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Società di Danza - Circolo Bergamasco
Stezzano (BG)

Home > Bergamo -Stezzano

From 2010 the new site of the Circolo Bergamasco is active,
where you can find the information about courses and activities,
at the following link www.societadidanzabergamo.it

School of XIX Century Dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Contry Dances, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances
Tea dances and Balls , also in collaboration with cutural institutions and associations.
Promotion of historical research in the dance field.

Teacher: Lorenza Guerini

Information: 035.4540178 - 348.7456094
bergamo@societadidanza.it - lorenzaguerini@alice.it


Year 2009-2010

XIX century dances

Thursday from September 10
20.00-21.30 (
I level) and 21.30-23.00 (II level)

Cultural Center Il Cascinetto, Polyvalent Room
via Mascagni, 13 - Stezzano


Tuesday 16 March 2010
Tour delle Ville Antiche di Stezzano

Danze e tableaux vivants in costume of XIX sec

villa zanchi

Villa Zanchi, Stezzano
from h. 15

In collaboration with Istituto Comprensivo "Caroli" Stezzano
European Projects Comenius - Socrates



Thursday 31 December 2009
Capodanno in Corte

villa Gromo

Villa Gromo
Valtrighe di Mapello

Some photos


Saturday 10 October 2009
Gran Ballo Risorgimentale
With the patronage of the Comune di Chiari

Chiari, Villa Mazzotti
viale Mazzini, 39
how to reach

Gran Ballo h. 17.30, promenade h. 17.00

Some photos



Sunday 20 September 2009
Festa dell'Uva

Tescore Balneario
h. 15.00

Some photos



Saturday 19 September 2009
Festa dello Sport
Performance of XIX century dance

Area Feste of via Aldo Moro, h. 21.00

Some photos


Year 2008-2009



Friday 18 September 2009
Demonstration of Nineteenth-century Dances

Castello di Clanezzo

Some photos



Thursday 13 August 2009
Nineteenth Century Under the Stars
Performance of XIX century dance

Park of Cividate al Piano, h. 21.00

1st part:
Marcia d'Ingresso, Valzer Spagnolo, Contraddanza Romantica, Valzer Flammen, Quadriglia Coulon,

2nd part:
Le Plaisir, Contraddanza Campbells are coming, Valzer Carlton, Postie's Jig, Marcia Arciduca Carlo, Galop, Animation

Some photos



Sunday 19 July 2009
Demonstration of Nineteenth-century Dances

Ballabio (LC), Communal Park
h. 21.00

Some photos



Saturday 13 June 2009
Exhibition during the Concert
of Unione Filarmonica Stezzanese,
for the 155th anniversary of his foundation

Stezzano, Cascinetto di via Mascagni 13
h. 21.00

In rain case the concert will be kept in Sala EDEN, via Bergamo

Some photos



Sunday 10 May 2009
Scottish May’s Party

Stezzano, Piazza Libertà
h. 10.30

Postie's Jig, Espie Mc Nabb, Cinderella, Starry Eyed Lassie, Trip To Glasgow,
Honeymoon Reel, Le Plaisir, Gibson Gallop, Virginia Reel

Some photos



Sunday 21 September 2008
Gran Ballo dell'Unità d'Italia
Museo Storico di Bergamo, Sezione Ottocento
Rocca di Bergamo

h. 16.00 promenade in the Città Alta
h. 17.00 Gran Ballo dell'Unità d'Italia

Marcia d'ingresso, Valzer Spagnolo, Quadriglia I Lanceri, Valzer del Principe Rodolfo,
Contraddanza Schafer, Waltz Country Dance, The Delight, Marcia Arciduca Carlo, Valzer Flammen, Galop

Some photos



Sunday 07 September 2008
Festa dell'Uva

Tescore Balneario
h. 15.00

First group classified for the elegance and the historical reconstruction of the suits

Some photos



Saturday 06 September 2008
Evening of Beneficence

Torre of Moroni Palace


Year 2007-2008

Sunday 22 June 2008
Sognando l'Ottocento

Performance of XIX century dance in collaboration with AVIS Brugherio

Brugherio, piazza Roma
h. 21

Some photos


Sunday 25 May 2008

h. 16

Some photos


Sunday 11 May 2008

h. 16

Some photos


Saturday 05 January 2008
Villa Caroli-Zanchi


Some photos

Società di Danza