Festa Scozzese
domenica 5 giugno 2016
ore 17.00-19.30
Centro Civico di Camerlata,
Via Varesina 1, Como
Organizzato dai Circoli e Gruppi di
Arona, Brescia, Como, Lecco e Varese
Programma danze:
Gibson's Gallop Reel, It should be fun Jig,
Nice to see You Reel, A Capital Jig,
The Dhoon Jig, The Flying Spur Jig, Cenerentola Reel, The Honeymoon Reel, Rabbies's Reel, The Edinburgh Volunteers
Strathspey, Newburgh Jig, Let's Have a
Ceilidh Reel, A Reel for Jeannie Reel,
Simon's Dance Reel, Davy Nick Nack Reel,
Festival Interceltique Reel
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