Circolo Pisano della Societa' di Danza

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Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
attività 2007-2008

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Current activities | Activities2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000 | 1994-1999 | Contact

Activities of the year 2007 - 2008

In 2008 the Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza realized

Weekly classes , Seminars , Gran balls and Tea Dances , Events

Weekly classes of XIX Century dances and Scottish country dances from October, 2007 Pisa.
Some historical dance classes have been held at the Stazione Leopolda

Classes of XIX Century dances and Scottish Country dances.
I course: 1.10 - 16.12.2007, II course: 7.1 - 23.3.2008 e III course: 24.3 - 7.6.2008.

Balls and Tea Dances
  • 28.9.2007, Festa di Presentazione , Stazione Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi, h. 21
  • 10.10.2007, Dancing Evening , Stazione Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi, h. 20.30
  • 30.10.2007, St. Andrew's Night , h. 20
  • 15.12.2007, Christmas Ball, Leopolda Storica, Guerrazzi, ore 17
  • 16.2.2008, Tea Dance, Pisa, h.17
  • 7.6.2008, Tea Dance, Festa di Inizio Estate, Villa Alma Pace, Livorno, h. 17.30 Circolo Pisano e Circolo Livornese

  • Link to ball and tea dances of the Società di Danza in other towns.

  • Seminars and stage
    Special seminars on historical dance and Scottish dance have been periodically organized Events

    Some realized ativities

    Special class of Scottish Dance

    Friday 9 November 2007

    Palestra Scuole Mazzini, V. Gentileschi 10, Pisa

    (in the course
    of XIX century dance and Scottish dance)

    Stage on Scottish dance

    Saturday 10 November 2007

    Stazione Leopolda, Guerrazzi, Pisa

    h. 16-17.45 - Scottish Country Dance - all livels
    h. 18-19 - Highland Dance - intermediate/advanced

    teacher: Helen Russell, RSCD
    (Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, Edinburgh, Scotland)

    Seminars of Historical Dance
    Introduction to social dance of XIX century
    Menuet, contredanse, allemande

    Introduction to renaissance dance

    Dancing Evening
    Saturday 10 November 2007
    Scottish dance and social dance, open dancing evening

    Stazione Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi, h. 20.30

    The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza is an affiliated group of the alla RSCDS,
    Royal Scottish Country Dance Society di Edinburgo

    Saint Andrew's Night
    Friday 30 November 2007
    Palestra Scuole Mazzini, Via Gentileschi Pisa
    Special evening of Scottish dances
    (Appropriate dress is suggested)

    The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza is an affiliated group of the RSCDS,
    Royal Scottish Country Dance Society of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

    Pisa, Saturday 15 December 2007, h. 17

    Festa di Natale
    Tradizional Christmas Ball
    with XIX century social dances and Scottish country dance

    and the

    VII Photo Exhibition (Mostra Fotografica)
    Pisa, Leopolda Storica, Piazza Guerrazzi, h. 17

    Tea Dance
    Social dance of XIX Century tradition

    Pisa, Saturday 15 February 2008, h. 17
    ... with some connection to "La Divina Commedia" ...

    Danze dell'Ottocento
    XIX century social dance

    , Friday 21 December 2007, n. 18
    Palazzo Gambacorti
    in collaboration with Circoscrizione n.6, Comune di Pisa

    Renaissance Dance in

    Vincenzo e Galileo, un padre e un figlio
    by Roberto Sonnini
    To celebrate the 400-th anniversary of the astronomic discoveries Galileo Galilei (1609-2009)
    Vincenzo Galilei, musician and music theoretician, Galileo his son and founder of the modern science, in their special and common relationship between a father and a son.

    24 March 2008, h. 21.30
    S. Maria al Monte (Pi), Teatro Comunale

    Leopolda in festa - Fioriscono le idee

    Stazione Leopolda
    Festival of the associations

    Saturday May, 3 2008

    h. 18 - Scottish Dances

    h. 21.30 - XIX Century dances

    Alcune fotografie

    Leopolda in festa 2008

    Stazione Leopolda

    Scottish Dances - Festa Scozzese

    11 July 2008 - 14 July 2008

    Leopolda, Pisa, h. 21.30

    Festa di Inizio

    7 June 2008, h. 17.30

    Villa Alma Pace, Via A. Vespucci 50, Livorno

    dancing evening in collaboration with the Circolo Livornese

    Some photos

    Current activities
    Past activities: 2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000 | 1994-1999
    Contact the Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
    Weekly classes , Seminars , Balls and Tea Dances , Special Events

    [ Società di Danza Home Page: about: - contact - classes - schools - balls - books - realized events - congresses - picture Gallery |local album |Circolo Livornese | Dance links ]

    Last Updated: July 2008 - email :