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Società di Danza - Messina

Home > Messina
19th Century Dance School
National Federation Società di Danza - directed by Fabio Mòllica
Waltz, Quadrlle, Coutry dance, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dnc
Tea Dance and Grand Balls

Promotion of historical reseach in the dance field.

Information: 339 8316008 - messina@societadidanza.it

Year 2024-2025

To rediscover the the romantic charm of society dance; of nineteenth-century tradition
and participate to the Grand Balls organized by Società of Dance by Maestro Fabio Mòllica, which are held in Italy and in Europe.
We study quadrilles, waltzes, polkas, mazurkas, country dances, according to the teachings of the best 19th century dance masters.

Course of 19th century dance - Messina

Studio Danza di Mariangela Bonanno, Via Fata Morgana 11, Messina

I cycle of classes from September 2024 - on Saturday every two weeks

beginners h. 16.30-18.00 and I level h. 18.00-19.00

Calendar I term: 21 September - first class to try
September 28
October 5, 29
November 2, 16, 30
December 14
January 11, 25

Calendar II term: February 8, 22
March 8, 22
April 5, 12
May 10, 24
Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

Information: 339 8316008 - messina@societadidanza.it

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19th century Ball

4 January 2025
h. 18.30
Patti (Me)
Museo San Francesco
Via Cappellini 27

organized by Pro Loco di Patti
and Comune di Patti

Program: Spanish Waltz, March 'Auguri di Buon Anno', Contraddanza Sinfonia, Waltz Flammen, Quadrille Touristen 1-3,
March Saracena, Contraddanza 'del Lago', March Roma, Galop

Information: Fabio 3398316008 - messina@societadidanza.it

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19th century Ball

14 December 2024
h. 20
Salone della Borsa
Palazzo della Camera di Commercio
Via Cavallotti Felice 3

in 'Serata della Cultura', organized by Comune di Messina, Assessorato alla Cultura e Turismo, in collaboration with FAI, Camera di Commercio di Messina
Information: Fabio 3398316008 - messina@societadidanza.it

  foto: 1, 2, 3

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19th century Dance

27 October 2024
Forte Cavalli, Messina
Presentation of 19th century dance
in the event 'Forti d'Autunno' by Comune di Messina - Press

Information: Fabio 3398316008 - messina@societadidanza.it

Year 2023-2024

Società di Danza Messina in the year 2023-2024 held a course of 19th century dance,
and organized tea dances and grand balls, with direction and teacher Fabio Mòllica.

Course of 19th century dance - Messina

Studio Danza di Mariangela Bonanno, Via Fata Morgana 11, Messina
I cycle of classes from 30 September 2023 - on Saturday every two weeks
beginners h. 16.30-18.00 and I level h. 18.00-19.00

Calendar I term: September 30 - October 7, 25 - November 11, 25 - December 9 - January 20, 27
Calendar II term: February 10, 24 - March 9, 23 - April 6, 20 - May 4, 18
Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

Sunday 29 October - Autumn Party Sunday 19 November - Festa delle castagne
Sunday 17 December - Christmas Party Sunday 7 January - Festa della Befana
Sunday 11 February - Festa Danzante Sunday 17 March - Festa Danzante

Information: 339 8316008 - messina@societadidanza.it

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19th century Ball

Sunday 8 June 2024
h. 17.30
Villa Cianciafara

Via Zafferia 17


Information: Fabio 3398316008 - messina@societadidanza.it

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19th century Ball

Sunday 28 January 2024
h. 16.30
Villa Vittoria

Via Vittoria 7


Spanish Waltz, March 'su monti e valli', Contraddanza Gothic Jig, Waltz Simpatia, Quadrille Stradella, Camelie March, Contraddanza Jig to the music, Waltz Luigi XV, Cotillon, March Roma, Waltz Amelie, Galop Guglielmo Tell

Information: Fabio 3398316008 - messina@societadidanza.it

Year 2022-2023

To rediscover the the romantic charm of society dance; of nineteenth-century tradition
and participate to the Grand Balls organized by Società of Dance by Maestro Fabio Mòllica, which are held in Italy and in Europe.
We study quadrilles, waltzes, polkas, mazurkas, country dances, according to the teachings of the best 19th century dance masters.

Course of 19th century dance - Messina

Studio Danza di Mariangela Bonanno
Via Fata Morgana 11

Two cycles of classes with eight stage each
on Saturday every two weeks
h. 17.00-19.00

Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

Information: 339 8316008
I term
October 1, 15, 29
November 12, 26
December 10
January 14, 28
II term

February 11, 25
March 11, 18
April 15, 29
May 6, 27

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Dancing Party
Sunday 28 May 2023, h. 17
Circolo ufficiali Marina Militare
Via San Ranieri snc Zona Falcata
Spanish Waltz, March "Arciduca Carlo", Quadrille Etruria 1-3, Waltz Rinka, Marine two step,
Cenerentola, March Roma, Virgina Reel,
Galop and animation dances

Information: Fabio 3398316008 - messina@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza