Società di Danza


Circolo Pugliese (Apulia)

Activities 2006-2007

Teacher: Assunta Fanuli

XIX Century Dances and Scottish Country Dances

To receive further information contact
or call +39 339 3331613 (Assunta Fanuli).

Sunday, December, 17, 2006, h.20.30

Gran Ballo a Palazzo Roberti
Palazzo Roberti, Piazza XX Settembre
Mola di Bari (Bari)

Polonaise, Valzer Spagnolo, Virginia Reel, Quadriglia I Lanceri, Cauld Kail,
Mazurca, Tantalus Jig, Quadriglia Francese, Valzer Imperiale, Galop Matrosen

Info: 339 - 3331613 - 320 - 9662682

Sunday November, 5, 2006, h. 17.30

Festa di presentazione
new courses of XIX Century Dances and Scottish Country Dances
in the hall of Palazzo Pontrelli
Triggiano (Bari)

for information: 320-9662682

Monthly seminars in
at the Associazione culturale "La Chirintana"
al Free Dance Garden, (II trav. via Vassallo, 15 - Bari)
on Sunday:
15.10, 12.11, 3.122006,
21.1, 11.2, 4.3, 22.4, 13.5, 27.5, 3.6 2007

Triggiano (Ba)
on Sunday
14.1, 25.2, 25.3,15.4, 6.5, 17.6, 24.6 2007
Activity 2004/2005 - 2005/2006

Teacher: Assunta Fanuli

To receive further information contact
or call +39 339 3331613 (Assunta Fanuli).

The Società di Danza started the activity in Lecce and in other towns in Apulia from October 2002, with the teacher Assunta Fanuli.
In the previous years there were regular classes of XIX Century dances and of Scottish Country dances, and stage of historical dances.
Società di Danza - ClassesBalls Dance link - Performance