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Società di Danza - Parma

Home > Parma
19th Century Dance School
National Federation Società di Danza - directed by Fabio Mòllica

Waltz, Quadrille, Contredanse, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances
Tea dances and Balls

Promotion of historical research in the dance field.

Information: 349 5195636 - parma@societadidanza.it

Year 2023-2024

Course of 19th Century Dance -
Professione Danza Parma
Via Giuseppe Botteri 14 Parma
Tuesday, h. 20.30-22.30

From October 2023

Teacher: Enrico Zaniboni

Information: 349 5195636

Società di Danza Parma

Grand Ball

Sunday 1 June 2023
ore 16.30
Rocca Meli-Lupi
Soragna (Pr)
Information: parma@societadidanza.it - Enrico 349 5195636 - Mita 347 7366323

Società di Danza

'Grand Ball Verdiano'

Saturday 16 September 2023, h. 18.00
Piazzale Picelli, Parma

Information: 349 5195636 - parma@societadidanza.it
Enrico 349 5195636 - Mita 347 7366323

Years 2021-2022

Course of 19th entury dance of Società di Danza were in Parma in the year 2022-2023 with classes every week on Saturday, with teacher Enrico Zaniboni.

Società di Danza Parma

Grand Ball 'dell'Ametista'

Sunday 28 May 2023
ore 16.30
Rocca Meli-Lupi
Soragna (Pr)
Program: Waltz Acquerelli, Quadrille L'Etruria, Mazurka Fata Morgana, Waltz N.2, March Arciduca Carlo, Contraddanza Guglielmo Tell, Waltz Artist's Life, Mazurka 'Il Cavaliere Pasman', Pas de Trois, Chineser Galop
Information: parma@societadidanza.it - Enrico 349 5195636 - Mita 347 7366323

Years 2021-2022

Course of 19th entury dance of Società di Danza were in Parma in the year 2021-2022 with classes every week on Saturday, with teacher Enrico Zaniboni.

Società di Danza

'Grand Ball Verdiano'
Satuday 17 September 2022, h. 18
Piazzale della Pace, Parma

Info: 349 5195636

Years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020

Course of 19th entury dance of Società di Danza were in Parma in the year 2018-2019 periodic on Saturday, with teacher Enrico Zaniboni.
During the year 2019-2020 from October to February classes every week, then suspended for the sanitary restrictions.

Società di Danza

'Al Regio a Passo di Danza'
19th Century Dance
Saturday 29 September 2018, h. 19.30
Fornici Teatro Regio di Parma
in 'Verdi Off' - Teatro Regio di Parma

In the shadow of the Teatro Regio, in a whirlwind of cylinders and crinolines, couples of dancers in period costume dance on some of the most famous pages of the 19th-century repertoire, transforming the space around the theater into a large ballroom.
Open to the public - Choreography and costumes by Società di Danza

Società di Danza

'Grand Ball Verdiano'
Saturday 21 September 2019, h. 19.00
Ponte di Mezzo, Parma
in 'Verdi Off'

Società di Danza

'Grand Ball Verdiano'
29 September 2019, h. 16.00
Abbazia di Valserena, Parma

Year 2017-2018

Rediscover the romance of the dance of society of nineteenth-century tradition
and participate in the most beautiful Grand Balls organized by the Società di Danza of Master Fabio Mollica, held in Italy and Europe.
We study quadrilles, waltzes, polkas, mazurkas, contradances, according to the teaching of the best dance master of 19th century.

Società di Danza

Grand Ball 'Verdiano'
Saturday 14 October 2017, ore 20
Cortile Palazzo della Pillotta
in 'Brillant Waltz Ottocentesco'
organized by 'Verdi Off'
Teatro Regio di Parma

The luminous installation transforms the Pilotta Courtyard into a big ballroom under the stars, with the spacial participation of the dancers in the period dress of the Società di Danza directed by Fabio Mòllica, dancing on Giuseppe Verdi's famous waltz orchestrated by Nino Rota for the movie 'Il Gattopardo' by Luchino Visconti and on other famous Verdian pages.
Information: 339.8316008 - info@societadidanza.it


19th century dance -

Compagnia Era Acquario
via Emilio Casa 12, Parma

Two courses of four months classes
every Thursday, h. 21-23

Course beginning: 5 October 2017

I term: October 2017 - January 2018
II term: February-May 2018

Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

Information: 339 8316008

Year 2016-2017

Società di Danza held activities in Parma from October 2016 to May 2017
with director and teacher Fabio Mòllica with regular courses of 19th Century dance.
Stages have been held on Saturday: 24/9, 8-22/10, 12-26/11, 10/12/2016, 7/1, 4-18/1, 4-18/3, 1-22/4, 13/5/2017.
Società di Danza Parma participated to several events and Grand Balls organized by Società di Danza in various Italian cities.

Tea Dance
Saturday 21 January 2017, h. 15
Tea dance with 19th Century dances and Scottish dances

Past activities

Società di Danza started the activities from October 2015 with director and teacher Fabio Mòllica
and with regular courses of 19th Century dance.
Stages have been held on Saturday:
26/9, 10-24/10,14-28/11, 19/12/2015, 16-30/1, 12/3, 9-30/4, 14/5/2016.

Società di Danza