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Società di Danza - Liberec

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Danza di Società dell'Ottocento
Società di Danza - Czeck Republic

Direttrice: Kateřina Doležalová

tel. +420 606781150

Year 2010-2011

Società di Danza

19th century dance

afternoon class of 19-th century dance
Sunday, 23.1.2011
h. 14:00-16:30
Domě dětí a ml&aceute;deže Větrník - Liberec
(Riegerova 16 - Lidové sady, tramvajová linka 2,3 zastávka Riegrova)

Everyone is invited and welcome, for the 19th century social dance,
according to the courses in Prague, in Italy and all over Europe.

WHAT? Social dance from the period of Johann Strauss (father and son) at the glorious time of the Vienna State Opera: mazurka, polka, quadrille, country dance, and, of course, the king of the ball, the waltz.

WHO? Teachers are Kateřina Doležalová and Lukáš Klement.

FOR WHOM? For everyone. The course is open to all the ages, adults and oung people, aperto ad adulti e giovani di tutte le età, passionate curious and professionals. For those interested amateurs, the course can be a good extension their "repertoire plesového". Couples are welcome but not required.

PRICE? CZK 150 for each course

Kateřina Doležalová, (tel. +420 606 781 150) danza1900@seznam.cz
Příp. Františka Párysová 607 852 099 - F. Parysova @ seznam.cz
Milena Gabrielová : E-mail: milena.gabrielova @ seznam.cz

Società di Danza