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Società di Danza - Bergamo

Home > Bergamo

School of 19th Century Dance

National Federation Società di Danza

Waltz, Quadrille, Contry Dances, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances.
Tea dances and Balls , also in collaboration with cutural institutions and associations.
Promotion of historical research in the dance field.

For the current, future, and past activities see the pages of the Groups

Società di Danza Bergamo Città dei Mille

Information: Mariuccia Bassi
contatto - cell: 351 8602329

Società di Danza - Circolo Bergamasco

Stezzano (Bg)
Information: Lorenza Guerini - 035 4540178
cell. 348.7456094

Year 2012-2013
Grand Ball Risorgimentale

1 June 2013
The event starts at h. 16.30
Piazza Vecchia - Bergamo

Poster (pdf)
Marcia solenne di ingresso, Valzer Spagnolo, Quadriglia Elvira, Valzer dei Fiori,
The RAMC Rant (Royal Army Medical Corps), Pas de Trois, Valzer à la Paganini,
Quadriglia Meyen, Marcia Carousell, White Cockade, Valzer Vita d'Artista, Marcia Roma

For information: Mariuccia Bassi, cell. 3455152300, Lorenza Guerini - 348.7456094
mail: bergamocitta@societadidanza.it - bergamo@societadidanza.it

Sunday stages

The Circoli of Bergamo, Mantova, Milano, Torino and Trento jointly organize a cycle of Sundays to study practice and theory of 19th century dances, their technique and their history.
Stage to exploit together the idea of the Società di Danza

28 October 2012 - Torino
20 January 2013 - Stezzano (Bg)
h. 11.00-17.00 - Break h. 13.30

Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

For information: 339.8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Year 2011-2012

In 2011-2012 activity on 19th century dance was held by the groups of Società di Danza di Circolo Bergamasco - Stezzano (Bg) e di Bergamo.

Sunday stages

The Circoli of Bergamo, Mantova, Milano and Trento jointly organize a cycle of Sundays to study practice and theory of 19th century dances, their technique and their history.
Stage to exploit together the idea of the Società di Danza

23 October 2011
22 January 2012
h. 11.00-18.00 - Break h. 13.30

Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

For information: 339.8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Year 2010-2011

In 2010-2011 activity on 19th century dance was held by the groups of Società di Danza di Circolo Bergamasco - Stezzano (Bg) e di Bergamo.

Sunday stages

The Circoli of Bergamo, Mantova, Milano and Trento jointly organize a cycle of Sundays to study practice and theory of 19th century dances, their technique and their history.
Stage to exploit together the idea of the Società di Danza

October, 17th, 2010, Mantova
January, 23th, 2011, Bergamo Stezzano
h. 11.00-18.00 - Break h. 13.30

Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

For information: 339.8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Year 2009-2010

In 2009-2010 activity on 19th century dance was held by the groups of Società di Danza di Circolo Bergamasco - Stezzano (Bg) e di Bergamo.

14 March 2010
"Festa della Primavera"

h. 16:00 at the Centro Carpinoni
Via Carpinoni, 8 - Bergamo

Valzer Spagnolo, Marcia Roma, Quadriglia Bivouac, Valzer Gaudente, Pas de trois, Gibson Gallop,
Elena waltz, Principe di Napoli, Valzer Ganglovienne, Capital Jig, Valzer Note di vita quotidiana,
Honeymoon, Marcia Caroussel, La Bortolotti, Scotland, Galop

For information:
Lorenza: 348.7456094 - Mariuccia 3455152300


Stage on Sunday

The Circoli of Bergamo, Mantova, Milano and Trento jointly organize a cycle of stages on Sundays to study practice and theory of 19th century dances, their technique and their history.
Stage to exploit together the idea of the Società di Danza

November, 15th, 2009, Stezzano (Bergamo) - January, 24th, 2010, Mantova

h. 11.00-18.00 - Break h. 13.30

Bergamo: Palestra Scuola El. L. Caroli, Via Vallini 12, Stezzano (Highway exit 'Dalmine') - Info: Lorenza, 348.7456094
Mantova: Palestra Alpi - Via Ilaria Alpi, 6 - Info: Gianluca 347.1490238

Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

For information: 339.8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Past activities

The Società di Danza started the activities with classes on 19th Century Dances and Scottish Country Dances in Bergamo with the teacher Fabio Mòllica, from October 2002.
In the years from 2007 to 2009 there were periodic seminars Nordica on Sunday organized with the collaboration of the Circoli of Bergamo, Milano and Trento;
in Bergamo on 18.11.2007, 17.2.2008, 16.11.2008, 1.2.2009 with teacher Fabio Mòllica.
Some photos.
From 2006 started the activities of the groups of the Società di Danza
in Circolo Bergamasco - Stezzano (Bg) (teacher Lorenza Guerini) and from 2007 in Bergamo (teacher Mariuccia Bassi).


Società di Danza - ClassesBalls Dance link