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Società di Danza - Circolo Ferrarese

Home > Ferrara

From 2011 the new site of the Circolo Ferrarese is active,
where you can find the information about courses and activities, at the following link:

Year 2010-2011

The circolo ferrarese della Società di Danza is a cultural association that joins the Società di Danza which aims to
promote, study and diffusion of historical dance with special attention to
Quadrille, Waltz, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dance.
It organizes Balls and Tea Dances and it collaborates with cultural institutions
and with other associations of the area

Classes of 19th Century Dances and Scottish Country Dances
on Wednesday, 19.30-22.45
next course from March, 23 2011
Liceo Classico Ludovico Ariosto
via Arianuova 19
beginners: ore 20.00-21.30
intermediate: ore 21.30-22.45

First Cycle: 1/10/2010 - 15/12/2010
Second Cycle: 10/1/2011 - 20/3/2011
Third Cycle: 21/3/2011 - 30/6/2011

Information: ferrara@societadidanza.it, tel. 349 671 45 66 - Contact

Balls, tea dances and events 2010-2011

Grand Bal Masqué
Third Edition

Grand Ball

Saturday 5 March 2011, h. 17.30
Palazzo Tassoni Estense
Salone d'Onore
Via della Ghiara 36

Information: ferrara@societadidanza.it

Danze Risorgimentali
in Notte del Tricolore

16 March 2011
Palazzo dei Diamanti - Ferrara

Realized activities - year 2010-2011

19th century dances
Social dances of European tradition
Concert by the Banda Filarmonica Comunale F. Musi
with dances of 19th century tradition
(with reference to the concert in Teatro Comunale and the "Cavalchina" of 17 February 1861)

17 February 2011, h. 21
Sala S. Francesco, Ferrara
a collaboration between the Banda Filarmonica Comunale F. Musi, the Società di Danza di Ferrara and the advice of the Museo del Risorgimento e della Resistenza
Information: ferrara@societadidanza.it, tel. 349 671 45 66

Società di Danza

Gran Ballo Risorgimentale del Plebiscito
Sunday 5 December 2010, h. 17.30
Castello Estense, Salone degli Stemmi, Ferrara
Società di Danza
in the Program of the Celebration of the 150th of the Unità d'Italia
in collaboration with Provincia di Ferrara and il Comune di Ferrara, Ferrara per i 150 anni

Tribute to Garibaldi

12 February 2011, h. 21

Agriturismo La Rocchetta
S.Egidio (Fe)

Special class of Scottish dances

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Atrio Liceo Ariosto, Ferrara

Teacher: Helen Russell, RSCDS
(Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, Edinburgh, Scotland)

Scottish party
Open tea dance
Scottish dances and social dances with pipe music

Sunday 16 January 2011

Liceo Classico Ludovico Ariosto
via Arianuova 19, Ferrara h. 15

Charity event
open evening with social dance

22 January 2011, ore 21
Palazzo Roverella, Ferrara

Information: ferrara@societadidanza.it, tel. 349 671 45 66

Opening dancing evening

Invito alla Danza - Come to dance!
everyone is welcome

29 September 2010, h. 20
Liceo Classico Ariosto, Atrio Bassani, Ferrara

Promenades Estensi

19th century dance
from square to square, a travelling dance tribute to the journalism award

Piazzetta S. Anna, Rotonda Foschini and Piazza del Duomo
domenica 19 September 2010 h. 16.30

in the
27th 'premio estense'
in collaboration with
Camera di Commercio

Scottish Dances
at the Festival Balloons

24 September 2010 h. 21.00

Past activities

Società di Danza - Contact the Circolo Ferrarese - Classes Photos of the Circolo FerrareseBalls Dance link - Performance