Societa' di Danza

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Dancing in Wien- Società di Danza

The Società di Danza invites you to join us for the New Year holidays

Dancing in Wien

December 28th, 2007 - January 2nd, 2008

Gran Ball in XIX Century dress on the evening of 31/12,

two dancing evenings of Scottish dances
in collaboration with the Vienna Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

e an informal dancing evening of XIX Century social dance
in collaboration with Zeiten Tanz - Association of XIX Century and historical dance

We stay at the Hotel Kaiser Franz Joseph (4 stars).
The participation feee includes
double room accommodation with breakfast and three dancing evenings; it does not include any meal.
Reservation open starting from August 10th; first payment within October 10th.

For information and details: contact the Società di Danza:
email : tel : +39 339 8316008

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Società di Danza