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Società di Danza - Verona

Home > Verona

19th Century Dance School
Cultural association directed by Fabio Mòllica

Waltz, Quadrille, Contry Dances, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances
Tea dances and Balls

Promotion of historical research in the dance field.

Information: 348 3221331 - verona@societadidanza.it

Year 2023-2024

Course of 19th Century dance of Società di Danza from October to May.
We study quadrilles, waltzes, polkas, mazurkas, contradances, according to the teaching of the best dance master of 19th century.

19th century dance - Verona
Società di Danza Verona

at Circolo Noi di San Giuseppe
Via Bassone 30

Two courses of eight or nine classes
on Saturday every two weeks
h. 16.00-19.00

First class: 23 September 2023

Teacher: Luana Giacobbe
Information: 348 3221331

I term
II term

19th century dance - Verona
Società di Danza Scaligero Verona

Accademia Di Danza 77bisdance
Corso Milano 33

Courses with stage
on Saturday every two weeks
h. 16.00 - 18.00

First classes: 7 October 2023

Teacher: Maria Bernardi
Information: 338 4952688
I term

on Saturday
7 and 21 October
4 and 18 November
2, 16 and 30 December
13 and 27 January
II term

on Saturday
10 and 24 February
9 and 23 March
6 and 20 April
4 and 18 May

Year 2022-2023

Course of 19th Century dance of Società di Danza from October to May.
We study quadrilles, waltzes, polkas, mazurkas, contradances, according to the teaching of the best dance master of 19th century.

19th century dance - Verona

at Circolo Noi di San Giuseppe
Via Bassone 30

Two courses of eight or nine classes
on Saturday every two weeks
h. 16.00-19.00
First class: 8 October 2022

Teacher: Luana Giacobbe
Information: 348 3221331

I term
Saturday 8 October
Saturday 22 October
Saturday 12 November
Saturday 26 November
Saturday 10 December
Saturday 17 December
Saturday 14 January
Saturday 28 January
II term
Saturday 4 February
Saturday 18 February
Saturday 4 March
Saturday 18 March
Saturday 1 April
Saturday 15 April
Saturday 6 May
Saturday 20 May
Saturday 10 June

19th century dance - Verona

Accademia Di Danza 77bisdance
Corso Milano 33

Courses with stage
on Saturday every two weeks
h. 16.00 - 18.00
First class: 1 October 2022

Teacher: Maria Bernardi

Information: 338 4952688
I term

on Saturday
1 and 22 October
5 and 19 November
3 and 17 December
14 and 28 January
II term

on Saturday
11 and 25 February
11 and 25 March
1 and 22 April
6 and 20 May

Year 2021-2022

Course of 19th Century dance of Società di Danza from October to May.
We study quadrilles, waltzes, polkas, mazurkas, contradances, according to the teaching of the best dance master of 19th century.

19th century dance - Villafranca di Verona

Danzart, via Adamello 6 B - C
Villafranca di Verona

Two courses of eight classes
on Saturday every two weeks
h. 15.45-18.30
First class: 10 October 2021

Teacher: Luana Giacobbe

Information: 348 3221331
I term
Saturday 10 October
Saturday 23 October
Saturday 13 November
Saturday 27 November
Saturday 4 December
Saturday 18 December
Saturday 15 January
Saturday 29 January

II term
to be defined

19th century dance - Verona

Accademia Di Danza 77bisdance
Corso Milano 33, Verona

Courses with stage
on Saturday every two weeks
h. 16.00 - 18.00
First classes: 15 e 29 January 2022

Teacher: Maria Bernardi

Information: 338 4952688
II term

on Saturday
5 and 19 February
5 and 19 March
2, 23 and 30 April
14 and 28 May

Year 2018-2019

Course of 19th century dance in Verona. Società di Danza realized activities in Verona from October 2019 to February 2020
with teacher Luana Giacobbe with regular courses of 19t century dance of European tradition.

