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Società di Danza - Trento - Amici della Danza

National Federation Società di Danza
Home > Trento

Year 2013-2014

Quadrille, Mazurka, Waltz, Polka, Country dance

Information: alcri@inwind.it

Grand Ball
"Amici della Danza"

4 May 2014
Villa Di Roncegno (Tn), Casa di Salute Raphael, h. 15-19
dinner will follow
Info: Donatella 3475470648 - donatellamase@hotmail.com -
Deadline for participation: 10 April

Grand Ball
20 October 2013
Villa Di Roncegno (Tn), Casa di Salute Raphael

Info: Donatella 3475470648 - donatellamase@hotmail.com

Year 2012-2013

Grand Ball
5 May 2013
Villa Di Roncegno (Tn), Casa di Salute Raphael, h. 15

Info: Donatella 3475470648 - donatellamase@hotmail.com

Year 2011-2012

Quadrille, Mazurka, Waltz, Polka, Country dance

We dance every Wednesday from 21.00 to 23.00
in the gymnasium Casa Demattè in Ravina di Trento.

Grand Ball
13 May 2012, Villa Di Roncegno (Tn), Casa di Salute Raphael, h. 15

Year 2009

From January 2009 in Ravina di Trento it has been founded a new group that refers to
the large 'family' of the Società di Danza directed by Fabio Mòllica and
with whom it aims to share all the experiences.

Since March we found in Sala polifunzionale Claudio Demattè of Ravina
a wonderful space to dance together our traditional dances of the Nineteenth century:

Quadrille, Mazurka, Walts, Polka, Country Dance

We dance in the following days
on Tuesday from 17.30 to 18.30 and on Wednesday from 21.00 to 23.00

Some past activities
  • Grand Ball, Palazzo Lodron, Nogaredo, 6.5.2011
  • 19th century dances in 'Notti Bianche' Teatro Sociale di Trento, 16.3.2011
  • 19th century dances in 'Tesori a Ravina'15.9.2011
  • 19th century dances, Danze dell'Ottocento, Mezzocorona (Tn), 2.10.2011
  • 19th century dances in 'Caffè Sinan Pascià', Teatro Sociale di Trento,11.1.2012

Call +39 347 5470648 or write to donatellamase@hotmail.com for all the information from Donatella, President of

"Amici della Danza"

Società di Danza