veneziani
Song, music and dance of XVIII Century

in collaboration with Corale Polifonica 'Guido Monaco' of Livorno ,
L'Ensemble 'Les Nations' and Gianna Deidda

July, 28 and 29, 2002, 21.30
Piazza dei Domenicani, Livorno
Effetto Venezia 2002 , Comune di Livorno,
Regione Toscana and Provincia di Livorno


Opening activities of the Circolo Livornese

The Circolo Livornese della Società di Danza was founded in March 2001.

Festa d'inaugurazione
31/3/2001, Sala del Circolo dei Dipendenti della Difesa, Piazza dei Domenicani , 3, h. 20.30

Danze dell'Ottocento
18/6/2001, Circolo Ufficiali della Marina Militare, h. 21

Past events of the Società di Danza in Livorno - 1997-2001

From October 1997 started continuous courses of XIX Century dance and Scottish dance
in Livorno every Thursday evening, teacher: S. Balsamo.
From 1997 to 2001 various activities have been organizes, such as reconstruction of XIX Century balls, tea dances and events.

Gran Ballo in Terrazza Mascagni
25.5.1999, Terrazza Mascagni, Livorno
in collaboration with the Comune di Livorno, Ass. Turismo e Spettacolo
Trofeo Accademia Navale

2.8.1999, Piazza dei Domenicani, Livorno
Dance, music and song of XIX Century
together with the Corale Polifonica "Guido Monaco"
in collaboration with the Comune di Livorno, Ass. Turismo e Spettacolo
Effetto Venezia 1999

Gran Ballo per La Venezia
10.8.1997, Quartiere Venezia, Livorno
Gran ballo dell'Ottocento
in collaboration with the Comune di Livorno, Ass. Turismo e Spettacolo
Effetto Venezia 1997

See also joint activities with the Circolo Pisano and the activities of the Società di Danza.

Società di Danza - Contact the Circolo Livornese - Classes - Balls - Circolo Pisano - Performance