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Società di Danza - Brescia

19th Century Dance School
National Federation Società di Danza

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Past activities in Brescia: 2014-2019

Year 2019 - 2020

Course of 19th Century Social Dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurka, Polka and
Scottish country dances

Course of 19th Century Dance
Calendar and timetable of the course
from October 2019 to May 2020

Weekly course
on Tuesday
First level: h. 20.30-22.00
Second level: h. 22.00-23.00

Palestra Deledda, Via Parenzo 101

Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro


Silvia 348 0469797 - brescia@societadidanza.it

Grand Ball 'delle X Giornate di Brescia'

Sunday 5 April 2019
h. 15.30

postponed - date to be defined

Palazzo Facchi, Corso Matteotti 74

Entrance by invitation - Information: Silvia 348 0469797 - brescia@societadidanza.it

Year 2018 - 2019

Course of 19th Century Social Dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurka, Polka and
Scottish country dances

Course of 19th Century Dance
Calendar and timetable of the course
from October 2018 to May 2019

Weekly course
on Tuesday
First level: h. 20.30-22.00
Second level: h. 22.00-23.00

Palestra Deledda, Via Parenzo 101

Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro


Silvia 348 0469797 - brescia@societadidanza.it

Grand Ball Risorgimentale

Presentation of 19th Century Dances

Sunday 30 June 2019, h. 15.30
Palazzo Cigola Martinoni, Via Roma 19
Cigole (Brescia)

Information: Silvia 348 0469797 - brescia@societadidanza.it

Grand Ball 'della Leonessa d'Italia'

Sunday 26 May 2019, h. 15.30
Palazzo Facchi, Corso Matteotti 74

Programma delle danze
Spanish Waltz, The Saint John's Rant Reel,
Waltz 'del Principe Rodolfo', It should be fun Jig,
Quadrille Chiarivari, Waltz Flammen, The Gilly Flower Jig,
Mazurka La Flora, The Blackwater Reel, Waltz Blea Night,
Quadrille lo Zingaro Barone, Galop

Entrance by invitation- Information: Silvia 348 0469797 - brescia@societadidanza.it

Year 2017 - 2018

Course of 19th Century Social Dance
Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurka, Polka and
Scottish country dances

Presentation class:
Saturday 7 October 2017
ore 14:30-17:30, Palestra Deledda, Via Parenzo, 101, Brescia
Weekly 19th Century Dance Course
Calendar and timetable of the course
from October 2017 to May 2018

Weekly course
h. 21:00-22:30
Palestra Deledda, Via Parenzo 101

Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro

To participate please contact:

Information: Silvia 348 0469797 - brescia@societadidanza.it

Dancing Party

Sunday 20 May 2018
h. 15.30
Ludoteca Antro del Drago, Colle di Cadibona 5
Spanish Waltz, March Laxenburger Castle, Dunnet Head Reel, Contraddanza La Favorita, Caroussel March, Waltz La Gazza Ladra, Contraddanza Guglielmo Tell, Flowers' Waltz, Kossuth march, Quadrille I Lancieri, Marine Two Step, Festival Interceltique and surprise dances
Animation dance, except for waltz and quadrille. Buffet will be offered
Information: Silvia 348-0469797 - brescia@societadidanza.it

Year 2016 - 2017

Course of 19th Century Social Dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurka, Polka and
Scottish country dances
Weekly course
Presentation of the course: September 24, 2016
h. 14:30-16:00, at 'Aita' Spazio Prove del Teatro di Sconfine
Contrada delle Bassiche 27/B, Brescia

Weekly 19th Century Dance Course
Calendar and timetable of the course
da October 2016 a May 2017
Weekly course alternated
Friday evening and Saturday afternoon
Time: h. 21:00-23:00 / 14:30-17:30
Palestra Canossi, Via Gianfranco Omassi
Palestra Lamarmora, Via Micheli 6

Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro
To participate please contact:
Information: Silvia 348 0469797 - brescia@societadidanza.it

Year 2015 - 2016

Course of 19th Century Social Dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurka, Polka and
Scottish country dances
Classes every two weeks on Saturday
Presentation of the course
26 September 2015

Aita' Spazio Prove del Teatro di Sconfine
Contrada delle Bassiche 27/B, Brescia

Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro
time: h. 14:30-16:30

Course calendar and time:
Beginners h. 14:30-16:00
First level h. 16:00-17:00
October: 10, 24 - November: 7, 21
December: 5, 19 - January: 16, 30
February: 13, 27 - March: 12
April: 2, 16, 30 - May: 14, 28

Silvia 348 0469797 - brescia@societadidanza.it

Grand Ball Risorgimentale

Saturday 9 July 2016, h. 20.30
Villa Balladoro a Povegliano Veronese (Vr)

Dance program
March, Spanish Waltz, March Varsavia, French Quadrille, Ganglovienne Waltz, It Should Be Fun, Pas de Trois,
Waltz of 'Repubblica Ligure', 'Contraddanza Romantica', Galop

Information: Silvia 348 0469797 - brescia@societadidanza.it

Scottish Party

Sunday 5 June 2016
h. 17.00-19.30
Centro Civico di Camerlata, Via Varesina 1, Como
Organized by dai Groups of Arona, Brescia, Como, Lecco and Varese
Dance program:
Gibson's Gallop Reel, It should be fun Jig, Nice to see You Reel, A Capital Jig,
The Dhoon Jig, The Flying Spur Jig, Cenerentola Reel, The Honeymoon Reel, Rabbies's Reel, The Edinburgh Volunteers Strathspey, Newburgh Jig,
Let's Have a Ceilidh Reel, A Reel for Jeannie Reel, Simon's Dance Reel,
Davy Nick Nack Reel, Festival Interceltique Reel
Information: brescia@societadidanza.it

Year 2014 - 2015

Grand Ball

Saturday 27 June 2015
Piazza della Loggia, Brescia

Ore 20:30 Promenade from Piazza della Vittoria
Ore 20:45 Grand Ball

Program: March, Spanish Waltz, Honeymoon Reel, Hungarian March, Waltz á la Paganini, Cotillon, Nice to Meet You, Quadrille 'Una Notte a Venezia', Flowers' Waltz, Pas de Trois, Captain White, Cotillon, Waltz la Gazza Ladra, March Roma
Information: Silvia 348 0469797 - brescia@societadidanza.it

Course of 19th Century Social Dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurka, Polka and
Scottish country dances
Classes every two weeks on Saturday
Presentation of the course
27 September 2014

Aita' Spazio Prove del Teatro di Sconfine
Contrada delle Bassiche, 27/B, Brescia
10-12 Brescia

Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro
time: h. 10-12

Course calendar and time:
First level h. 10-12
October: 11 - 25; November: 15 - 29
December: 6 - 20; January: 17 - 31
February: 14 - 28; March: 14 - 28
April: 18; May: 16 - 30
June: 13
Silvia 348 0469797 - brescia@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza