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Last update: December, 1, 2015
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For other balls, tea dances and events organized by Circoli and groups refer to the local pages.

Società di Danza invites you to

New Year Grand Ball 2016 in Bologna

Palazzo Re Enzo, Salone del Podestà
1 January 2016

in collaboration with
AGEOP (Assistence to the children of Pediatric Oncology) and
AIL (Italian Association against leukemia)
Patronage Comune di Bologna, Regione Emilia Romagna
Information: info@societadidanza.it

Training course for teachers of Società di Danza

Next stage: 6 December 2015 - Firenze
Palestra Montagnola, Ist. Gramsci, Via G. da Montorsoli 1, h. 11-17
20 September 2015Modena
11 October 2015Modena
31 October 1 November 2015 Firenze - meeting nazionale
15 November 2015 Roma
6 December 2015 Firenze
10 January 2016 Modena
14 February 2016 Stezzano (Bg)
1 March 2016 Bologna
17 April 2016 Modena

Information: info@societadidanza.it

of 19th century dance
and Scottish dance

of Società di Danza
in all the cities


places, time,
days, dates of the courses
and other activities
in the local pages


Balls, tea dances and events

Calendar of
19th century Grand Balls,
Grand Balls Risorgimentali,
tea dance and events
organized by Groups of Società di Danza
see local pages

New Video of Società di Danza   

  • Verdi Grand Ball - Società di Danza, Museo Nazionale Giuseppe Verdi, Busseto (Pr), 2015
  • 19th Century ball dress - of 2nd Nationa Meeting of Società di Danza, Firenze, 2014
  • Backstage - of the film 'Un'Idea di Danza', Roma, 2013
  • Grand Ballo Risorgimentale - New year Grand Ball, Bologna, 1.1.2011, Salone del Podestà, Palazzo Re Enzo
  • Student Ball - Modena, 2014
  • Villa Massimo - Landro di Gioiosa Marea (Me), 2014

  • Società di Danza

    Verdi Grand Ball
    Società di Danza
    25.1.2015 - Busseto (Pr)
    Museo Nazionale G. Verdi

    Società di Danza

    19th Bentury Ball Dresses
    della Società di Danza
    2.11.2014 - Firenze
    Villa di Poggio Imperiale
    2nd national Meeting of Società di Danza
    Società di Danza
    Grand Ball Risorgimentale
    New Year Grand Ball
    Bologna, Salone del Podestà, Palazzo Re Enzo,
    Società di Danza
    Società di Danza

    of the film 'Un'Idea di Danza'
    Società di Danza
    Roma, August 2013

    Società di Danza

    Student Ball
    Modena, 2014
    Società di Danza

    Video di Villa Massimo
    Società di Danza
    Villa Massimo di Landro
    Landro di Gioiosa Marea (Me)

    Società di Danza

    19th Century Ball Dress
    of Società di Danza

    2.11.2013 - Salsomaggiore Terme
    presented at Ist National Meeting
    della Società di Danza
    or on the picture to see the video

    Video channel of Società di Danza: to see the video full screen click on the video or on its title - Each video has subtitles in English, French, Russian and Chinese.

    What is
    the Società di Danza

    Why I have chosen
    the Società di Danza

    The Grand Ball

    Società di Danza

    (UNA IDEA DI DANZA) - Film

    Film produced by the Società di Danza to tell, with images, ideas and the work of the study and dissemination of its system of nineteenth-century dance: the lessons, the dancing, the system, the ideas, motivations, the Grand Ball Ottocentesco. Directed and screenplay by Fabio Mòllica.
    Information: info@societadidanza.it

    Some recent activities

    Grand Balls Risorgimentali
    Grand Balls of united Italy and of Risorgimento have been organized by Società di Danza since 1994 in a continuing project, with a special edition for the celebration of the 150 years of the Unity of Italy
    See the page of Grand Balls and realized events

    Info: info@societadidanza.it

    List of last and recent updates on the web site of the Società di Danza

    [ Società di Danza Home Page | The "Società di Danza" | Recents events | Ball | Contact | Classes | Schools | Books | Congress | Performance |Picture Gallery |Video | Dance links ]

    email : info@societadidanza.it

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