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Società di Danza - Brescia

19th Century Dance School
National Federation Società di Danza

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Year 2023 - 2024

Course every week of 19th Century Social Dance and Scottish dance by Società di Danza from october to May.

Course of 19th Century Social Dance - Brescia

Waltz, Quadrille, Country dance, Mazurka, Polka a Scottish dances

Weekly classes froom 21 October 2021
every Tuesday
from 20.30 to 22.30
at Palestra Deledda
Via Parenzo 101

Teachers: Beatrice Cattaneo and Lorenza Guerini

Information: tel. 348 7456094
mail: brescia@societadidanza.it

Years from 2021 to 2023

The course of 19th century dance of Società di Danza in Brescia was held
in the years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 every week, with teachersBeatrice Cattaneo e Lorenza Guerini.

Past activities
For the past activities from 2014 to 2019 of 19th century dance of Società di Danza in Brescia see here.
Società di Danza