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Società di Danza - Massa-Carrara

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National Federation Società di Danza

Società di Danza
Viareggio e Versilia
Cultural Association

19th century dance - Scottish country dance

Courses of Social dance of 19th century
Waltz, Polka, Quadrille, Mazurka, Country dance
Social dance of 19th century European tradition


Course of 19th century dance
From October 2014 classes every two weeks
on Saturday afternoon
Calendar to be defined
The course will be held with at least 8 participants

Teacher: M. Luisa Fava

For information:
339 2259850 - 050 562176 - viareggio@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza
Viareggio e Versilia

Presentation Stage
19th century dance and Scottish dance
Saturday 15 December 2012, h. 15.30-18.30
at Accademia 'Armata Brancaleone'
via Oliveti n.64 (corner Via Acquale)

339 2259850 - 050 562176 - viareggio@societadidanza.it

The first 19th century dance classes were held in Massa, in December 2012 and January 2013, with teacher M.L. Fava.

Società di Danza