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Società di Danza - Arona

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From May 2020 the new site of Società di Danza Novara - Arona is active,
where you can find the information about courses and activities, at the link: www.societadidanzanovara.it

School of 19th century Century Dance
Cultural Association directed by Fabio Mòllica

Waltz, Polka, Quadrille, Mazurka, Scottish country dance
Social dance of European tradition
Tea dances and Balls

Promotion of historical research in the dance field.

Courses of 19th century dance

Year 2019-2020

Arona - Dormelletto

Courses of 19th century dance
Cycle of stages, at every fifteen days

Calendar and timetable: the stage are on Saturday
First level h. 14.30-16.00
Second level h. 16.00-17.00
Third level h. 17.00-17.30
Sala Polivalente
Via San Rocco, 3
Dormelletto (No)

September 28 - October: 12 and 26
November: 9 and 16 - December: 7 and 21
January: 18 - February: 1, 15 and 29
March: 7 and 21 - April: 4 and 18
May: 9 and 23
For information:
Cinzia Galbiati and Roberto Mocchiutti - 388 6523015 - novara@societadidanza.it

Grand Ball 'di Fine Estate'

Saturday 12 September 2020, h. 16

Palazzo Penotti-Ubertini
Via Caire Albertoletti 31
Orta San Giulio (No)

Information: Cinzia e Roberto - 388 6523015 - novara@societadidanza.it

Year 2018-2019

Arona - Dormelletto

Courses of 19th century dance
Cycle of stages, at every fifteen days

Calendar and timetable: the stage are on Saturday
First level h. 14.30-16.00
Second level h. 16.00-17.00
Third level h. 17.00-17.30
Sala Polivalente
Via San Rocco, 3
Dormelletto (No)

October: 6, 20 - November: 10, 24
December: 1, 15 - January: 12, 26
February: 9, 23 - March: 9, 23
April: 6, 27 - May: 11, 25

Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro
For information:
348 0469797 - novara@societadidanza.it

Grand Ball 'del Lago'

Saturday 8 June 2019
Villa Marazza
Viale Marazza, 5, Borgomanero (No)

Programma delle danze
Spanish Waltz, March 'Vedova Allegra', Valzer Flammen, Quadrille 'Lo Zingaro Barone' 1-2-5, March Fatinitza, Contraddanza I Martiri, Waltz 'del Principe Rodolfo', Quadrille Charivari, Valzer dei Fiori, March Roma
Information: Silvia 348 0469797 - novara@societadidanza.it

Year 2017-2018

Arona - Dormelletto

Courses of 19th century dance
Cycle of stages, at every fifteen days

Calendar and timetable: the stage are on Saturday
First level h. 14.30-16.30
Second level h. 16.30-17.30
Sala Polivalente
Via San Rocco, 3
Dormelletto (No)

September: 30 - October: 14, 28
November: 11, 25 - December: 16
January: 13, 27 - February: 10, 24
March: 10, 24 - April: 14, 28
May: 12, 26

Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro
For information:
348 0469797 - novara@societadidanza.it

Year 2016-2017

Arona - Dormelletto

Courses of 19th century dance
Cycle of stages, at every fifteen days

Calendar and timetable: the stage are on Saturday
First level h. 14.30-16.30
Second level h. 16.30-17.30
Sala Polivalente
Via San Rocco, 3
Dormelletto (No)

October: 1, 15 - November: 5, 19
December: 3, 17 - January: 14, 28
February: 11, 25 - March: 11, 25
April: 8, 29 - May: 13, 27

Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro

For information:
348 0469797 - novara@societadidanza.it

Year 2015-2016

Arona - Dormelletto

Courses of 19th century dance
Cycle of stages, at every fifteen days

Calendar and timetable: the stage are on Saturday
First level h. 14.30-16.00
Second level h. 16.00-17.00
Sala Polivalente
Via San Rocco, 3
Dormelletto (No)

October: 3, 17, 31 - November: 14, 28
December: 12 - January: 9, 23
February: 6, 20 - March: 5, 19
April: 9, 23 - May: 7, 21

Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro
For information:
348 0469797 - novara@societadidanza.it

Scottish Party

Sunday 5 June 2016
h. 17.00-19.30
Centro Civico di Camerlata, Via Varesina 1, Como
Organized by Groups of Arona, Brescia, Como, Lecco e Varese
Dance program:
Gibson's Gallop Reel, It should be fun Jig, Nice to see You Reel, A Capital Jig,
The Dhoon Jig, The Flying Spur Jig, Cenerentola Reel, The Honeymoon Reel, Rabbies's Reel, The Edinburgh Volunteers Strathspey, Newburgh Jig,
Let's Have a Ceilidh Reel, A Reel for Jeannie Reel, Simon's Dance Reel,
Davy Nick Nack Reel, Festival Interceltique Reel
For information: novara@societadidanza.it

Year 2014-2015

Arona - Dormelletto

Courses of 19th century dance
Cycle of stages, at every fifteen days

Calendar and timetable: the stage are on Saturday
First level h. 14.30-16.00
Second level h. 16.00-17.00
Sala Polivalente
Via San Rocco, 3
Dormelletto (No)

October: 4 - 18; November: 8 - 22;
December: 13; January: 10 - 24;
February: 7 - 21; March: 7 - 21;
April: 11; May: 9 - 23
June: 6
Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro

For information:
348 0469797 - novara@societadidanza.it

Year 2013-2014


Courses of 19th century dance
Cycle of stages, at every fifteen days

Calendar and timetable: the stage are on Saturday
First level h. 14.00-15.25
Second level h. 15.30-17.00
At the Recreational Area Meltin Pop
Via Angelo Cantoni
(between Via Gian Giacomo Ponti and Via Roma)
Arona (NO)

October: 5 - 19; November: 9 - 23;
December: 7 - 21; January: 11 - 21;
February: 8 - 22; March: 9 - 21;
April: 5 - 26; May: 10 - 24

Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro

For information:
348 0469797 - novara@societadidanza.it

Year 2012-2013


Courses of 19th century dance
Cycle of stages, at every fifteen days

Calendar and timetable: the stage are on Saturday
h. 14.00-16.00
At the exhibition hall of the Hotel Florida
P.za del Popolo, 33 - Arona (NO)

December: 1 - 15; January: 12 - 26; February: 9 - 23
March: 9 - 23; April: 13 - 27; May: 11 - 25

Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro
For information:
348 0469797 - novara@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza