Società di Danza




The Società di Danza has been active in Livorno from 1997.
The Circolo Livornese della Società di Danza is a cultural association affiliated to the Società di Danza, that promotes the research, practice and diffusion of historical dances, and especially of 19th Century social dances (Valzer, Quadrille, Countredance, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances. The association organizes tea dances, balls and seminars.
It promotes the collaboration with other musical, cultural and sing associations.

Current activities - Contact the Circolo Livornese -
Activities of year 2008-2009

The activities of the Circolo Livornese included classes, balls, events, seminars and tea dances.
Direction: S. Balsamo
Regular courses of XIX Century dance and Scottish Country dance,
organized in three levels, have been given in Livorno every Thursday evening
from October to June at the Palestra Scuole Benci, V. Bernardina 45, teacher: S. Balsamo.
New course in Rosignano (Livorno) every Monday evening at the
Circolo Arci Le Pescine, Via E. Fermi 15, held by C. Russo.
Some special classes of 19th century dances and Scottish dances for young studens of the school
were held in Livorno at the Liceo Scientifico Cecioni
and Istituto Professionale Colombo, teacher: Milena Vox.
The students of the schools participated together with the dancers of the "Società di Danza"
to the project "Grand Ball Risorgimentale".



Gran Ballo Risorgimentale

Sunday 16 May 2010 h. 16
(instead of Saturday 15 May 2010, h. 21.15)
Terrazza Mascagni

in the celebration and commemoration of the
Moti Risorgimentali Livornesi of 10-11 May 1849
Special dition: Saturday 15 May 2010, h. 16.30 Villa Mimbelli)

150th anniversary of the Expedition od the Thousands

in collaboration with
Comitato Livornese per la promozione dei valori risorgimentali
and Provincia di Livorno

With the participation of Italian circoli and groups of Società di Danza
and of the Circolo Praghese of the Società di Danza
Special Edition
Saturday 15 May 2010, h. 16.30
Villa Mimbelli, Museo Civico "Giovanni Fattori"


Stage on Sunday to study practice and theory of XIX century dances,
their technique and their history.
Pisa, 21 February 2010
h. 11-18
Scuola di Danza Proscaenium - Via Fiorentina, 216/A

Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

in collaboration with Circoli and groups of the Società di Danza
of Livorno, Lucca, Pisa, Roma and Viareggio

Summer Party
Open air dancing evening

24 June 2010, h. 20

La Carraia, S.Pietro a Grado
in collaboration with Circolo Pisano

Spring Time Scottish Party

28 March 2010
h. 17

Dancing party: Scottish dance, music and other...
Theatralia, Via di Popogna 50

Gibson's Gallop, Ways in the New Hall, Quadrille Bivouac, The Triumph, The Nut, The Duran Ranger, Saint Bernard Waltz, Galloway House, Highland Reel, Hope's Little Strathspey, Scotland, Quadrille Il Principe di Napoli, The Chequered Court, Scotch Circle

Scottish dances
Demonstration of Scottish dances
Saturday 6 February 2010
Theatralia, Livorno

Scottish dances

Demonstration and animation of Scottish country dances
and live music with piper Nicki

Livorno, Sunday 6 December 2009
ore 18.30
Via and Piazza Garibaldi

Christmas dancing evening

Thursday 16 December 2009, h. 20
Scuole Benci, Via Bernardina 45

Scottish dancing party
"Waiting for St. Andrew's Night"
22 November 2009
h. 16

Università Popolare, V. Solvay 40
Rosignano (Li)

Festa di Presentazione

Open dancing evening
19th century dance and Scottish country dance

25 September 2009, h. 21
Scuole Benci, Scali Olandesi, Livorno
Free entrance

Past activities: 2008-2009 - 2007-2008 - 2006-2007 - 2005-2006 - 1997-2005s

Società di Danza - Contact the Circolo Livornese - Classes - Balls - Photos of the Circolo Livornese - Circolo Pisano - Performance