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Società di Danza - Prato

Home > Prato
School of 19th Century Dance
Cultural association directed by Fabio Mòllica
National Federation Società di Danza
Waltz, Quadrille, Contry Dances, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances - Tea dances and Balls
19th Century Social Dance

Quadrille, waltz, polka, mazurka, Scottish dance to introduce and enter the world of 19th Century dance in Italy and Europe

Year 2024-2025

Course of 19th Century Dance of Società di Danza at Prato fot the year 2024-2005 with weeekly classes

Course of 19th Century Dance

I course from Monday 7 October
II course from Monday 3 February
h. 20.30 beginners

The Loom Movement Factory a.s.d.
Via T. Cortesi 20, Prato

from October 2024 to May 2025

Monday - 19th century dance
and Scottish Dance
h. 20.30-22.00 beginners
h. 22.00-23.00 intermediate

Teachers: G. Bartoli e S. Tosoni

Info: 348 6955431 - 333 3230295 - prato@societadidanza.it

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19th Century Ball
Presentation of 19th century dance

Friday 18 October 2024
h. 20

Piazza Duomo, Prato

in "Un Prato di Cioccolata" organized by "Choco Moments", patronage of Comune di Prato

Poster 1 - 2

Courses are for young and adults. We study 19th century social dance of European tradition. Quadrille, waltz, mazurka, polka, march, galop, schottishe and Scottish country dance. Dances are reconstructed on the basis of the research work of Società di Danza.
Società di Danza is a cultural association, and now a National Federation, that focuses on research, practice and diffusion of historical dance and specifically 19th century dance.
The National Federation Società di Danza is active in many cities and to whom Società di Danza Prato belong, sharing the ideas and objectives.
Società di Danza organizes courses, reconstructions of grand balls in several Italian and European cities, intensive stage and seminars on historical dance, produces a collection of books on dance history in 19th century and a collection of educational material, collaborates with cultural institutions, associations and promote hostrical research in the dance field.
The association Società di Danza Prato is included in the "Albo comunale e regionale delle APS" (named Società di Danza Prato - APS) and in RUNTS (Registro Unico nazionale del Terzo Settore) from 2023.

Year 2023-2024

Course of 19th Century Dance of Società di Danza at Prato fot the year 2023-2004 with weeekly classes

Course of 19th Century Dance
and Scottish Dance

I course at The Loom Movement Factory
Via T. Cortesi 20, Prato
Monday - 19th century dance and Scottish Dance
h. 20.30-22.00 beginners
h. 22.00-23.00 intermediate
from October 2023 to May 2024

Teachers: G. Bartoli e S. Tosoni

Information: 348 6955431 - 333 3230295 - prato@societadidanza.it

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Società di Danza Prato partecipated to
"Corteggio Storico"
in Prato on
8 September 2024
to recall the homage that the municipalities of Tuscany
and the civic magistrates of Prato
have paid to the sacred belt of the Virgin since the Middle Ages

Sunday 8 September 2024
Information: Link

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Ball 'agreste di Primavera'

Sunday 7 April 2024
h. 15.30

Villa Gonfienti
Via del Ciliegio 34
Campi Bisenzio (Fi)

19th-century dance in historical dress of the romantic period
Entrance by invitation
Contraddanza Bonvivant, Waltz Veleta, March Fatinitza,
Quadrille I Corsari (1,2,3), Polka Irene, Waltz Marien,
March Arlecchino, Quadrille Annika (1,2,3),
Mazurka Mousmé, Flowers' Waltz,
Contraddanza Orfeo, Mazurka Pauline,
Quadrille Barbablú (1,2,3), Spanish Waltz, Cotillon

Info: prato@societadidanza.it
tel. Giancarlo 3486955431 - Sara 3333230295

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Dancing Carnival Party

Sunday 11 January 2024
h. 17

The Loom Movement Factory
Via T. Cortesi 20

Information: prato@societadidanza.it
tel. Giancarlo 3486955431
Sara 3333230295

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"Ballo di Natale

Presentation of
19th century dance

Saturday 23 December 2023
h. 17
Loggiati del Pellegrino
Impruneta (Fi)

pro loco Impruneta
and Circolo San Giuseppe

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"Ballo di Natale nell'Ottocento"
"Danze e costumi d'epoca"

Sunday 3 December 2023
h. 16.30

Sala Consiliare
Palazzo Comunale di Prato
Piazza del Comune, Prato
Presentation of 19th century dance
in collaboration with
Comune di Prato


Year 2022-2023

Course of 19th Century Dance of Società di Danza at Prato for the year 2022-2023 with weekly classes

Course of 19th Century Dance

Course from 19 September 2022
at The Loom Movement Factory a.s.d.
Via T. Cortesi 20
on Monday - h. 20.30-22.00

Teachers: G. Bartoli e S. Tosoni

Information: 348 6955431 - 333 3230295 - prato@societadidanza.it

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Scottish Party
Sunday 21 May 2023
h. 15.30

The Loom Movement Factory
Via T. Cortesi 20


Information: 348 6955431 - 333 3230295 - prato@societadidanza.it

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Carnival Ball

Sunday 29 January 2023, h. 15
Villa le Farnete
Via Macia 140
Comeana (Prato)

19th-century dance in historical dress of the romantic period.
Mask is welcome.
Dance of society: Quadrille, Waltz, Mazurka, Polka, Marches, countrydance and Cotillons!
It is possible to book the buffet after the dance in the adjacent rooms

Villa Le Farnete . The construction of the villa dates back to the 14-th century by the Florentine family of the Mazzinghi. Subsequently, the villa was purchased by the Marquises de Gori in the 18-th century, renewing it inside, designing an Italian garden and modifying its front facade. In 1875 the villa became the property of the Fiorentine Lepri family and on that occasion other expansion and modification works were carried out. In 1995 the estate was divided by the Lepri family while keeping the property of the villa.

Information: prato@societadidanza.it - tel. Giancarlo 3486955431 Sara 3333230295

Società di Danza Firenze
Società di Danza Prato

'A Ball with Caruso'
Sunday 4 December 2022
h. 16 and h. 17.30
Museo Enrico Caruso
Villa Caruso Bellosguardo, Lastra a Signa, Firenze

A tribute to the tenor Enrico Caruso
through 19-th century dance with music by famous operas

In the marvellous scenario of the historical Villa Bellosguardo, that has been house of Enrico Caruso for a long time, un tribute through social dance of 19th century on period music, presented by dancers in 19th century ball dress, by
Società di Danza Firenze e Società di Danza Prato

in collaboration with Museo Enrico Caruso
- Poster
Free entrance
16.00: First entrance
17.30: Second entrance

Information: tel. 348 6955431 - prato@societadidanza.it

Year 2021-2022

Course of 19th Century Dance of Società di Danza at Prato for the year 2021-2022 with weekly classes

Course of 19th Century Dance
Course from 20 September 2021
at The Loom Movement Factory a.s.d.
Via T. Cortesi 20
on Monday - h. 20.30-22.00

Teachers: G. Bartoli e S. Tosoni

Information: 348 6955431 - 333 3230295 - prato@societadidanza.it

Year 2020-2021

Course of 19th Century Dance of Società di Danza in Prato for the year 2020-2021 with weekly classes

Course of 19th Century Dance
I course from October 2020
at The Loom Movement Factory a.s.d.
Via T. Cortesi 20
Monday - h. 20.30-22.00

Calendar 1st course
I Three months

5, 12, 19, 26 October, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 November, 14 December 2020

Teachers: G. Bartoli e S. Tosoni

Per informazioni: 348 6955431 - 333 3230295 - prato@societadidanza.it

Year 2019-2020

New course of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance of the Società di Danza in Prato for the year 2019-2020, every week

Course of 19th Century Dance

Open presentation free dancing evening
on Monday 14 October 2019, h. 20.30
The open presentation evening and the course are at
The Loom Movement Factory a.s.d.
Via T. Cortesi 20
Monday, h. 21.00-22.30

Teachers: Giancarlo Bartoli e Sara Tosoni

Information: 348 6955431 - 333 3230295 - prato@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza