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Società di Danza - La Maddalena

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"Tersicore - Danze e Tradizioni"
Società di Danza - La Maddalena

National Federation Società di Danza

ATTENTION: site updated up to 2008 - for recent information contact


"Tersicore - Danze e Tradizioni" is a cultural association funded in La Maddalena (OT) on July, 14, 2007 that aims to promote the study, pratice and diffusion of historical dance with special focus on XIX century social dance of European tradition in a contemporary dimension. It promotes cultural joint projects with other cultural or folk associations of the area.
The Association develops a dance system that joins technical and artistic aspects, and specifically cares the costumes, as an aesthetic element that also improves the quality of the dance.
The Association is formed by volunteers that have performed in various XIX century dance reconstructions.

The Association Tersicòre, in agreement with the ideas in the Manifesto, accept the System and the Educational Material, joins the FederationSocietà di Danza.

XIX century social dance of European tradition include quadrilles, country dances, waltz, Polka and mazurka.

Current activities of the Association Tersicòre include:
Weekly classes -
Balls - Events

Classes are currently held at the gymnasium of the state school, via La Fornace with the following schedule:
For information:

349-5958608 - tersicore.danze.e.tradizioni@gmail.com

Realized performance:

Associazione Tersicore - Danze e Tradizioni
Società di Danza di La Maddalena - Via La Fornace vic. b2
07024 La Maddalena (OT) - 0789 739106 / 349 3271837
President : Rosalba Lubinu
Secretary : Franco Lullia

Società di Danza