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Società di Danza - Genova

Home > Genova

School of 19th Century Dance
Cultural association directed by Fabio Mòllica
National Federation Società di Danza

Waltz, Quadrille, Contry Dances, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances
Tea dances and Balls

Promotion of historical research in the dance field.

Genova - Information: genova@societadidanza.it

19th Century Social Dance

Quadrille, waltz, polka, mazurka, Scottish dance to introduce and enter the world of 19th Century dance in Italy and Europe

Year 2019-2020

Course of 19th Century dance of Società di Danza in Genova
for the year 2019-2020 starting from October, three Saturday per month

Course of 19th Century dance
First open class: 28 September 2019

presso 5678 Studio
Traversa di via Balbi (Vico Tana 16/R)
on Saturday aftenoon
two classes per month
h. 16.00 - 18.00
from October 2019 to May 2020
I course: October - December 2019 - 8 times
II course: January - May 2020 - 8 times

1st Course
28 - presentation
12 - 19 - 26
9 - 16 - 30
7 - 14
2nd Course
11 - 18
1 - 15
7 - 21
4 - 18

Information: 334 6048828 Giuliana - genova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Genova

Grand Ball

19 April 2020, h. 15.30
Note: postponed, date to be defined

Circolo Ufficiali
Via S. Vincenzo 68

Information: genova@societadidanza.it - Giuliana 334 6048828

Courses for adults and young people.
We study 19th Century dances of European tradition, including quadrilles, country dances, waltz, mazurka, polka, galop, schottische.
The dances are studied according to the research work of the Società di Danza.
La Società di Danza is a cultural assoctiation that focuses on research, practice and diffusion of historical dance, and specifically 19th century dance. From 2007 it is a Federation active in several cities and to which the group of Genova is affiliated and shares the ideas.
The Società di Danza organizes courses, gran ball reconstructions in several Italian and European cities, formation activities,
schools and historical dance stages, produces books on dance history, specifically of 19th century, educational material, collaborates with cultural institutions and associations, and promotes historical research in the dance field.

Associates to Società di Danza can participate to several events, such as 19th Century Grand Balls and Grand Ball Risorgimentali organized in Italy
by various Circoli e grups associated to the National Federation Società di Danza that also organizes some national and international Grand Balls and events in Europe.
Moreover the associates can participate to several other evets and to the stage and schools organized by Società di Danza, including the Easter School, the Summer School, and the National Meeting and international activities.

Anno 2018-2019

Courses of 19th century dance of the Società di Danza in Genova
for the year 2018-2019 starting in October, every two weeks

Società di Danza - Genova

Grand Ball at Palazzo Reale

Presentation of 19th Century dance
Sunday 16 June 2019, h. 16
Palazzo Reale di Genova
Salone da Ballo
Via Balbi 10, Genova
in collaboration with Museo di Palazzo Reale di Genova

Historical reconstruction of a 19th Century Grand Ball
by Società di Danza
Information - genova@societadidanza.it
Dances of society of the 19th-Century tradition: quadrille, waltz, mazurka, polka, contraddanza, march and galop.
The dancers wear ball dress from the Romantic 19th Century period.
Dances are reconstructed on the basis of an accurate philological study carried on by Società di Danza,
reproposed in the style of the best 19th century dance masters.
The music is taken from the best repertoire of 19th-century Italian and European dance music.
Among these famous music by Strauss, Verdi, Donizetti and Paganini.


Course of 19th Century dance held in the year 2018-2019

Course of 19th Century dance
First Course starts on: October, 6, 2018
Second Course starts on: February, 2, 2019
at ASD Art.Ebi
Corso Monte Grappa 7-9 fondi
Saturday every two weeks, from h. 15.00
from October 2018 to June 2019

I Term
6 ottobre 2018
20 October 2018
3 November 2018
17 November 2018
1 December 2018
19 January 2019
II Term
2 February 2019
16 February 2019
2 March 2019
30 March 2019
13 April 2019
11 May 2019

For information: 334 6048828 Giuliana - info@societadidanza.it

Year 2017-2018

In the year 2017-2018 Società di Danza started the courses of 19th century dance in Genova
from October to May, every two weeks

Course of 19th Century Dance
Courses start in: 14 October 2017
presso ASD Art.Ebi
Corso Monte Grappa 7-9 fondi
Saturday, every two weeks, from h. 15.00
from October 2017 to June 2018

I Term
h. 15-17
h. 15-17.30
h. 15-17.30
h. 15-17.30
h. 15-17.30
II Term
h. 15-17
h. 15-17.30
h. 15-17.30
h. 15-17.30
h. 15-17.30
III Term
h. 15-17
h. 15-17.30
h. 15-17.30
h. 15-17.30
h. 15-17.30

For information: 334 6048828 Giuliana - info@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza