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Società di Danza - Circolo Milanese

Home > Milano Past 2004-2010

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Past Activities
Some details about the past activities of years 2004-2010

The Società di Danza started the activities in Milano with classes on XIX Century Dances and
Scottish Country Dances with the teacher Fabio Mòllica, from October 2002.

Go to the list of the main past activities

Year 2009-2010


every Wednesday
next course from February 2010

h. 20.00 - 21.15 I level
h. 21.15 - 22.15 II level
h. 22.15 - 23.00 III level

Scuola G.Carducci, via Beroldo 9

Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

Information: 339.8316008 info@societadidanza.it

Circolo di Presidio dell'Esercito
Società di Danza Milanese

Sunday 21 March 2010

Gran Ballo delle Cinque Giornate

in XIX century dress
Palazzo Cusani
Circolo di Presidio dell'Esercito
Via del Carmine 8, h. 16

Promenade in the city from h. 15.00. Dinner h. 20.00.

Valzer Spagnolo, Marcia Roma, Quadriglia Bivouac, Valzer Gaudente, Pas de trois, Gibson Gallop, Elena waltz, Principe di Napoli, Valzer Ganglovienne, Capital Jig, Valzer Note di vita quotidiana, Honeymoon, Valzer Vespri Siciliani, Marcia Caroussel, Mazurka L'andalusa, La Bortolotti, Scotland, Galop
Information: 339.8316008

Stage on Sunday

The Circoli of Bergamo, Mantova, Milano and Trento jointly organize a cycle of Sundays to study practice and theory of XIX century dances, their technique and their history.
Stage to exploit together the idea of the Società di Danza

November, 15th, 2009 Stezzano (Bergamo) - January, 24th, 2010, Mantova
h. 11.00-18.00 - Break h. 13.30

Year 2008-2009

Sunday, March, 22nd 2009
Gran Ballo delle Cinque Giornate
Palazzo Cusani
Circolo Ufficiali dell'Esercito
Via Brera, 15, h. 16

Promenade in the city from h. 15.00. Dinner h. 20.00.
Some photos

Stage on Sunday
The Circoli of Bergamo, Milano and Trento jointly organize a cycle of Sundays
to study practice and theory of our dances, their technique and their history.
Stage to exploit together the idea of the Società di Danza

November, 16th, Bergamo - February, 1st, 2009, Bergamo - March, 1st, Trento
h. 11.00-18.00 - Break h. 13.30
Milano: Scuola Svizzera, via Appiani 21
Bergamo: Palestra Scuola El. Luigi Caroli, Via Vallini 12, Stezzano
Trento: Centro Polifunzionale, via della Resistenza 63

Year 2007-2008

Danza di Società alla Società del Giardino nell'800

(Social Dance and the Società del Giardino in XIX Century)
F. Mòllica

Società del Giardino, via San Paolo 10, Milano
Wednesday, May 27, 2008, h. 18.30

Stage on Sunday
The Circoli of Bergamo, Milano and Trento jointly organized a cycle of stages on Sundays
to study practice and theory of our dances, their technique and their history.
Stage to exploit together the idea of the Società di Danza

21.10.2007 Milano - 18.11.2007 Bergamo - 9.12.2007 Trento
21.1.2008 Milano - 17.2.2008 Bergamo - 2.3.2008 Trento
h. 11.00-18.00 - Break h. 13.30
Milano: Scuola Svizzera, via Appiani 21
Bergamo: Palestra Scuola El. Don Minzoni, Via Paglia, Stezzano (Highway exit 'Dalmine')
Trento: Centro Diurno di Povo

Some photos

Domenica, 16 Marzo 2008
Gran Ballo delle Cinque Giornate
Palazzo Cusani, Circolo Ufficiali

Via Brera 15, h. 16
Valzer Spagnolo, Bob of Fettercairn, Quadriglia Notte a Venezia, Valzer Flammen, Polka Francese, Valzer Petitionen, Kendall's Hornpipe, Valzer Notte Blu, Espie Mc Nabb, Valzer Simpatia, Quadriglia Pulcinella, Major Ian Stewart, Veleta, Mazurca Amore e Vino, Cinderella, Valzer del Principe Rodolfo, Nice to see you, Valzer Imperiale, Starry Eyed Lassie, Galop

Some photos
Sunday, March, 18, 2007
Gran Ballo delle Cinque Giornate
Palazzo Cusani, Circolo Ufficiali

Via Brera 15, h. 16
Some photos

Palazzo Reale
March, 27, 2006
Gran Ballo del Gattopardo
in collaboration with the Orchestra Sinfonica 'Giuseppe Verdi'
and the Assessorato alla Cultura of Comune di Milano. <

Palazzo Reale
March, 2, 2006
Gran Ballo in Maschera
organized by the Assessorato alla Cultura and Assessorato alla Moda of Comune di Milano.

Palazzo Reale
December, 1, 2005
Spettacolo - animazione

Saturday, March 19th 2005
Gran Ballo delle Cinque Giornate
Circolo della Stampa di Milano, Palazzo Serbelloni
Corso Venezia 16

Some photos


logo.museobv.jpg Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
Salone d'Onore, via Gesù 5, h. 17.30


Free entrance.

In the activities to promote the study of XIX Century culture, the Museo Bagatti Valsecchi proposes four conferences devoted to the ball history from the beginning to the end of the Century, with charming opening on the music and costume history, and places of social life in Milano.
The first three conferences will present dance history from Milano at the time of Napoleon to the period of the industrial middle class of the years just after the Unity of Italy. In the fourth conference that will conclude the cycle, Marialuisa Rizzini, researcher of fashion history, analyzes fashion evolution in the ball toilette, that gave the chance to the XIX Century ladies to exhibit their more sumptuous mises.
In the four conferences slides will be presented.

For information: Museo Bagatti Valsecchi
tel. 02 02 76006132 / 02 76014857, mail info@museobagattivalsecchi.org

Information: 339.8316008


Go to the list of past Activities - Home page Milano

The Società di Danza started the activities with classes on XIX Century Dances and
Scottish Country Dances with the teacher Fabio Mòllica, from October 2002.
Some information about past activities
Società di Danza