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Società di Danza - Riccione

Home > Riccione
School of 19th century Century Dance
Cultural Association diretted by Fabio Mòllica
National Federation Società di Danza

Waltz, Polka, Quadrille, Mazurka, Scottish country dance
Social dance of European tradition
Tea dances and Balls

Promotion of historical research in the dance field.

Courses of 19th century dance

Year 2013-2014

New stages of 19th century dance in Riccione from
October 2013

349 5195636 - enricozaniboni2@tin.it


Course od 19th century dance
Cycle of stages, once per month
Calendar and timetable: the stage are on Saturday
h. 14.30-17.30
Centro Danza e Arti Sceniche
via Berlinguer 70, Riccione (RN)

from 12 October 2013
further information soon available

Teacher: Enrico Zaniboni

Year 2012-2013

Stage of 19th century dance were held in the year 2012-2014 with teacher Enrico Zaniboni.

Società di Danza