Società di Danza




The Società di Danza has been active in Livorno from 1997.
The Circolo Livornese della Società di Danza is a cultural association affiliated to the Società di Danza, that promotes the research, practice and diffusion of historical dances, and especially of XIX Century social dances (Valzer, Quadrille, Countredance, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances. The association organizes tea dances, balls and seminars.
It promotes the collaboration with other musical, cultural and sing associations.

Current activities - Contact the Circolo Livornese -
Activities of year 2005-2006

The activities of the Circolo Livornese included classes, balls, events, seminars and tea dances.

Regular courses of XIX Century dance and Scottish Country dance,
organized in three levels, have been given in Livorno every thursday evening
from October to june at the Palestra Scuole Benci, V. Bernardina 45.
Teacher: Simonetta Balsamo


Gran Ballo
April, 22, 2006
Palazzo Maurogordato, Livorno
Scali d'Azeglio 34

with the patrocinio del Comune di Livorno and Provincia di Livorno
and with the kind collaboration of Enel

Reconstruction of a XIX Century ball         
with social dance of XIX Century and live music      

For further information: contact the Circolo Livornese         Some photos


XIX Century Dances

December, 18, 2005, from 4 P.M.
Palazzo Maurogordato, Livorno
scali d'Azeglio 34

Guided tour to Palazzo Maurogordato, currently used by ENEL,
organized by the 'cooperativa Amaranta' and
promoted by the Comune di Livorno

Admission booking: tel. 349/2564537

XIX Century Dances

5 Marzo 2006, dalle ore 11
Foyer del Teatro Goldoni, Livorno

Guided tour to
Teatro Goldoni of Livorno,
organized by 'Amaranta' and
promoted by the Comune di Livorno

Admission booking: tel. 349/2564537

XIX Century Dances
April, 8, 2006, from 6 P.M.
Villa Mimbelli, Livorno
Guided tour organized by F.A.I. - Sezione di Livorno
and promoted by the Comune di Livorno

Admission booking: contact F.A.I. - Livorno

Danzando tra le righe
September, 18, 2005
Fortezza Vecchia, Livorno

The dance of XIX and XVIII Century tradition in the literature

Un percorso tra ballo, danza di società di tradizione europea e letteratura.
A little journey connecting ball and literature, social dance and novels and poems.
Scenes of social dance of European tradition of XVIII end XIX Century alternated to
pages from famous Europan novels and poems of the period,
with reference to the dance atmosphere and situations

in collaboration with Gianna Deidda

Thursday 10 August 2006, Fortezza Vecchia, h. 23.30
Danze Rinascimentali

in the concert by Corale Guido Monaco "Il Festino del Giovedì Grasso" by A. Banchieri
in "Effetto Venezia 2006" organized by Comune di Livorno,

Renaissance dances of XVI and XVII Century

Info: contact Società di Danza - Circolo Livornese


"L'arte ottocentesca del Valzer, storia di una danza"
in collaboration with the "Istituto Musicale "P. Mascagni" of Livorno

Saturday January, 28, 2006
ore 17
Auditorium dell'Istituto Musicale "P. Mascagni",
Palazzo Gherardesca, Via G. Galilei 54, Livorno

Presentation of the V Book of the Società di Danza
"Il Valzer dei Maestri. Storia ottocentesca di una danza"di Fabio Mòllica

and music by the Istituto Musicale "P. Mascagni"
h. 18, Stage on XIX Century Waltz
Note: to participate it is necessary to make a reservation.
Contact the Società di Danza, Circolo Livornese
Info: il Circolo Livornese
tel. 0586 856172, 329 6381781,

Seminars on social dance of XVIII Century
Introductive seminars to XVIII Century social dance: menuet, contredance, allemande
Seminars on renaissance dance
Introductive seminars to dance between XV and XVI Century.
In collaboratione with Circolo Pisano.
Teacher: S. Balsamo

Dance fpr children
Some special classes of dance for children have been given for Scottish country dance and social dance,
in Livorno in 2005-2006 at the Scuola Elementare "L'Immacolata" and Scuole Medie Pazzini.
Teachers: Laura Lugheri e Milena Vox

Tea dances

Invito alla danza
Open dancing evening and presentation
Thursday September, 29th, 2005, h. 21
Scuole Benci, Via Bernardina 45, Livorno

Dancing evening
Thursday Decembre, 22, 2005, h. 20.30
Scuole Benci, Via Bernardina 45, Livorno

Tombola Danzante
January, 5, 2006, h.17
Circolo Arci Via S. Jacopo in Acquaviva, 85, Livorno
Dancing Evening and Tombola of XIX Century

Spring Time Scottish Party
March, 25, 2006,
"La Bottega del Caffè", Piazza del Luogo Pio, Quartiere Venezia, ore 18
Dancing evening: scottish dances, music, dishes... and not only that

Some photos

Festa di Inizio Estate
July, 1, 2006, ore 19.30
Centro Sociale Borgo, V. degli Asili 47 Dancing Evening
Social dance of XIX Century tradition and scottish country dances

Past activities: 1997-2005, 2006-2007 - Current activities
Società di Danza - Contact Circolo Livornese - Classes - Balls and tea dances - Link - Circolo Pisano - Performance