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Società di Danza - Pescara

Scuola di Danza Ottocentesca
National Federation Società di Danza

Home > Pescara

Year 2023 - 2024

Courses of 19th Century dance in Pescara are active from October to June on Saturday every two weeks

Courses of 19th Century dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Countredance, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish country dance

Stage of 19th century dance from October to June in Pescara
Direction and teacher: Ornella Di Tondo

Classes twice per month
on Saturday afternoon
h. 14.15-16.15: Beginners
Course starts on 23 September 2023

Calendar: 23 September, 7 and 21 October, 11 and 25 November, 2 and 16 December 2022, 13 and 17 January,
10 and 24 February, 9 and 23 March, 6 and 20 April, 6 and 18 May 2024
Information: tel. 3398558746 - mail: chieti@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Lezioni e gruppi