Course of 19th century dance - Verona

Accademia di Danza 77 bis Dance
Corso Milano 33, Verona

Two cycles of eigth stages
Saturday every two weeks
h. 15.45 - 18.30

First class: 28 September 2019

Teacher: Luana Giacobbe

Information: 348 3221331
I term
Saturday 28 September
Saturday 12 October
Saturday 26 October
Saturday 16 November
Saturday 30 November
Saturday 14 December
Saturday 21 December

* planned calendar
II term

Friday 10 January, h. 20.30
Saturday 25 January, h. 15.30
Saturday 15 February, h. 15.30
Saturday 22 February, h. 15.30
Saturday 7 March, h. 15.30 *
Saturday 21 March, ore 15.30 *
Venerdì 3 April, h. 20.30 *
Saturday 17 April, h. 15.30 *
Saturday 16 May, h. 15.30 *
Saturday 30 May, h. 15.30 *

Year 2018-2019

Rediscover the romance of the dance of society of nineteenth-century tradition
and participate in the most beautiful Grand Balls organized by the Società di Danza of Master Fabio Mollica, held in Italy and Europe.
We study quadrilles, waltzes, polkas, mazurkas, contradances, according to the teaching of the best dance master of 19th century.

Società di Danza held activities in Verona from October 2017 to May 2018
with director and teacher Fabio Mòllica with regular courses of 19th Century dance.
Stages have been held on Saturday: 29/9, 13-27/10, (Fri.) 9-17-(Fri.) 30/11, 8/12/2018, (Fri.) 11/1,
2-16/2, 2-16-30/3, (Fri.) 12-26/4, (Fri.) 17/5/2019. Tea dance Saturday 19/1/2019. Grand Ball April 2019.

19th century dance - Verona

Accademia di Danza 77 bis Dance
Corso Milano 33, Verona

Two courses of eight classes
Saturday every two weeks
h. 15.30-18.00

Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

Information: 339 8316008

I term
Saturday 29 September, h. 15.30
Saturday 13 October, h. 15.30
Saturday 27 October, h. 15.30
Friday 9 November, h. 20.30
Saturday 17 November, h. 15.30
Friday 30 November h. 20.30
Saturday 8 December, h. 15.30
Friday 11 January 2018, h. 20.30

Saturday 19 January 2018, Tea Dance
II term
Saturday 2 February, h. 15.30
Saturday 16 February, h. 15.30
Saturday 2 March, h. 15.30
Saturday 16 March, h. 15.30
Saturday 30 March, h. 15.30
Friday 12 April, h. 20.30
Friday 26 April, h. 20.30
Friday 17 May, h. 20.30

Saturday 13 April 2019, Grand Ball, Verona

Società di Danza - Verona

Grand Ball Risorgimentale
Date to be defined

Circolo Unificato dell'Esercito
Corso Castelvecchio 4
Information: 339.8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Year 2017-2018

Società di Danza held activities in Verona from October 2017 to May 2018
with director and teacher Fabio Mòllica with regular courses of 19th Century dance.
Stages have been held on Saturday: 30/9, 14-27/10, 11-25/11, 9/12/2017, 12-20/1, 3-17/2, 3-16/3, 21/4, 12-26/5/2018.
Società di Danza Verona realized the Grand Ball Risorgimentale in Verona on 17 May 2018.

Società di Danza - Verona

Grand Ball Risorgimentale
Friday 18 May 2018, h. 20.30

Circolo Ufficiali
Corso Castelvecchio 4
Charity for Lega Italiana Fibrosi Cistica
Spanish Waltz, March Kossuth, Contraddanza La favorita, Waltz La gazza ladra, Quadrille The Lancers, Pas de trois, Waltz Rinka, March Caroussel, Contraddanza Guglielmo Tell, Waltz Repubblica Ligure, Flowers' Waltz, Galop

Information: 339.8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Year 2016-2017

Società di Danza held activities in Verona from October 2016 to May 2017
with director and teacher Fabio Mòllica with regular courses of 19th Century dance.
Stages have been held on Saturday: 23/9, 7-21/10, 11-25/11, 9/12/2016, 13-20/1, 3-17/2, 3-17-31/3, 21/4, 12/5/2017.
Società di Danza Verona realized the Grand Ball Risorgimentale in Verona on 19 May 2017.

Società di Danza - Verona

Grand Ball Risorgimentale
Friday 19 May 2017, h. 20.30

Circolo Ufficiali
Corso Castelvecchio 4

Information: 339.8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza