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Società di Danza - Alessandria

19th Century Dance School
National Federation Società di Danza

Home > Alessandria

Year 2019 - 2020

Course of 19th Century Dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dance

Classes afternoon every 15 days from 5 October 2019
Open free class
Saturday October, 5, 2019, h. 15.00-16.30

at 'On stage - Dance & Theatre', via Galimberti 46/c

from 20 October classes are at
Centro Global Fitness, Via Palermo 7, ALessandria

Teacher: Valeria Martini

Calendar and time: on Saturday or Sunday every two weeks
h. 15.00-16.30 I level - h. 16.30-18.00 II level

Centro Global Fitness, Via Palermo 7, ALessandria

I Quadrimestre
Sunday 10 November, Saturday 23 November, Sunday 15 December, Saturday 11 January, Saturday 25 January

II Term
2 and 16 February, 1 and 14 March, 5 and 26 April, 9 May
h. 15.00-16.45 beginners , h. 16.45-18.00 intermediate/advanced

For information: 347.8556157 Valeria - 334 6048828 Giuliana -- mail: alessandria@societadidanza.it

Grand Ball

3 May 2020, h. 16
Note: postponed, date to be defined

Palazzo del Monferrato
Via Trevigi 12

Information: alessandria@societadidanza.it - Giuliana 334 6048828

Year 2018 - 2019

Grand Ball

Sunday 14 October 2018, h. 15
Casale Monferrato (Al)
Castello di Casale
Grand Ball od 19th Century 'Casale città aperta'
Information: alessandria@libero.it - 347.8556157 - Valeria
Spanish Waltz, Contraddanza Questa o Quella,
March Kossuth, Quadrille The Lancers, Elena Waltz,
Pas de Trois, Waltz La Figlia del Reggimento,
Contraddanza Guglielmo Tell, Mazurka Edelweiss,
Waltz La Gazza Ladra, March Roma

Course of 19th Century Dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dance

Classes on Saturday afternoon every 15 days
from September 2018
Course presentation and first stage
Saturday 29 September 2018

at 'On stage - Dance & Theatre'
Via Amendola 1/F, Alessandria

Teacher: Valeria Martini

Calendar and time: on Saturday every two weeks
h. 15.00-17.00 I level
h. 17.00-18.00 II level
I Term
13 and 27 October, 10 and 24 November, 15 December 2018, 12 and 26 January 2019
II Term
9 and 23 February, 9 and 23 March, 13 April, 4 and 18 May

Information: 347.8556157 Valeria - 334 6048828 Giuliana -- mail: alessandria@societadidanza.it

Year 2017 - 2018

Grand Ball Risorgimentale

19th Century Grand Ball
Sunday 20 May 2018
Palazzo Vitta
Via Trevigi 12
Casale Monferrato (Alessandria)

First part:
Spanish Waltz, March Risorgimentale, Quadrille The Lancers, Mazurka Edelweiss, Contraddanza Guglielmo Tell, Sofien Quadrille, The Scotch Circle
Second part:
Polka Pas de Trois, Quadrille 'Duca d'Aosta', Elena Waltz, March Kossuth, Sean Triubhas Willichan Strathspey, Waltz La Gazza Ladra, March Roma

Information: alessandria@societadidanza.it - Valeria 3478556157 - Giuliana 334 6048828

Società di Danza Alessandria
participated to

New Year Grand Ball and Concert

organized by Società di Danza
National Federation
1 January 2018, Bologna
Salone del Podestà, Palazzo Re Enzo
in collaboration with Onlus
and patronage of Comune di Bologna
and Regione Emilia-Romagna

Course of 19th Century Dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dance

Classes on Saturday afternoon every 15 days
from October 2017
Course presentation and first stage
Saturday October, 7, 2017

at 'On stage - Dance & Theatre'
Via Amendola 1/F, Alessandria

Teacher: Valeria Martini

Calendar and time: on Saturday every two weeks
h. 15.00-17.00 First level
h. 17.00-18.00 Second level
I Term
7 and 21 October, 4 and 18 November, 2 and 16 December 2017, 13 and 27 January 2018
II Term
from February to May 2018 - Further information soon available
For information: 347.8556157 Valeria - 334 6048828 Giuliana -- mail: alessandria@societadidanza.it

Year 2016 - 2017

Grand Ball Risorgimentale

19th Century Grand Ball
Sunday 4 June 2017, h. 15.30
Complesso Monumentale della Cittadella
Caserma Beleno

Information: alessandria@societadidanza.it - Valeria 3478556157 - Giuliana 334 6048828

Course of 19th Century Dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dance

Classes on Saturday afternoon every 15 days
Course presentation
26 September 2015

at 'On stage - Dance & Theatre'
via Amendola 1/F, Alessandria

Teacher: Valeria Martini

Calendar and time:
on Saturday afternoon every 15 days
h. 15.30-17.30
I Term
8 and 22 October, 12 and 26 November, 10 December, 7 and 21 January
II Term
11 and 25 Febbruary, 11 and 25 March, 8 and 29 April, 13 and 27 May
Reduction for young people up to 24 year - First free trial lesson
Information: 347.8556157 Valeria - 334 6048828 Giuliana
mail: alessandria@societadidanza.it

Year 2015 - 2016

Grand Ball

19th century Grand Ball
Thursday 2 June 2016, h. 15.30
Complesso Monumentale della Cittadella
Caserma Beleno

Informazioni: alessandria@libero.it

Course of 19th Century Dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dance

Classes on Saturday afternoon every 15 days
Course presenttion
26 September 2015

at 'On stage - Dance & Theatre'
via Amendola 1/F, Alessandria

Teacher: Valeria Martini

Calendar and time:
on Saturday afternoon every 15 days
h. 15.30-17.30
I Term
10 and 24 October, 7 and 21 November, 12 December, 9 and 23 January
II Term
13 and 27 February, 12 March, 2 and 16 April, 7 and 21 May
Information: 347.8556157 Valeria - 334 6048828 Giuliana
mail: alessandria@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza