fifteen years of activities in Pisa organizes the Christmas Gran Ball Pisa, 19 December 2009 Reconstruction of a XIX century ball with social dances of European tradition in XIX century dress (romantic period). In the historical Villa della Seta di Corliano. San Giuliano, Pisa
Some photos |
Gran Ballo Risorgimentale Giardino Scotto Saturday 19 June 2010 h. 18.30 in preparation of the celebration for 150 years of the Unità d'Ialia Reconstrution of a 19th century ball Quadrille, waltz, mazurka, marsch and country dance in 19th century dress in the Giugno Pisano del Comune di Pisa |
- I edition
Stages on Sunday to study practice and theory of XIX century dances, their technique and their history. Pisa, 21 February 2010 h. 11-18 Scuola di Danza Proscaenium - Via Fiorentina, 216/A (mappa) Teacher: Fabio Mòllica in collaboration with Circoli and groups of the Società di Danza of Pisa, Livorno, Lucca, Roma and Viareggio |
Pisa, donne e Leopardi Pisa, 25 April 2010 Villa di Corliano, S. Giuliano (Pi) participation to Società di Danza the film "Pisa, donne e Leopardi", directed by Roberto Merlino 19th century ball at the Villa di Corliano |
Società di Danza is affiliated to the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society |
Festa di Inizio Estate
Open air social dances and country dances 24 June 2010, h.20 La Carraia, S.Pietro a Grado in collaboration with Circolo Livornese |
Social dance of 19th century Pisa Sunday 14 Febraury 2010, h. 15.30 "C'era un volta..." (tales) |
with the 9th Photo Exhibition Photos of the activities of the activities Società di Danza |
Scottish Country Dance Demonstration and e animation of Scottish country dances Friday 30 October 2009, h. 18.30 Leopolda Storica, Stazione Leopolda, Pisa In Dolcemente |
Festa di Presentazione
Pisa Open dancing evening - presentation of the activities XIX century dance and Scottish country dance Saturday 26 September 2009, h. 21 Stazione Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi |