Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

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Società di Danza
'Quadri da un ballo dell'Ottocento a Palazzo Blu'
(Dance scenes from the Nineteenth-century at Palazzo Blu)

Scenes from a Nineteenth-Century ball in the historic Palazzo Blu

23 June 2012, h. 21-23
Pisa, Palazzo Blu

Social dance of European tradition of the romantic period
Waltz, quadrille, marsch, contredanse and mazurka
Dance: Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Piano: Daniela Freschi

In collaboration with Museo di Palazzo Blu
In the 'Giugno Pisano' organized by Comune di Pisa

Beginning h. 21

The dance scenes
take place from 21 to 23,
with intervals of 15 minutes,
interspersed with short intervals
to make easier for visitors to alternate
a visit to the Museum
with a visit to a dance scene.

The 'Quadri di Danza da un ballo dell'Ottocento a Palazzo Blu' brings to life the sounds and atmosphere of an dancing evening in the beautiful setting of historic halls of the Palazzo Blu.

The dancers of the Società di Danza, with the music by pianist Daniela Freschi, reconstruct scenes of a ball with social dance of European tradition of the romantic period of the Nineteenth Century.

Crinoline, fans, special hair style.
'Cavalieri e dame' with ball dress dance waltzes, quadrilles, marches and mazurkas, reconstructed on the basis of the nineteenth century dance manuals. The music echoes in the halls of the Palazzo Blu guiding visitors to enter the living pictures of a romantic dance.


Palazzo Blu
Palazzo Giuli Rosselmini Gualandi, also known as Palazzo Blu because of the restored color and the name of the center which houses the museum, and is located in Pisa Lungarno Gambacorti. The Palace has hosted distinguished visitors over the centuries and was animated by a very intense social and cultural life. In the nineteenth century the palace through a period of splendor with new decorations and restorations of the halls, and balls were organized in Pisa by Counts Giuli.
Palazzo Blu is a charming and significant building in the history of Pisa. Inhabited by Giuli Counts up to 2001, now houses the Fondazione Cassa di Pisa, which transform it into a center of culture and art, called BLUE - Center for Art and Culture. One can visit the ground floor and the floor Noble, which exhibits the greatest masterpieces of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Collection, which includes artists like Cecco di Pietro, Taddeo di Bartolo, Benozzo Gozzoli, Vincenzo Foppa, Aurelio Lomi, Cigoli, Horace Gentileschi, Artemisia Gentileschi, Giovanni Battista Tempesti, Jean Baptiste Desmarais, Joseph Bezzuoli, Luigi Gioli and a rich collection of twentieth-century art. The rooms are furnished in eighteenth-century style, with antique furniture and furnishings.

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
The cultural association Società di Danza, founded in Bologna nel 1991, directed by F. Mòllica, deals with study, practice and diffusion of historical dances with particular reference to the social dance of nineteenth-century tradition. The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza founded in 1994 in Pisa, directed by S. Balsamo, develop activities in the are, according to the aims of the Società di Danza, which is affiliated with. He has produced numerous events of nineteenth-century reconstruction of dance and dance history, seminars and workshops, conferences and continuing study and practice of historical dance, collaborating with public administrations and public and private cultural institution. Among the events held to remember the Nineteenth-century Grand Balls at the Ridotto of Teatro Verdi di Pisa from 1995 to 2007, the "Gran Balli di Fine d'Anno" at Teatro Verdi of Pisa from 1997 to 1999, the Grand Ball of United Italy (Piazza dei Cavalieri, 2011), the Grand Ball in Palazzo Reale in 2000, Grand Ball of European Union in Piazza dei Cavalieri and in Cortile della Sapienza from 1996 to 1999, the Grand Balls in several historic buildings(Palazzo Boileau, Sala da Ballo del Casino dei Nobili, Villa Roncioni, Villa Medicea di Coltano, Villa Le Molina, Royal Victoria Hotel, Palazzo Ruschi, Terrazza Mascagni di Livorno), the Christmas Grand Ball in Villa di Corliano from 2008 to 2011, the 'Schubertiana' in Cortile della Sapienza. Recall also the reconstruction of Renaissance festivals (Cortile della Sapienza), laboratories 'Mozart Dance' with social dance the eighteenth century, specific laboratories and workshops of Scottish dancing. Circolo Pisano also participated in numerous national and international events of the Società di Danza, such as the Grand Ball at Royal Palace of Caserta, at the Reggia of Monza, at the Palazzo Reale in Milan, Palazzo Reale in Naples, at the Officers Club in Turin and Milan at the Salone del Podest&agrva; of Bologna, Palazzo Ducale in Modena, the Naval Academy in Livorno, S. Petersburg, Moscow, Budapest, London, Prague and Vienna.

Daniela Freschi
Born in Livorno gives concerts in various chamber ensembles. She has perfected during and after his studies with some important masters of the musical world (Piernarciso Masi, Sergio Perticaroli Bacchelli Antonio), has won competitions in duo with clarinet (Stresa, Genoa), has participated in radio (RAI 3, Genoa Sound Radio, Radio Livorno, Open City), has worked as a substitute teacher at the "Cantiere internazionale d'arte" of Montepulciano, has been active in the field of vocal chamber music at the School for singers and pianists "Hugo Wolff," has taught in various Conservatori (Campobasso, Avellino, La Spezia, Parma). Currently she is an piano accompanist at the "Cherubini" Conservatorio in Florence. s

For further information contact: Palazzo Blu - Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Società di Danza