Circolo Pisano della Societa' di Danza


Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Il linguaggio della danza nel confronto intergenerazionale

Progetto Porto Franco, Regione Toscana
Casa della Città Leopolda, Pisa

November-December 2001

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza is a cultural society affiliated to the Società di Danza and to the Casa della Città Leopolda of Pisa.

In Fall 2001 the Circolo Pisano has realized in collaboration with the association Casa della Città Leopolda the project Il linguaggio della danza nel confronto intergenerazionale in the framework of the regional project Porto Franco.

Dance as communication, dance through the various generations, comparison and experience of various dance forms. We aim to travel through the XX Century social dance forms that are representative of social communication activities. We propose to compare an practice social dance experience of varius times in the past Century, considering various aspects ranging from historical and social evolution, practice and technical social dance history.
The project includes an introductive conference on the historical and social evolution of social dance through the XX Century, by considering the generation history, the different kinds of social dance both in the popular and more formal forms. The conference has been realized with prof. E. Casini Ropa of the Università di Bologna, prof. Anna Tonelli, of the Ist. Storico-Politico of the Università di Urbino and dr. Fabio Mòllica of the Società di Danza.
The project then includes five theoretical-practical seminars focused on various types of social dance forms, ranging from tango, street dance, from social dance to latin-american dance.

Il linguaggio della danza nel confronto intergenerazionale
Ballando con molti sconosciuti

Casa della Città Leopolda, Pisa

Project on the dance language and social dances. In the project Porto Franco (Regione Toscana)
realized at the Stazione Leopolda, Via Francesco da Buti, Pisa. November-December 2001.

10.11.2001 Conference, h. 15

Evoluzione storico-sociale della danza e ballo sociale nel corso del XX secolo


Incontri - Special seminar, h. 21
Practical seminars of various social dance types of XX Century, focused on social dance as a mean of expression and possible interaction among the generations.
  • 10.11.2001, Ballo Liscio
  • 18.11.2001, Tango Argentino
  • 1.12.2001, Danza di Strada (Funky, Hip-hop)
  • 8.12.2001, Ballo Latino-Americano
  • 22.12.2001, Danza di società (Valzer e quadriglie primo Novecento)

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Last Updated: Jan. 2002 - email :