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Società di Danza - Trento

Home > Trento

School of 19th Century Dance

National Federation Società di Danza

Waltz, Quadrille, Contry Dances, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances.
Tea dances and Balls , also in collaboration with cutural institutions and associations.
Promotion of historical research in the dance field.
Year 2022-2023

Circolo Tridentum

Information: Silvano - tridentum@societadidanza.it
tel. 347 2656028

Activities in Trento

Circolo Trentino

Information: Lidia Cocca
tel. 346 244 7140

Teacher: Sonia Gottardi 338 860 3456
Activities in Trento and Arco (Tn)

Circolo Valsugana

Information: Sonia
tel. 338 860 3456

Teacher: Sonia Gottardi

Activities in Borgo Valsugana (Tn)

Past activities

The Società di Danza started the activities in 2002 with classes on 19th Century Dances and Scottish Country Dances in Trento
in collaboration with the Museo Storico in Trento with the teacher Fabio Mòllica.
From 2002 there were regular classes on with 19th Century social dance and scottish country dance.
From 2002 various events, seminars, tea deances and presentations have been organized.
From 2007 special cycles of stages of 19th century dance, named 'Nordica', have been organized in collaboration with the Circoli of Milano, Bergamo and Trento.
Several activities have been organized by groups of Società di Danza in Trento.

Detais about past activities

Società di Danza