Società di Danza




The Società di Danza has been active in Livorno from 1997.
The Circolo Livornese della Società di Danza is a cultural association affiliated to the Società di Danza, that promotes the research, practice and diffusion of historical dances, and especially of XIX Century social dances (Valzer, Quadrille, Countredance, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances. The association organizes tea dances, balls and seminars.
It promotes the collaboration with other musical, cultural and sing associations.

Current activities - Contact the Circolo Livornese -
Activities of year 2006-2007

The activities of the Circolo Livornese included classes, balls, events, seminars and tea dances.

Regular courses of XIX Century dance and Scottish Country dance,
organized in three levels, have been given in Livorno every thursday evening
from October to june at the Palestra Scuole Benci, V. Bernardina 45.
Teacher: Simonetta Balsamo

Tea dances
  • 28.9.2006, Invito alla Danza, Festa di presentazione, Scuole Benci, Scali Olandesi, Livorno, h. 21.15

  • 30.11.2006, St. Andrew's Night, Scottish dancing evening, Scuole Benci, Scali Olandesi, Livorno, h. 20.30

  • 6.1.2007, Tombola Danzante, Sala della parrocchia Ss Quirico e Giustina, Collesalvetti (Li), h. 17.30

  • 17.3.2007, Spring Time Scottish Party, Scottish tea dance, "La Bottega del Caffè", Piazza del Luogo Pio, Livorno, h.18

  • 1.5.2007, I Maggio - Woodpine Scottish Party , Open air party, Lorenzana (Pi), V. del Popolo 3, h.10.30

  • 9.6.2007, Festa d'inizio estate, Livorno - Pisa, La Carraia, s. Pietro a Grado, h. 18.30

  • Stage of social dance of XVIII Century
    Introduction to social dance of XVIII Century: menuet, contredance, allemande.

  • Stage of Renaissance dance
    Introduction to Italian and French dance between XV and XVI Century.
"Dance of French style in Venice during XVIII Century"
in collaboration with "Istituto Musicale "P. Mascagni" of Livorno

Saturday, March, 10, 2007
h. 16
Auditorium dell'Istituto Musicale "P. Mascagni",
Palazzo Gherardesca, Via G. Galilei 54, Livorno

Presentation of the book by
Gloria Giordano

del coreografo Gaetano Grossatesta
in occasione del matrimonio Duodo-Grimani

and music by the Istituto Musicale "P. Mascagni"
h. 17,30
Stage on
French dance of XVIII Century

Technique, style and French choreographic repertoire between XVII and XVIII Century,
based on the philological reconstruction
and on the interpretation of treatises and choreographies documents
by Pierre Rameau and Raoul Auger Feuillet
Note: to participate it is necessary to make a reservation.
Partecipation to the practical stage is open to singers, musicians, dancers.
and also to beginners.

Some tea dance and events

Invito alla danza

Open dancing evening for the beginning of the dance activity
presentation of the activity and open social dance
Thursday, September, 28, 2006, h. 21.15
Scuole Benci, Scali Olandesi, Livorno

Autumn Party
Open and free dancing evening of presentation: Scottish dance and XIX Century dance
Collesalvetti, Saturday 4.11.2006, h. 17.30
Sala della parrocchia Ss Quirico e Giustina
Open dancing evening of social dance

Saint Andrew's Night

Palestra Scuole Benci, Scali Olandesi Livorno
Special evening of Scottish dance

Tombola Danzante
January, 6, 2007, h. 17.30
Sala della parrocchia Ss Quirico e Giustina, Collesalvetti (Li)
Dancing evening and XIX Century 'Tombola'
Open dancing evening

Spring Time Scottish Party
March, 17, 2007, h. 18
"La Bottega del Caffè", Piazza del Luogo Pio, Quartiere Venezia, h. 18
Festa danzante: danze, musiche e piatti scozzesi
Open dancing evening. Reservation is necessary.

Some Photos

I Maggio - Woodpine Scottish Party
Social dances, country dances and social games
Tuesday 1 May 2007, from 10.30

Lorenzana (Pi), V. del Popolo 3

Il Giardino incantato: danze e suoni dall'Ottocento
13 July 2007
Giardino del Circolo Pio X, Borgo dei Cappuccini 275, Livorno

XIX Century dances and Scottish dances
Inormation: contact Circolo Livornese        

Past activities: 1997-2005, 2005-2006 - Current activities
Società di Danza - Contact Circolo Livornese - Classes - Balls and tea dances - Link - Circolo Pisano - Performance